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Posts posted by Peregrine

  1. I cant believe we drafted this guy over all of the other guys there......


    Oh wait, sorry, wrong thread.  This is probably the only pick of the last 10 years no one can complain about.  While Id like to think he destroys the league in his first year, I hope that people will keep in mind even superstars may take a year to adjust.  Even Mack only had 4 sacks his first year, and thats a far cry from Sweat's 7 last year, which still leaves people wondering if he is a bust.

  2. 1 minute ago, zskins said:


    Maybe there is less faith in Guice. 

    And Love...and the former Perine...and the former Jones...


    RB is one of 22 starting positions, should be drafted once in every 3 years, and yet instead of 4.5% of picks, we have used 20% of our top 4 picks each year on a RB.  In today's NFL that is criminal.

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  3. 1 hour ago, RawRebel said:

    If we draft Chase Young we will have 3 of the top 25 defensive players on that list(Chase Young/Reuben Foster and Johnathan Allen).

    While nice, I think that list shows how bad PFF is.  That top 25 list is pretty painful, with a few great players, a grand canyon of recency bias, and mostly just players that are massive disappointments or outright failures.

    • Like 3
  4. That Detroit swap would be great, but unless A. They just fall in love with a QB who they determine is a sure superstar, and B. Miami comes in real heavy, and it's super obvious to Detroit, it just isn't happening. They have to be both sold on taking a particular QB, and sold that someone is going to jump them. It's too obvious we just want Chase Young

  5. 21 minutes ago, Vanguard said:

    I’m just a big advocate of consistency.  And I think you have a rare opportunity to maintain that with OConell.  But he’s gone, so it doesn’t matter.

    We've had consistency for 6 years, and what did that get us?


    Consistency is absolutely worthless unless paired with ability.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    We don't know if KOC is reluctant, or if Ron wants him.  


    And there is no way Ron is going to force him to stay.  If he wants out, he's going to let him out.  He's more of the "coach Joe" philisiphy than Bruce.  Joe famously said, if you don't want to be here, come see me and I'll find a way to get you out of here.  He did it for whatshisname in exchange for Santana Moss.  


    I don't know if Ron would be willing to just release KOC to go work for McDaniels, or if he would try and work out some type of compensation, but first McDaniels has to get hired before that comes to pass.


    If KOC just says, "I want out.  I will go coach in college." I'm sure Ron would thank him and he would be gone.  

    I can easily see Ron coercing him to stay.  If Ron wants him, he will most likely stay, even if he "wants out".  Its also incredibly unlikely a guy who was QB coach last season willingly under Jay Gruden, is going to turn down the opportunity to spend just 1 year at OC under a coach everyone is telling him is really highly respected to go coach in college.  Good leaders dont force, they motivate.  They make their followers WANT to do what the leader wants.


    KOC cant force his way out anywhere, thats absurd.

  7. On 1/3/2020 at 6:32 PM, HTTRDynasty said:


    This is intriguing.  Only snag is that Gettlemean just confirmed a few days ago Shurmur was the main reason he drafted Jones over Haskins.  I wonder if it was because Shurmer loved Jones that much or disliked Haskins that much.

    I suspect Shurmer didnt have a 5th round grade on Haskins.  He probably just preferred Jones, and as OC he wont have a say over personnel, so that may be why he fails as a HC.  Some people are good offensive/defensive minds, but when they get the responsibility of personnel as well(rather than just coaching what they get) they fail.

    • Like 2
  8. Im going to throw out a crazy one, but probably one of the best options available:  Pat Shurmur. 


    He has been OC in Philly and Minnesota, and in those 4 years his offense ranked between 2nd and 13th in yards and points in all 4 years, with the average ranking 7.5, and his worst year being 12th and 13th in 2015.  He also has failed as HC twice now, which means almost surely NFL teams will have permanently written him off from being a HC, and he wont be poached if he does well.

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  9. While the last few games were better, if Ron is smart he goes out and hires the very best sure bet OC available, to give the team the best chance to succeed early on.  Might even look for some promising coaches who possibly get fired due to regime change, like Kellen Moore etc.

    • Like 5
  10. 57 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

    We look like we did last year: Good on defense, and an offence patched together with duct tape. We showcased players who sucked, at the cost of giving our starters time to gel, in the name of keeping our starters healthy when they start flat in the regular season.

    I think so far the defense looks a little better, I would hope so because last years defense was not good.

  11. I mean, not that one can predict the crazy decisions this staff makes, but considering how weak the receiving core has been for years, it would be beyond strange to ditch your #1 receiver right before the season starts.  That would literally leave a receiving core of 6 receivers who had a combined 330 yards last year, and 1 with more than 100 in his career. Talk about setting up a new QB behind an already depleted Oline up for failure.

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  12. 14 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    I mean has Doc ever wowed you? This is his fourth year in the league and he has the same issues. He doesn't ever get open. He's just not a dynamic playmaker at all. At least with Davis there is a chance he could be a good receiver and make some plays. I see nothing of Doctson. We could cut him and he'll be out of the league.

    So the definition of how we chose our roster is "has this player ever wowed me"?  In that case Davis hasnt wowed me, so why dont we cut him?  Also, 40 other players on our roster.  Cut them all.


    Completely irrational.

  13. 1 hour ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    Today has been the single best work day EVER!!!!!

    To spend all last week hearing about how this Everton side was different/ how they wouldn’t  F up and would give us a game et al ..... to then have them actually live upto that and play SO well, only for the miniature armed lil’ freak to go F up amd throw the game away SO spectacularly ..... I do believe we’ve categorically ripped out their souls and destroyed any last lingering bit of hope they had left! Haha. To say they’re completely devoed to have thrown that away in the most Everton way imaginable is an understatement. 

    Arguably the best league celebration ever too. To say it ‘went off’ was an understatement. Even the run to Kiev last year never saw such a scrum of arms and legs in one heaving mass of ecstacy. NO better way to win any game. Let alone one which cancels the Ev’s  Chrimbo. AGAIN!!!!!


    I never realised either that they threw a flair just before the winner to ‘celebrate’ the ‘draw’ ..... Which makes it all the better- ‘Have that yers Red****e Btards! This is the new Everton!’


    ’No lads. You have THAT!!!!!’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    if yers offer me beating Utd in a few weeks 6-0, or beating them 1 with a 95th minute winner I’m taking the later in a heartbeat! 

    What a time to be alive. What a time to be following this gang of super special Reds.





    Sorry, quite the opposite.  Nobody expected a win against a top 3 side away.  But as you yourself saw, Everton played very well, Liverpool didnt deserve to win, and it took the flukiest goal you may see in the next 10 years for Liverpool to pull of a win at home.  That wont help them next time.  Everton fans feel great about how the team has now gone toe to toe and played with, or outplayed, Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United, and Liverpool so far this season.  

    Because now that Everton finally has an owner that can compete somewhat with all of the money the likes of Liverpool, Man U, and City have pumped into their teams over the years, everything has changed.  Its no longer playing for the hope of a draw.  Next year, its the expectation of a win.  I have no doubt Liverpool fans will enjoy the win for a while, but the difference between the upcoming derbys and the ones of recent years is that now every single future one will be accompanied by fear and doubt, knowing from now on there are no more free points, and the times have changed.  Liverpool fans are completely clueless if they think any of what is suggested, but thats to be expected when driven by fear 😉

  14. I think its rather pointless to judge our receivers when we hardly throw to them, because we are scoring points through the rest of our offense.  Throwing to receivers has never been something Smith did much, and it doesnt appear to be anything we want to do when we get the lead.  We dominated both the Cardinals and Packers with hardly giving our receivers a sniff, and I suspect that is what we will do all season long as long as we dont fall behind, and the defense and running game play well.

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  15. Yeah, Doctson will be the key, but Richardson will be close behind.  Theres a lot of potential, sure, but potential and reality are two different things.  The likes of Crowder, Harris, Sims can be very effective 3-4-5 guys, but a lot will be set up by both Doctson and Richardson.  Personally, it starts with Richardson in my opinion, but Doctson has to capitalize for it to be a good year for the receiving core.  


    Richardson can take the top off of defenses, when he starts doing that, coordinators have to adjust, that means more safeties rotating over to his side, following him deep, and sitting deeper at the snap.  That in the end means Doctson will often see 1v1 on the outside deep, and will also have more space underneath to catch the ball.  Richardson will open up space for him, but from that point Doctson has to make the catches.  I'm very hopeful considered Smith also is supposedly a great QB for the likes of Doctson and Richardson, but we shall see...

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