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PF Chang

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Posts posted by PF Chang


    what country do ya'll live in that doesn't already have firearm restrictions....in carrying,purchasing and use??????


    we sure got em here in Texas


    That's the point. Increasing restrictions is not infringing on 2nd amendment rights. I think it's common to see people simply say "2nd amendment!" when increased restrictions are discussed.

  2. every time i hear how the 2nd amendment shouldn;t be changed , i go back to THIS:


    The 2nd amendment doesn;t have to change.  The bizzarro (and asinine)  belief of what the 2nd amendment says, has to change.  


    The NRA didn't write the 2nd (thank god!)



    I agree. I'm not a lawyer but I get the sense that people interpret "shall not be infringed" as "absolutely zero restrictions on purchase, ownership, and use." Like your 9 year old should be able to buy an AK at Walmart, no infringement here!

  3. I'm a casual NBA fan so the 1st quarter last night was the first time I've watched the Warriors play this year, outside of a few highlights.


    Dear god. Never seen shooting like that. I actually felt my jaw drop on that Klay Thompson pullup 3 from what looked like 25+ feet, and I am completely on this bandwagon. 

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  4. Breaking news. Jim Inhofe has done it. He's disproved climate change: 




    Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) threw a snowball on the Senate floor Thursday in an effort to disprove what he sees as alarmist conclusions about man-made climate change.

    Inhofe, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, said the snowball was from outside in Washington, which he used to argue against claims that the earth’s temperature is rising due to greenhouse gas emissions.

    “In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record, I ask the chair, do you know what this is,” Inhofe said to Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who was presiding over the Senate’s debate, as he removed the snowball from a plastic bag.


    “It’s a snowball. And it’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonable.”


    (the bold part makes me extremely uncomfortable)

  5. Did anyone watch/listen to Kobe on the Grantland Show?


    I caught the tail end of that. Love him or hate him, Kobe is interesting. I'm enjoying his end of career honesty, particularly when he's disclosing something like that vetoed Detroit trade. 


    He had a recent interview with Klosterman for GQ where he was asked about the whole having no friends thing. His answer was both different from what I was expecting and also more thoughtful: 


    So how much are you willing to give up? Have you given up the possibility of having friends? Do you have any friends?

    I have "like minds." You know, I've been fortunate to play in Los Angeles, where there are a lot of people like me. Actors. Musicians. Businessmen. Obsessives. People who feel like God put them on earth to do whatever it is that they do. Now, do we have time to build great relationships? Do we have time to build great friendships? No. Do we have time to socialize and to hangout aimlessly? No. Do we want to do that? No.We want to work. I enjoy working.

    So is this a choice? Are you actively choosing not to have friends? 

    Well, yes and no. I have friends. But being a "great friend" is something I will never be. I can be a good friend. But not a great friend. A great friend will call you every day and remember your birthday. I'll get so wrapped up in my ****, I'll never remember that stuff. And the people who are my friends understand this, and they're usually the same way. You gravitate toward people who are like you. But the kind of relationships you see in movies—that's impossible for me. I have good relationships with players around the league. LeBron and I will text every now and then. KG and I will text every now and then. But in terms of having one of those great, bonding friendships—that's something I will probably never have. And it's not some smug thing. It's a weakness. It's a weakness.

    Do you miss the idea of having a great friendship?

    Of course. It's not like I'm saying, 'I don't need friends because I'm so strong.' It's a weaknessWhen I was growing up in Italy, I grew up in isolation. It was not an environment suited to me. I was the only black kid. I didn't speak the language. I'd be in one city, but then we'd move to a different city and I'd have to do everything again. I'd make friends, but I'd never be part of the group, because the other kids were already growing up together. So this is how I grew up, and these are the weaknesses that I have.

  6. Dolan to open for the Eagles at MSG:




    The best part: "The artist in me needs to be free." 


    Also, I don't know if worse lyrics have ever been written. They're evoking the opposite of sympathy: 


    “If you dare to call the mayor, taxes got your goat, well he don’t care,” he warbles. “Cause you’re a millionaire, and he didn’t get your vote.”

  7. The boys are back and I couldn't be happier about it.

    If you've never taken the time to watch them or you didn't know that they were resurrected, I'd recommend getting started. Canada's greatest treasure. 8 going on 9 seasons, 4 movies, 3 specials, 3 live stage tours. One of the richest universes in all of television comedy.


    Thanks for posting, somehow missed that the new season's out. May have to mix up some swish this weekend and catch up.

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