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Gary Clark Fan

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Everything posted by Gary Clark Fan

  1. Got to give Lashley props. Did anyone see how he took down the side of the cage. He ran full steam into the cage wall knocking it down onto Umaga.....Now that was a sick move and one of the better endings to a wwe tv show in ages.
  2. its been posted on a bunch of websites.........believe me i hope this isnt the case but as of right now another reason not to order WM BTW, anyone ever been to wrestlecrap.com........if no highly recommend it.....great wrestling site
  3. Sorry to burst your bubble, but as i stated earlier SCSA is the ref and lashley is trump's pick...........sorry for breaking kayfabe, but its old news......the wwe.com is not the best source for accurate news
  4. actually the attitude era is a response to the popularity that ecw was receiving at the time...........yea nWo did play a role but lets not give wcw to much credit.....i dont compare SJ with Umaga......Umaga is more cartoonish then Joe and Joe is ten times the wrestler Umaga is but i was impressed with his street fight.
  5. Im sick of SCSA........All he does is come to the ring drink beer and give stunners...........it was funny/cool years ago, now its been overdone and not interested in seeing SCSA around.......Besides the only reason he is back is to promote his new movie.....The only way this match works is if they make it a street fight or hardcore match.........Umaga has proven to me that he can fight (see the Cena/Umaga street fight). anyways it will be funny to here JR bust a load when SCSA hits the ring
  6. so Trump's pick for the match at WM..................Lashley! Ugg. Wait it gets worse..........SCSA will be the guest referee.....Wow, this WM is goin to really suck
  7. Well apparently Test failed the wellness test and has been taken off the road (oh what a horrible lose) so they replace him with the repackaged snitsky who is basically the same old same old stiff with a shaven head....ECW is just horrible right now, especially now that RVD has given his notice and CM Punk is in the doghouse.......... WSX: I like it. yes its hookey but man i miss seeing some of action that we dont get to see in the wwe so its a good change of pace. Finally, I hate goin to wwe Raw/SD shows.........especially SD...went once in the late 90's to see SD at MCI and it just dragged on and on that eventually I left.....RAW is better to see live but to be honest its just better to watch it on tv, that way you dont miss anything and u see all the backstage skits and you can actually hear things.
  8. Heinderich: Old ecw ppv sound awesome.....let me try and convince my wife to spend a little on some and i would be very interested....BTW, are they dvd or vhs? WSX was awesome for the wrestling, thats all. I can live with the hoky exploding electric wires and piranah tanks as long as I get to see high spots and not your typical wwe style match with plenty of rest holds...Good so far but man the ring announcer must be on drugs.
  9. Lashley wins.......u will not miss anything.......nothing exciting ever happens in wwecw....... BTW, it sucks that CM Punk's push was canned.
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