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Posts posted by s0crates

  1. So, let me get this straight. The cop was in front of the Uber driver, went to parallel park, didn't use a signal, the Uber driver honked at him, and then THAT happened.

    Some people's anger levels are just incomprehensible to me. How could someone possibly get that frustrated and angry?

    It seems to me the angry types are attracted to law enforcement careers.

  2. 95 pasta dishes in 7 weeks? Sweet jesus.

    Dude might want to get his blood sugar tested, probably well on the way to diabities.

    He's a pastor?

    I guess they aren't taking the whole gluttony thing as seriously as they used to take it.

  3. just a guess.

    early 20's. no kids.

    ( not defending olive garden here, i'll leave that to zoony he loves the place)

    My guess was going to be "never been poor."

    Why did you want dented pasta?

    Interestingly, the expression "al dente" translates "to the teeth."
  4. This is gold. Happy Halloween.


    Candy Corn is Garbage

    Many people like candy corn, such as hobos, serial murderers, and Satan. But actually, candy corn is terrible. If you give it out to trick-or-treating children this evening, you belong in ****ing prison.

    Hey, do you know what would be a great autumnal confection? A candy that tastes like a candle. Especially if it is shaped like corn. That is a thought process someone had once. His name was George Renninger, and he worked for a company called Wunderle Candy Company in the 1880s, and if there is any justice in this broken world, a demon is using him as a Q-Tip right now. Corn-shaped candlefood is the worst idea anyone ever had, and the list of ideas also includes, like, the atomic bomb and Mission to Mars and "Now let us sign Gilbert Arenas to a contract extension," so, you know, that is one terrible-ass idea.

    But people invent dumb **** all the time. The more pressing question is: What in the damn hell is wrong with the rest of the human race, that a market for these deodorant-flavored earwax nuggets persists into the 21st century? Why purchase these wee little warhead-shaped misery pellets? Why consume them? Why give them to children?

    . . .

    • Like 1
  5. Are you hoping to keep coastal areas static despite the history of change?

    I'm hoping to prevent disasters in large population centers like New York and L.A. as much as it is within our power to do so.

    Of course there are some dangers we can't prevent, but that is no excuse for ignoring the ones we can.

    start desalination in earnest and ya nibble at two problems listed

    I'm all for making that investment, among others.
  6. Again, that may hold true for the election, but what about the primaries or even before that. The candidate represents you. If they don't and you stay silent then you are giving them

    Your stamp of approval.

    I always vote. In a close race I vote for the least terrifying prospect. In a landslide I vote for Mickey Mouse.

    In primaries my guy never has a chance (e.g . Kucinich, Ron Paul). I suspect this has more to do with the media than the people.

  7. One last thing for now...

    I'm still waiting for someone to refute the things that I am saying.

    Tell me why the Republicans, funded by oil billionaires who have pumped god knows how many hundreds of millions of dollars into the right wing to avoid any and all regulations should be trusted to ignore NASA, the military, and science itself to guide our energy policy backward.

    Pretty sure those guys are pumping money into both sides. International corporations run things. It's a no win situation.
  8. This is what we deserve. Most people are single issue voters or vote for some odd reason. Personally I don't vote because I believe that it encourages the bad behavior from politicians. Me voting for the candidates lets them know that what they are doing is okay. Well its not okay. Our 2 party political system and economy are going to have to burn to the ground before things really change. Politicians use to be afraid of voters they would hold their promises. Now voters are **** on. They don't respect you only view you as tickets to power. Every person who holds office needs to be voted out everyone. People need to look for the people running that actually care. The people that are not yet bought off by major companies. Currently almost none of those people run for office. But if we start replacing all the cancers in office with people who care then more of those people might start to run. Too long have seats been passed down to groomed replacements. But I'm a realist. That will not happen people are too far programmed. Things won't change it will only get worse. A lot of bad things are going to have to happen for people to see that they are being screwed by everyone.

    Go vote. Just write in "no confidence." I'm almost there myself.
    • Like 1
  9. There is a fair point in this except that it misses something very, very basic. The reason it is called a representative form of government is because we are supposed to vote for people to represent us and stand for us. That means when we say Republicans or Democrats... usually we're not talking about every single person who votes that way, but we are referencing the elected ones who we have chosen to be our surogates. The guys who stand for us.

    And that is fair. In primaries, town halls, and elections a majority of voters said... this guy best mirrors my beliefs about what I want. Therefore, if I point to the craziness of a Republican.... let's say one that has served ten terms (in other words, has been chosen as the best champion for his people's wants and needs for 20 plus years) and think that he or she is an examplar of Republicans. Well, you had ten opportunities to choose someone else and didn't. Clearly, this guy is you.

    This line of reasoning would be more persuasive if many (most?) of us didn't feel like we were always choosing the lesser evil. I've never had the opportunity to vote for somebody who really represents me. The two party system is broken.

    Congradulations, you discovered E.S. The Tailgate Mission Statement!!!!

    I always felt like most people here were pretty conservative.
  10. Not much of a Star Trek guy, but I could see it being good. I would be surprised if a network took a chance on it though.

    Consider the large audiences for reality TV with its low production costs. Why take a chance on a big budget show (what with real scripts, good actors, special effects, directors , etc.) that may or may not have as large an audience?

    Reality TV all but killed that kind of television. There are a few exceptions, I know a lot of people like Breaking Bad and Lost for example. I just think networks seem more and more inclined to the reality crap.

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