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Posts posted by cyfar

  1. He'll be back.

    Yeah, I was thinking it was a work at first but when I saw the reasoning, I was left with ???s. Why not fire Roberts and the cameraman for selling things the way that they did. The camera man should have known that would have been "too graphic" for WWE shows. All reports (even from Danielson's) old boss are saying that "It's not a work" Shame on WWE if this holds up.

  2. Zero mic skills will always keep you mid roster no matter how good a wrestler you are. The worst move of his career was going without a mask.

    I honestly think Kane's been at his best without the mask. They gave him more of a psychotic persona. It was his promo work with this latest angle that has landed him this push. I honestly think that creative ran out of ideas on what to do with his character. He was a one shot deal that kinda stuck around and was the Taker when Taker needed some time off.

  3. I don't doubt it, TK. But I've barely heard of any of these guys. I've heard of Sheamus as I flip through the channels and stop on it for nostalgias sake sometimes. But I have no idea who any of the other guys are. In the long run this may pay off for them, but for now, anyone who isn't watching this on a weekly basis isn't going to jump back into it due to this stuff.

    The Fan reactions really made that "invasion" epic to me:


    In all honesty, i got caught up in the fact that it had the feel of when nWo used to take over on Monday Nights. I've come to accept WWE's "PG Era" of wrestling and found fun in the little moments (such has Mean Gene, Dusty and Piper showing up last night) but this group of guys(two of which are far from jobbers) have actually been the more compelling story in the E for the past couple of weeks. For the creative team to allow that to happen was pretty darn cool in my opinion. Also, you've missed out on some great matches if the last time you watched was when the Rock was a regular.

    Lastly, here's proof that the nWo theme works with just about anything.


    Some of the dirtsheets I looked at this morning have either Cole or Jericho being the mastermind behind it. If you rewatch it, it looked like Wade Barret was the leader out there last night, he even gave the head nod to the group to get in the ring with Cena.

    Either way, I'm definately watching NXT tonight to see where they go with it. Hopefully they don't screw it up.

    Yeah, my money is on Cole coming out as the mastermind behind this. That way the slow heel turn on NXT and Raw, and the Bryan Danielson beef would make much more sense. Needless to say, i'm very excited to see the fallout on tonights NXT.

  4. Are they really using the nWo theme? I like the idea, but it just seems 100% unoriginal.

    Nah, it was just something put out by the fans.

    I enjoyed the Kane-Sheamus match.

    Kane's all set for a bit title push. That match last night against Sheamus wasn't bad at all. The finish didn't seem to hurt either of them as well. I'll start taking a peek at Smackdown to see how that plays out.

  5. Match of the year so far. But the Styles/Pope match ended way too quickly.

    Pope/Styles had a Russo-esque ending to it. I thought it was an "F you" to the crowd. I understand that they are working hard to build up AJ (an already talented wrestler) as the next dirtiest player in the game, but like you said, they could have given an bit more.

  6. Eh, TNA puts on better matches, but they have weak ass storylines and giving ppl like the Nasty Boys a push is laughable at best. WWE has boring matches, the guest GM thing is crap, and the NXT is pretty much Tough Enough 2.0...hopefully there isn't a Maven this time around ;).

    As a lifelong WWF/E fan, I can only pray they change this thing up, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Check back JBird...I believe they put the titles on them. *shakes head* I am not really sure what they are doing with Samoa Joe either but I'm not liking it so far. They had the man job out to Orlando Jordan....c'mon.

  7. I honestly think it's part of the story. They have to have the Nasty's and Dudleys face off and then I think they will fade into the background. If that's not the case I think it's a total BS move and proof that Hogan is up to his same old BS.

    Also, why do you have to be a fanboy if you find that one product is better than another?

  8. If this makes sense, I actually like Hulk Hogan but I dislike Terry Bollea. I like the Bischoff move better.

    Makes tons of sense. Hogan's character will always be remembered as an all time great. He's one of the major reasons I am such a fan. Now the behind the scenes stuff that I've heard about the man behind the character are the reason I cringe when I hear he is signing with TNA.

  9. Samoa Joe had the belt and climbed up the ladder while Kurt Angle climbed up the opposite side. Once they reached the top both of them looked at each other and smiled and Joe handed Angle the belt to hang above the ring, thus becoming the new TNA Heavyweight Champ.

    Then the MEM (minus Sting) came out from the back clapping.

    Kinda upset I spoiled myself on that but that is seriously a great swerve. TNA's writting has gotten much much better. Now only if they could do away with that gawd awful match type.

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