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Everything posted by Gallen5862

  1. I am glad to see that Sting won the Championship and saved his career.
  2. Does anyone have the results from the Sting Title match? I hope Sting wins. I have always liked him . He has great finishing moves in stinger splash and the scorpion. he and Ric Flair had alot of great matches.
  3. What Championship belt do you think the fans will vote for to be put on the line in the champion of Champions tripple threat match? I hope it is the world championship belt. Booker does not seem like a legit champion. Hopefully Batista gets that belt soon. The fatal 4 way match for the Intercontinental championship title was great. I am glad Jeff Hardy won it. The DX feud against Edge and Randy Orton looks like it will become a big feud.
  4. I loved it when the legends came down to help Flair. What does anyone think of Edge and Orton forming an alliance against DX?
  5. This match I think could be setting it up for Batista to regain the title that he never lost in the Ring. Imagine Batista and Cena and HHH and HBK as one powerful group against Booker, The Big show and a few others. They fight it out Monday at the Raw reunion. They then keep invading each others shows to continue the Feud. RVD and Sabu and a few others from ECW could form a group as well.
  6. The World Heavyweight Championship will now be a fatal 4 way. Batista and Finley were added to the match that was originally Booker and Lashley.
  7. I think Sting is having a carrer versus title match against Jeff Jarrett. Does anyone know when that match is?
  8. Sting and the Big Show and Hulk Hogan were also part of the NWO at one time. Could they be setting up for the Raw reunion show next week the Big Show and Hogan starting the NWO?
  9. DX just helped Cena defend the WWE Heavyweight Championship by stopping the outside interference. It looks like it is being setup for Cena to be a part of DX. Then HHH and HBK could win the tag team championship away from the spirit Squad.
  10. Jeff Hardy just won the Intercontinental Championship.
  11. DX won a Texas Tornado match. They were threatening to run Coach out of the building and take over control of the show.
  12. Did anyone see Cena in his six man tag match on Smackdown? His team won but Edge after the match ran into the ring and speared Cena.
  13. They did the lottery draft this year for a few of the wrestlers. Cena was drafted by Raw. Batista was drafted by Smackdown. RVD and Carlito were drafted by Raw. A few others switched as well. Thanks Sith for telling me the Channel and time for TNA. Spike tv at 11 pm is that correct?
  14. What time and what day and network is TNA on? I would like to see Sting wrestling again. I hated when he left when WCW was sold. I see Eric Bischoff was in the ring tonight at Raw telling about his new book.
  15. Booker will be fighting the undertaker. I still think of Booker as Booker T.
  16. Smackdown is now on the Cw channel that use to be the wb channel. It started at 8pm.
  17. DX with Cena should team up to take the tag team championship from the spirit squad. The 3 of them with the belts would be better than the 5 members of the spirit squad as the tag team champions.
  18. It looks like I might have had a good idea last week. That Cena wins and possibly joins DX. I think this would be a good move if Cena really does become a permanent member of DX.
  19. I am wondering if they are setting it up for X-Pac to show up for the Hell in a cell match and reunite with DX there. Is it also possible if Cena Wins he joins DX as well?The other posability is if Cena loses he signs with ECW instead of with Smackdown.
  20. Don't forget the Mid Atlantic Championship Belt as well. The Mid Atlantic Wrestlers use to come to my town Wilmington, NC alot. It was great seeing Flair and Steamboat and Chief Wahoo Mcdaniels and Sgt Slaughter and all the old time great Wrestlers. I think it would be great to try to incorporate the Tv title Belt and the Hardcore belt as well. I remember all the great wrestlers would rotate belts and that the Four Horseman alot of times held all the belts. Ric Flair would be the NWA Champion and Tully the Tv champion and Gene and Ole Anderson would be the Tag team Champions. The " Minesota Wrecking crew. Arn joined the Horsemen when eith Tully left or when Gene got hurt.
  21. The NWA Mid Atlantic Division use to have the TV title. The Tv title was always up for 15 minutes or tv time remaining. In non televised matches the match would continue after 15 min. but the title was not up for grabs after the time limit. I would like to see the tv title brought back.
  22. Would Batista and Cena be good additions to ECW? It would seem like with them being cheated out of their titles they could join RVD in forming a group. Imagine them going for all the Belts.
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