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Posts posted by NewCliche21

  1. bc he was only here for a year. its not like he was in the organization for a long time. PLUS he designed it to look more like the packers.... it just doesnt make sense that we would wear helmets he designed

    ...... imagine bill cowher coached for ONLY the 2008-2009 season, and during that season, he designed a new helmet for us that he based on the steelers helmet.... its basically the same thing, just a couple decades before

    Are you SERIOUSLY comparing Cowher to LOMBARDI?

    What's next? Comparing Nickelback to the Beatles?


  2. I would agree. But the Cowboys have taken over lately. Eagle fans are supposed to be the most crazy and obnoxious and they took that title from us.

    Think of this is another run at the title. I WANT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd much rather go off on Who Del than the Cowboys fans. I just have more respect for a group of fans that does NOT have their own avatars for being asshats. TOM is the only one who I truly respect, but Who Del and Number5 make up, sort of, for WB.

  3. Thats the road to anarchy and latent homosexual tendencies my friend.

    The enemy of my enemy is just another frigging enemy :)

    Eh, you're right. I mean the enemy of the Soviets was bin Laden, and the enemy of Iran was Saddam . . .

    Either way, my new mantra is from Who Del: "**** the Cowboys!"

  4. The Redskins have more than 3 Championships. :laugh:

    They have 5. Its not a secret. You should probably know this if you're going to trash talk.

    Um, no they don't. The other ones don't count because it's inconvenient for J_J. You clearly haven't been paying attention to how this works. :rolleyes:

  5. Only problem with this thread is that it ignores the fact that Eagles and Giants fans are some of the most obnoxious effers in the world of fandom. Go watch the Skins on the road if you don't believe it. While the Boys trolls may piss a little bit more vinegar on the board here, the truth is, they're pansies compared to the other NFC East fans.

    So, while I like you Who Del, errr....your points kind of lost on me.

    I'm no big fan of 'No New Threads' - but if you weren't 'Who Del', you'd have had it slapped on you for this one.

    Tarhog: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  6. Thanks for admiting it...........your "Scab team".

    Yes, you idiot, our SCAB TEAM kicked your starting team's ass and put us in the position to win the Super Bowl.

    Another example of how no matter how good you are, we are better.

    In one of your 90's runs, you guys went 13-3 while we went a pathetic 3-13. What's funny is that two of your losses were two of our wins. That's right, even when we were the WORST team in the league, we were still better than you when you were the SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS.

    You fail as a team.

    You fail as a fan.

    You fail as a poster.

    You fail as a person.

  7. WHy the hostility newcliche?

    Again, in our failure to comunicate, I call "losing" not winning it all.

    Let me know when Philly wins the last game of the season.

    You are the antithesis of brilliance.





    You are the stupidest person with whom I have had the displeasure of "discussing".

  8. If the strike years consisted of 2/3's of my teams championships, I'd wear them as a badge of honor too. What choice would I have really?

    But thanks anyway, I'm not interested in hearing why.:silly:

    What an effing idiot. I'm sorry that your team was crap those years. I really am. Our scab team owned your starters. How does that feel?

    Please, bend over and insert your keyboard so you can type even more **** on the site.

  9. Thats a little hardcore don't you think WD? I mean c'mon, I know losing, season after season, after season can be rough on you (actually I don't know cause I'm a Cowboys fan, but I could imagine), but **** everything that lives, breathes and walks in Dallas? C'mon, this is a great place to live (other than the hot summers), we got hot chicks, great restaurants, and many, many championships.

    Let none of us forget, and I don't mean to get on my soapbox here, but if we were all in a foxhole together fighting for our country, none of us would care which team we root for, we'd all fight to the death to protect each other (with the possible exception of tr1, who I admit, I would like to see him at least take a bullet in the fanny (not life threatening, just to see him in some pain).

    [invoking the Art precedent]

    You are the stupidest person to ever post on this board. Really. Worse than THA, worse than HeHateMe, worse than every member of the NNT group. The Eagles owned the NFC East for the better part of this century. OWNED. Like, winning the division in Week 13 owned. Yes, while YOU were terrible and WE were terrible. For anyone on this board to be mocking a team that owned every other team in our division is ridiculous. And did the Eagles even lose this year? No. Who was the NFC East Champion this year? Oh yeah. Not the Cowboys. THE EFFING EAGLES! I hate that team almost as much as I hate your effing team, but damn were they gods compared to the rest of our division.

    You seriously are an idiot. Please stop posting.

  10. I think I may be in the minority posting in this thread but I prefer our current uniforms, especially our current helmet. I did like out 70th anniversy unis as I thought they looked pretty cool.

    What I do like is how we are going to showcase this retro-uni against the fish, with hopefully with the same results as Superbowl XVII vice VIII in "73.:logo:

    You're not in the minority, because I'm the majority. Always.


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