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Posts posted by cyfar

  1. Ripping off someone's gimmick just to try to get a wrestler over is probably one of the worst things a wrestling booker can do, IMO. Whoever gave the green light on this should be canned. I'd be willing to let "Black Machismo" pass, since Jay Lethal is actually very talented, but Shark Boy ripping off Stone Cold is just horrible.

    This just goes to show how inferior TNA is as an organization, not just compared to the WWE, but in general. It's a shame too, because TNA's roster has SO MUCH talent.

    On a side note, that "Coach" avatar you got is hilarious!!:laugh:

    From what i've been reading, the Shark Boy Stone Cold angle came about the same way as the Black Machismo gimmick. It was something that was joked about backstage and someone decided that it would get over with the fans. I think it'll be cute for a while, just like Black Machismo but after a year or so, the wrestlers should have their own gimmick going.

  2. and it makes me sick to see you old fans drool over wrestler who could never do what the guys now are doing.. so whats your point..

    I think you mistake most people's admiration of the old school guys as us not acknowledging what guys can do in the ring. I absolutely love what guys are doing in the ring now. I don't think we had a guy like Samoa Joe floating around in the Golden Age of wrestling ('cept for Hashimoto). I think most are just upset by some of the ignorant ramblings that are being thrown out about saying that wrestling was a snorefest back then because there were no hurricanranas, 630 splashes and high flying stuff of that nature.

    As for your statement, I ask you...

    so whats your point..
  3. :cheers::cheers::cheers: It's good to see someone that shares the same passion for the NWA as I do. Unlike these "World" titles of today, the NWA World title was actually defended around the world against other champions. It kills me when these young fans will call Flair a joke, but drool over Mick Foley or the Undertaker.

    Flair's a god. I would kill to see some of his stuff from Japan. I do understand where a lot of people are coming from that would love to see him take a seat. In my opinion, Flair was ready for the managerial role shortly after he did his tour of matches with all of the current WWE stars (matches vs the Rock, Trips and a few of the other big names). I actually thought that he would do that with Evolution, but he still continues to go out there. If his last match is at WM, they need to give that man a proper send off.

  4. it is better, and any match you name i can name one thats better

    edit: not so much whats happened over the past 3-4 years, but between 1997 and 2003-2004 was the better than " what you grew up with"

    foley vs undertaker hell in a cell

    michaels and hart iron man match before 97, but was still better than anything from ur time

    michaels undertaker hell in a cell

    any rvd vs jerry lynn match

    no match when you were growing up could entertain like those did

    hell those are all off the top of my head, give me a bit and i can name many more

    Off of the top of my head...

    Flair v. Rhodes....(my fave was the cage match when Rhodes took the title)

    Flair v. Steamboat

    Ronny Garvin v. Flair

    Jake Roberts v. Undertaker

    Sorry for all of the mentions of Flair but those were the most mermorable matches for me.

  5. 3 hour Raw should be good tonight.

    I find it funny how Jericho's return has sorta been a flop lol..He hardly gets a crowd reaction..And he was suppose to save us huh?:laugh:

    His matches are a much needed breath of fresh air. I honestly think that he got upstaged by the APA cameo last week. With no Heroes this week, I'll give Raw a look this week. Hopefully there will be something to keep me interested.

  6. ?

    He left? I am a big TNA fan, but I have not been able to watch in a while. I have always been a fan of Senshi/Low Ki. That sucks, but they certainly have not used him well in his second go-around.


    It could very well be a work, but I doubt it. Considering that Low-Ki(sorry, but I hate that senshi :pooh:) has burned his bridges with ROH, the only place I can see him going is back over to Pro Wrestling NOAH over in Japan.

  7. I have to admit, that the WWE is really trying to turn things around. Just when you thought it might start falling apart, enter Y2J, enter APA!

    I am a Jericholic, so I am pumped about his return. I can't wait for Armagedon.

    TNA is getting pretty good too. Huge Christian Cage fan.

    I'm kinda upset about Senshi leaving TNA though. He wasn't being used properly anyway. I look for an exodus once some of the contracts run out.

  8. Umm how can you sue someone else because your dumbass didn't wear a seatbelt?

    Trust me, it's been done before.

    As for this week's RAW, I tuned in for the first time in forever last Monday and was shocked to see that they had Stone Cold pulling a beer truck up to the ring. I initially thought that they were running old video clips from 98, I was disappointed when I found out this was not the case. It's time for the E to come up with something new.

  9. Then need to start over I think. With all the talent issues, and roid questions. They need to rethink everything.

    My suggestion would be to get rid of the branding thing. Take away all the titles, and start fresh with these titles.

    1. World Championship

    2. Heavyweight Tag Team

    3. US Champ

    4. European Champ

    5. Hardcore (ECW title)

    6. Lightweight Tag Team

    7. Cruiser Weight

    8. Women's Championship

    9. Women's Tag Team

    That's 9 belts right there.

    That way, you have belts stay with a show. So, forget all this roster nonsense. If your the world champ, you're on Raw. If you lose it. You can go after other belts, but they might be on other shows. If you win a belt at a PPV, you got to that show as long as you have the belt.

    Then you bring back the whole "Stables" idea. create 4 or 5 teams across all the shows. Let them fued like DX vs. the Nation. It'll be funny.

    I approve this post. :cheers:

    Vinny Mac missed the perfect opportunity for a "reset" like this after the whole Benoit cluster****.

  10. Ok, here is the card for SummerSlam..SD spoiler sorta

    WWE Champion John Cena vs. Randy Orton - Orton's taking the strap (Cena's held it waaaaay too long and is just not over with the fans.)

    Triple H vs. King Booker - Trips is taking that one

    World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali vs. Batista - The fans lose

    Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero - My runner up for Match of the night. I'll give it to Rey Rey

    ECW Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk - Punk's taking the belt and turning hell. Gotta believe!

    Umaga vs. Carlito vs. Mr. Kennedy - Title push kid MIIIISTEEEEEEER KENNEDY!

    Divas Battle Royal - Unless there's nudity(there wont be) or highly revealing outfits the fans lose. A bathroom break at best.


    Kane vs Finlay - Could go either way. I haven't been following close enough to see who's getting a push or who's had the upper hand in the feud.

    lol @ you wanting King Booker to win

    I haven't seen a lot of him as of late but I thought the King Booker character was hilarious. I would pull for him too but there's no way in hell that Vince jobs out his son in law at his return PPV.

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