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Posts posted by FrFan

  1. 1 hour ago, SkinInsite said:

    With all the young french talents, it'll be a shame if their national team doesn't win multiple trophies.

     With Le Graet at the helm of the FFF and his buddy Deschamps coaching we won't win anything.


    La Liga referee carries Real Madrid bag filled with merchandise after awarding Los Blancos dodgy penalty in win over Villarreal


    Edit: Another great coaching decision from Jardim, MBappé out Germain in = score

    MBappé is the youngest player to score 5 goals in the CL

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  2. Rummenigge is really pissed off : "Ich muss sagen, ich habe heute zum ersten Mal so etwas wie wahnsinnige Wut in mir, Wut, weil wir beschissen worden sind. Wir sind beschissen worden, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes“

    I must say that today I have for the first time something like a crazy rage in me, anger, we've got f..... !

  3. 1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

    I can't tell if Melenchon is brilliant and onto something revolutionary, or just a total ****ing nutjob.

    The later one, he's a raging commy who enjoys listening to himself on any big stage. If  you're making more than $35,000/month he'll rob you with a 90% tax.

    He wants an increase in public spending of €173 billion over five years and an investment plan worth €100 billion !

    I almost forgot he is using holograms to appear on stage at the same time in different locations.


  4. On 8/4/2017 at 3:00 AM, Metalhead said:

    casting Johansson was indeed pointless and needless whitewashing. Yes, I said it. There aren't many opportunities in American cinema to have an Asian female lead (if there are any at all) but this was one. I mean seriously, when else if not this film?

    Here you go ;): 6 Japanese Actresses Who Could (and Should!) Replace Scarlett Johansson in 'Ghost in the Shell’

    Marketing aside, I was thinking about the japanese actress in X-Men Rita Fukushima :ph34r:


  5. 1 hour ago, SkinInsite said:


    Seems Monaco got a lot better despite him stop splashing cash because of his divorce.


    His lawyers are handling the divorce trial very well so far. In the first instance of the trial he was sentenced to pay her CHF4 billion (half of his fortune).

    After the second instance he was sentence to CHF534 mil instead. They finally settled the matter for an undisclosed amount.

    Most importantly major props to coach Jardim who built a fantastic entertaining team despite being stripped of his best players year in year out.


    • Like 2
  6. 16 minutes ago, SkinInsite said:

    I have a new crush in Mbappe


    Just killing it 

    Youngest player to score one goal in both legs during previous round and 2 goals in one quarter final game.

    The best part is that he's humble, nothing like most of the others. He said he wants to play one more year for Monaco. I hope fame and money won't change him. Monaco is going to cash over €100 mil for him, question being will Rybolovlev resist a major offer ?

    The problem for the club is that they don't have a solid bench, I'm worrying they'll run out of gas and won't be able to beat the evil empire for La Ligue 1 crown.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, MisterPinstripe said:

    Yep, I am REALLY looking forward to the Dortmund v Monaco match.

    Game is in jeopardy, Dortmund's bus has been hit by an explosion, one player suffering minor hand injury.


    Update: This dude from Bild saying the game is postponed to tomorrow

    Moritz Leihkamm @kopfballer

    Spiel wird abgesagt und morgen nachgeholt! #bvbasm


    Game officially postponed

    1. Das Spiel #bvbasm wurde soeben abgesagt. Neuansetzung: Mittwoch, 12.04. 18.45 Uhr. Tickets behalten Gültigkeit. #bvbasm


  8. FILTERIS/EUROMEDIATIONS latest buzz/web/social network :



    For the record Filteris predicted the Brexit, Trump winning the social network buzz (quantitative) 53.5% vs Clinton 46.5%, Clinton winning the qualitative 29% vs 21%. Filteris was the only one which predicted the loss for Sarkozy during the first round of the republicans primary and the win for Fillon.

    They got it all wrong concerning the socialists primary though and the % of votes for Fillon during the primary.

    Their method is not to ask questions that direct the answers, not to make random adjustments to which the pollsters must inevitably bend to. On the contrary, the methodology of Filteris Euromediations makes it possible to capture and analyze public opinion on social networks and to identify certain trends in the short, medium and long term.

    FWIW one of the board member and shareholder is a friend of Fillon's brother.


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  9. What a stupid reference from Fillon, since Vercingétorix as great as he was ultimately lost to Cesar and the Germans at Alésia. He was made prisonner, sent to Rome to have his head chopped later on ! He won a battle but lost the war stupid you.

    18 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:
    He's done.

    Not sure about that. Maybe the stupid french will realize that there is a conspiracy from the medias and the justice to put him down.

    First of all he is presumed innocent until found guilty. Recent history/conspiracy proved it. Sarkozy and his minister of economy were indicted in an alleged financing scam involving Liliane Betancourt owner of L'Oreal. Turns out the justice dismissed them despite the constant week in week out media/justice rage.

    The facts go back to 2005, that's more than a decade ago. In the meantime Fillon was prime minister during 5 years why did the medias remained silent about it while they knew she was his assistant ? Last year he decided to run for presidency, medias remained mute again ! (they know most of them do that)

    He won the primary race, medias mute again !

    Then they disclosed the alleged fake jobs scandal with the help of the judges/police in violation of the confidentiality of the investigation.They all did it at the worst possible time of Fillon's campaign, OH what a coincidence !

    Ministry of State just resigned because he is indicted in the same fake jobs scandal involving his children. Since he is socialist there are no violations of the secrecy of the investigation here, OH what an irony ! No files leaked to the medias !

    Why did they do that ? Simply because Fillon kicked Sarkozy's and Juppé's ass and therefore he was defacto our next president. That was the worst possible scenario for the medias (and the socialist justice). They would have had nothing to write about, all the political TV debates becoming useless and uninteresting, losing millions of € in papers and TV ads !

    Let's assume he is guilty or not, the question for the French is: would you vote for him ?. Since he is the only one who have experience and a program (wether people agree or not about this program) or would you vote for the son of Hollande (Macron) who has below zero foreign diplomatic experience, has never stood for election, proved his incompetency when he was minister of economy, no political party to back him up, and last but not least has no program but only a "vision" as he claimed ?



    "I cannot prevent the French from being French"
    Charles de Gaulle

  10. Yesterday we were the official instant replay guinea pigs. We lost 0-2 to Spain on a couple of instant replays. One denying an offside goal the other granting a suspicious pk to Spain. Oh Lord Koscielny had a PK relapse !

    The bad thing being that the football authorities didn't care to display these instant replays on the stadium screen.

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