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Posts posted by Redskin4ever

  1. Good perseverance by the Terps. On my way home from work, I heard the post game on Westwood One and they talked about how this was the best game of the day. It’s good to be on the right side of that game.


    With about 4 minutes left, my friend who is not a MD fan and didn’t watch them that much this year, asked why they aren’t throwing the ball inside every possession. I told him he’s asking the same thing every MD fan says every game. Even his 13 yr old son was saying the same thing. Everyone in America knows it except for one guy.  Belmont could not handle the size, athleticism, and strength of Fernando and Smith. They should have had touches on every possession and worked inside out. They should have run plays for them. But it was the same old pick and roll or throw it sort of down low and everyone stand around for most of the game. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad they won. As much and I don’t like Turgeon and thinks he’s not the right guy, I still get excited watching and rooting for MD. It’s just so frustrating watching them in many possessions. 

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  2. 19 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

    Who would Maryland get as a replacement? 


    The guy I wanted was Gregg Marshall from Wtichita St. But I know it came out last year that Fred VanFleet was getting money from an agent while at school.  Now they aren’t having a very good year as they are in the NIT. I still think he’s a really good coach, but perhaps he wasn’t doing things on the level and the news last year caused him to lighten up on what he was doing. Obviously, it’s just speculation on my part on if he was involved, but it does make you wonder. 


    Whoever they get, if they part ways, needs to run a good system and be able to make in game adjustments. Neither of which Turgeon does now. It would also help if they kept Bino Ranson who I believe is their best recruiter. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, MarkB452 said:


    >> Does UMD have that kind of money to throw away?  Did they ever reinstate all those sports that were dropped a few years ago?  The naming rights are not available for sale for a couple more years, right?


    I suspect this will be the hold up. I believe there is no buyout and they will owe him to total amount left in his contract. Kevin Anderson’s contracts are the gifts that keeps on giving. 

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  4. 36 minutes ago, BRAVEONAWARPATH said:

    I'm not sure I want them too.


    Need get Turge outta here.


    Yeah, I think they can win their first game because they will play a team they should beat. They have a good shot at losing that first one, but they usually beat teams they should. The second round will probably be a good team, which is where they lose. But I’m all for them losing the first game if it means Turgeon will be gone. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, abdcskins said:

    I'm not excusing Turgeon, he gets blame for not getting his team ready and motivated. But he wasn't the one missing shots. Guys missed easy ones. Fernando turned the ball over multiple times. Got outmuscled for rebounds. Got beat off the dribble with ease. It was a pathetic performance. 


    The technical foul was inexcusable. I'm starting to think a change would be beneficial for this program. 


    One last thing, if Jalen Smith leaves after this year he is absolutely making the wrong move. He gets bullied in the lane like he is a twig. He misses easy shots. He isn't ready. 


    Here's the thing though. His teams always play like that in a big game. They never have a game plan and are always outplayed, outworked, and outcoached in big games. How does Turgeon not have a plan for Bruno being double teamed? He just expects him to know what to do and today it showed he didn't know what to do. He's never been this bad with the double team, but that may be because Nebraska had a plan for it. If it was just a case of the players missing shots, turning it over, and having A bad game, not much you can do as a coach. But this happens all to often and normally whenever they play a good team or are in a post season game.  


    The other thing, if the players aren't listening to him and just doing their own thing, then he needs to go as well because he lost the team. 


    This team has too much talent and he doesn't get the most out of it. That's his job as a coach. To get the most out of his team and to put them in a position to succeed. He doesn't do that and you see how very few players actually get better under him. I think the word is out on him as we heard rumors that people told Jalen Smith not to come to MD because he wouldn't develop under Turgeon. Again, those are rumors but would not be far fetched if that were true. 


    I completely agree with you on the mistake Smith will be making by going pro. He has a lot of talent, but still needs some work. I just wonder if Turgeon can be the one to develop him or if in 2 years we see he's the same guy he is as a freshman. 

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  6. I’m listening to the radio since I’m still at work and Knoche says he just can’t put his finger on why the team played so poorly. Walt says what we all know that Nebraska came out with a great game plan and they executed and MD didn’t. Walt didn’t call out Turgeon but I think he can see what everyone else can. Which is what a bad coach Turgeon is. Maybe Knoche can’t or doesn’t want to see it. Someone in the athletic department needs to see it though. So much talent is being wasted by this guy.

    • Like 1
  7. This is all about the parents keeping up appearances for their kids. They never actually invested in their kids lives, they just wanted to make sure their kids could be something they can brag about at their parties. This was obviously the next logical step to say that my kid got into this college. So yeah, as was mentioned above, this is a parenting failure on so many levels. 

  8. 11 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


    Getting rid of Davis somehow - this has to happen.  By all accounts he's looked like dog**** this spring, there's no chance he can be a productive player.  They can't let him play out the rest of this contract.  Something has to give.  And he's already ****ing hurt, too.  



    I don’t see how they can justify keeping him. The money is already gone, and with his historically bad performance, you can’t just ride it out. He’s not going to another team where he will hurt you while you are paying him. There is no value to having him on the team. None! 

  9. 4 hours ago, Long n Left said:

    Watching these two offenses is night and day.  Michigan is moving, setting back screens, finding open spots on the floor. Maryland throws it inside, and everybody stands around. Beilien vs Turgeon is an epic mismatch.


    Same problem it’s always been. And when they play a good, well coached team, you see the difference. I fear they get an under seeded mid major in the first round. Those teams are normally well coached and execute well. 

  10. That guy is always crying. He cried after last year’s loss too. They got the benefit of the calls all night, including one on the previous possession that was a pretty clean steal. But yeah, the refs missed one call all night and it was on your shot buddy. Keep crying and one day you will get all the calls and not just 95% of them.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Long n Left said:

    Iowa has very favorable officiating. That last call on Cowan a perfect example. They’ve let Iowa get away with that all night. Just a ridiculous discrepancy in fouls called, especially with Maryland leading most of the game.


    **** yeah! The streak is broken!


    They did, but MD got the call when it mattered. Cowen fouled on that last play. Hit him right in the elbow as he was going up. Thankfully they didn’t spot that one and MD held on.

  12. I'm more excited about this year than I was about last year. Last year just seemed to continue the downward trend where they could keep putting band aids on a problem that needed reconstructive surgery. They finally dumped everyone they could and hopefully they can dump a few more this year. But I'm excited because this year will be all about player development and seeing which young guys can show they are ready. And if they aren't, they just move on to other guys since they are still years away from competing. 


    Plus, I'm happy they are going the analytics route. In a division with the Yankees and Red Sox, you will always be playing with less talent. So you have to find another way. They tried too often to spend with those teams. But unless you are in Boston, New York, Chicago, or LA, you can't sustain that kind of spending. Now they are going to try it a different way. You look at what the Rays did under Maddon and that's what I hope the Orioles can do. This is the start of that and hopefully after several years, that is what the Orioles become. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, DCSaints_fan said:

    Its pointless to bring Jones back.  He'd just be eating salary and blocking prospects.


    I doubt he will be eating salary. He won’t get that much if no one else wants him. As far as blocking prospects, that may or may not be true. I’d rather see younger guys getting the playing time. What is true is that he’s be a much better mentor for the young guys than Davis or Trumbo.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    Unfortunately, Chris Davis and Mark Trumbo remain.



    This is the only part about this season that disappoints me. Davis last year didn’t belong on a baseball field and he’s still on the roster. Maybe he turns it around, but I’m not expecting it. And Trumbo is the guy you pickup when you need a bat for the stretch run. Something they are so far away from at this point. The only thing I hope is he comes out hot and they can trade him to help get more prospects. 

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  15. These 2 stats tell you why MD lost. 


    Turnovers: MD 12, Wis 4


    Points off turnovers: Md 4, Wis 21. 


    Your point about hero ball is a good one. Wisconsin is getting open shots by running offense and moving the ball. MD just hopes the defense forgets to switch on a ball screen or that a long shot will go down.  What's sad is every once in a while you see a good play run to get a good shot. Then you don't see another play run for like 10 minutes and it just leaves me scratching my head. 

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