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Everything posted by praise_gibbs

  1. :rotflmao: You that man Tarhog! :thumbsup:
  2. Thanks brah! I am going to take him under my wing and make him an even bigger 'Skins fan than I am. :laugh: Nice pic Major.
  3. Thank You, Thank You! Rince, His momma is a Yankee fan so lets hope. Dad is a Phillies fan so...
  4. And one more mysterious looking pic. hmmm..
  5. His dad is an Iggle fan... His mom is a Giants fan. But Gosh darn it... his Uncle is a REDSKINS fan!!! :point2sky: Connor Patrick aka "Pint" as in Pint of Guiness. The lil irish boy was a month premature and only weighed in at 2 lbs 15 oz but, he is one of the healthiest premature babies you can ask for!
  6. Easy partner.. talking about greasing up your shotgun is TMI. I agree that you are going to have your hands full with her. Nice looking family dude. I look at them and wonder.. why was he so grumpy before.
  7. Dude, is it Shaq, Dave, or Karla? Nice pics Karla, You look very cute in them. Do your brothers always carry a knife like that around with them? :paranoid:
  8. Like tonight recent... :laugh: I had to get the ES shot in the background. After all, I am here more than I am my own bedroom. Sometime this week I will get some pics up of my Redskins truck project. Its in the begining stages but, I love it nonetheless.
  9. I have posted a pic in this thread a little while back but, it was extremely blurry. Here is an updated one with me repping my Theismann jersey (although you can only see the collar)
  10. :laugh: I don't blame you. If it were earlier I would have been all about the AHFB, I would have been in that thread and too lazy to post anything here.
  11. You are a bit 5 mins behind the times dude. :laugh: Did you turn the wrong corner and have to use your GPS to get back on track or something?
  12. Confessions of a binge Poster. TKoYN at it again. Special props to SSM for getting lost and allowing me to post this first.
  13. :laugh: I will copy that post now and post it myself. Giving props to SSM of course!
  14. I think SSM got lost Visionary. :whoknows: :laugh:
  15. Man, Is tonight screw Praise_Gibbs over night? I forgot to mark it on my calender! :laugh: EDIT: For being the King Of Yesterday's News, Visionary is quick to post crap in this thread. Rock On Borhr!
  16. Do people think your phone number belongs to someone else? THREAD
  17. Right above this post :laugh: Er.. um.. right above HH's post
  18. Death by emo "Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
  19. You forgot to put what thread it was from.
  20. If you could only have 1 of these super powers,which one would you want the most? THREAD.
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