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Posts posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. 1 hour ago, mcsluggo said:










    Not sure if you're disagreeing, but look at the Republican candidates who won the nomination in every election cycle since forever.   All older white men.  I think Romney was the youngest at the time he ran.  


    40-ish year old governor?  Yeah, no.


    Edit: Can't believe I forgot about GWB.  Still he was 55 when he ran/assumed office.  For some reason I thought Romney was younger.

  2. On 1/1/2019 at 7:32 PM, GoDeep81 said:

    Finished House of Cards.. (cough) weak (cough)  Show lost it's edge when it lost Spacey, unfortunately.. 


    Mrs Maisel.. Said it before, season one was better done and funnier, imo, than Im dying up here.. I can't wait for season 2.. But yea, they do dance and sing. Usually just a few bars and tolerable, but it happens. lol 


    Way before that ... I thought it started dropping off in quality about halfway through Season 4, though alot of that was driven by one single flaw, that I didn't find Conway a realistic or compelling canidate for POTUS.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

    Finished Bad Blood. I liked it, but I am a total sucker for mob movies/series. Didn't know until I googled it that the Montreal crime family was 'Ndrangheta (Calabrese) rather than Cosa Nostra (Sicilian American).


     Started watching The Last Kingdom. The first episode was a little slow, but once they introduce Alfred the Great I got hooked. For all the good press Charlemagne gets, Alfred was likely more intellectual - truly one of the most interesting characters of the Middle Ages.


    One the other hand, I gave up on Amazon's Brittania, which takes place during the second Roman invasion. The show has some great performances, but the druids are overdone. It's like the writers couldn't decide between doing a historical drama like HBO's Rome (one of my all-time favorites) or fantasy like Game of Thrones.


    Last Kingdom is pretty good, although they did play out a particular plotline one too many timesn  

    Uhtred pisses off Alfred somehow, Alfred gets in trouble, Uhtred bails Alfred and is redeemed (at least partially)

    , although that is ended by the end of season 3. 



  4. I know I've brought up this in this thread before, but how is the UK supposed to leave the EU, and also not have a border between NI and ROI, or some type of internal border between NI and the rest of the UK? 


    Kicking the can down the road is not a solution. 


    If they don't have a border, Brexit becomes nearly worthless, as an easy way to circumvent it would be to ship goods to Ireland, they move them to NI, at which point they could move to the rest of the UK.   The same goes for people, granted they would be immigrating illegally and therefore couldn't legally work/reside in the UK. 


    If they can't figure that out,  the most sensible thing to do is to cancel Brexit.  


    Honestly I think they should call for another referendum, due to this one issue.   Its the elephant in the room that makes everything else really irrelevant. 

  5. 4 hours ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

    At this rate I feel like the books and show are blended enough to not have to dig up the ASOIAF book thread ...


    Anyone else reading the new Martin book on the Targaeryans? God it's good. Can't put it down. I'm like 350 pages in and just now getting to 100 AC ... Martin and his editors have a way of telling a story


    Does it have a end ?  Or is it half finished like ASoIaF ?

    • Haha 3
  6. 4 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:

    The Prime Minister finally has negotiated a final version of the agreement that withdraws the UK from the EU and sets the future relationship between the two. But the Brexit faction of the Tories hates it because they basically promised that the final agreement would be complete independence from the EU instead of what is likely to be dependence on EU rules on pretty much everything. It's very possible that the agreement might not pass Parliament because of this, which would raise the probability of a Hard Brexit, i.e. a complete break with the EU on Brexit Day 2019 and a probable economic and political catastrophe.


    Has the Northern Ireland mess been sorted out?


    My understanding is that Northern Ireland doesn't want hard border with the Republic of Ireland, and neither the UK nor NI want any type of border (customs or otherwise) between NI and the UK.   But yet, without either of those, how the heck is the UK supposed to separate itself from the EU given that Republic of Ireland is in the EU? 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

    Who decides what is and is not biased?  I would argue that even the "Non poilitcal committees" have some bias.  At some point, a human has to draw lines, or program the computer that draws them.  It's impossible to avoid.  It can be mitigated, but again, who decides what is good enough and what is still not?


    In the case of Massachusetts, I'm not sure there would be way to draw that map such that you could get a Republican elected to the House.   Democratic canidates got at least 60% in almost every race.  Trying to find a breakdown by county but its hard info to come by


    Ironically Massachusetts just re-elected a Republican Governor (Charlie Baker), who even had more votes than Elizabeth Warren.


    In Virginia's case though, when you totalled up all the votes it was clear that Democrats should have had more seats.  On top of that, you had Democrats winning all the recent state-wide races (Governor, Senator, President) yet the House remained tilted to the Republican side.

  8. On 10/20/2018 at 10:43 AM, TK said:

    Just finished Daredevil Season 3.


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    Though I kept expecting Bullseye to kill off Karen since he didn't get to kill off Elektra in Season 2.


    Oh & a FU to FOX for them not allowing the word adamantium to be used. 


    LOVED the nod to Gladiator in that fight scene.


    Speaking of fight scenes, the prison hallway fight was awesome.




    Yeah, once they did that whole backstory on Karen, I was for sure she was a goner.


    Wasn't sure who you were talking about when you mentioned Bullseye (never read the comics), had to look it up .. seems pretty obvious they're setting him up to be the major villain of S4.


    Yeah prison hallway fight scene was pretty good.  Much better than anything in S2.  The Russian hideout hallway scene in S1 is still tops IMO.




  9. On 10/19/2018 at 10:05 PM, stevemcqueen1 said:

    Luke Cage the show made a lot of ****ing terrible choices to end the second season and deserved to be canceled.  The character ran it's course as a solo vehicle and the show rapidly and incomprehensibly jumped the shark.  It was always skating on thin ice with it's many, many contrivances.  It was propped up by the strength of some of it's compelling villains and support characters, and Mike Colter's easy likability.  Deciding that Luke Cage should dump Claire Temple and become the villain for... reasons... was just god awful.  Alfre Woodard's entire character arc was ****ing absurd.  She's very talented but that **** just didn't work.


    Luke Cage didn't necessarily become the villain, just the Kingpin.  I imagine if they did season 3, it would revolve around a "least of all evils" theme, where LC would look the other way at certain crimes (drugs, etc.) but they are certain rules which LC enforces. Like maybe no dealing to kids or pregnant women.   And the conflict would be to how much he could ignore. 


    I thought Season 2 was better than Season 1.  Alot of people liked Cottonmouth as a villain.  The problem was why didn't Cage just simply break into Harlem's Paradise and whoop his a$$.  Its not like anyone could have stopped him at the time.  At least until he got that magic bullet, but Cage didn't know that.

  10. 2 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

    Can someone give us the crib notes version of what happened and why this matters?


    Washington Post reporter and US resident was killed for criticizing the Saudi government (KSA) by the Saudi government.  US is also nominally allied with the KSA.   


    It would be like if we lured Snowden to a US consulate in Russia, and then killed him 

  11. One US airline I can vouch for is Hawaiian.   If you leave in the morning, they actually give you a decent hot meal. 


    Not sure what people have against Dulles now, besides the long distance from terminal to the gate.  Worst airport I have been in would be LAX.   Not so much the airport itself, but getting into and out of it.  There is always a traffic jam.   Uber/Lyft will take like 15-20 minutes just to pick you up.  And then another 20 minutes just to leave the airport.


  12. On 9/20/2018 at 9:44 AM, techboy said:

    I3. There's nothing wrong, per se, with a literal and strict interpretation of divine inspiration, but I'd caution against making it a central tenet of the faith, which certainly isn't supported by the Biblical texts themselves (in that you must believe it to be saved). There are many stories of people elevating a strict Biblical literalism to a central idea, then falling away from the faith when they couldn't make it work. Bart Ehrman is a very famous example of this... He's a fantastic scholar, and he just couldn't reconcile his simplistic and unrealistic view of Biblical inerrancy with his scholarly work, and rather than adjust his viewpoint on inerrancy, he tossed the whole thing.



    That's not my understanding of what happened with Ehrman, I thought he liberalized his views for a while before becoming totally secular.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Llevron said:


    Yes. All the toys lol


    If you haven't already, might want to try a kong with a frozen treat inside.    


    If the behavior only happens when you aren't home, its a tough problem.   Maybe start by leaving the house for 5 minutes, and if he doesn't chew on the furniture, or chews with his toys, then give him a treat.  Keep upping the time, and possibly you can condition him not to shred what he's not supposed to.  But I'm no dog expert, just an owner, and haven't had to deal with problem my dog causes when I'm away, really only when I'm home so its been easier. 

  14. On 9/16/2018 at 6:23 AM, Llevron said:

    Thanos is totally a shredder. I think he does it out of anxiety though because he never does it while we are home. 


    Chewed through the wall, the carpet, the stairs, a few shirts, a few beds (kinds for his crate) all that. But when we are home with him hes a ****ing angel. I dont know what I can do to fix that but I'm working on getting him used to being in the house by himself. 


    Just this morning left him to help get the groceries out of the car. Only like 4 minutes by himself out of his crate but he did fine. Hopefully that will help but I'm not sure at all. 


    Let me start with the obvious - does he have ample chew toys ?

  15. 8 hours ago, mcsluggo said:

    Unpopular Opinion:


    "Sons of Anarchy" was a terrible show.   awful.    boring.  badly acted.   predictable.    lame.     


    i have less than no interest in watching Sons of Anarchy deux.   


    6 hours ago, zoony said:

    This I can agree with.  And I will raise you one...


    The Walking Dead sucks.  The writers forgot that the plot should arc at some point.  I mean, if it just keeps going straight up at 45 degreea, at some point i just dont give a ****.  For me that was season 3.


    Agree on both counts.  Biggest problem with Sons of Anarchy was  "too much, too soon" that I didn't find it at all credible.   I think in the first two episodes, there's something like they kill a half dozen rival bikers in some type of raid, and destroy a cop car while the cop witnesses it, and there are zero reprecussions. 


    The impression I got from The Walking Dead, was it was basically Lost, except with a zombie apocalypse instead of being trapped on a island.

  16. On 8/15/2018 at 1:34 PM, DogofWar1 said:

    It just amazes me how with all these techie hotshot millionaires and billionaires out there no one has really pushed a "twitter but we ban white supremecists and keep your info safe" site.


    Though I suspect that kind of site would be woefully unprofitable.


    So I guess my pondering answers itself.


    Selling your info is how they make money.  There's been lots of alternatives to Facebook/Twitter going to back to 2010.  Google+, Diaspora, Friendica, etc.  For some reason they never caught on.

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