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Posts posted by jrockster21

  1. walkway-disney.jpg

    Me and the girls @ Disney (Dad's snappin' the pic)!

    Cute kids...but where's the Skins gear!?!? :laugh: You have two very lovely daughters. They would be even cuter in a couple 89 jerseys!! :)

    I haven't posted one in a good while... I'm the second from the right being explained something in great, unintelligible, and drunken detail.

    :laugh: :laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

  2. PREDICTOR: if you note when this thread was started, it was started well before the Giants/Redskins game took place. Celebrities are subject to the public interest, that's one of the downsides of becoming famous--everyone watches your every move and when you mess up people take notice. This thread is just an iteration of that phenomenon: people poking fun at a rival for making a bad decision and having a picture taken at an inopportune moment.

    If you want to see picturs of some local Extremeskins.com posters while engaging in "stupid" or "embarrassing" behavior then I suggest you check out the Tailgate section where you'll likely find many such photos that we enjoy sharing with one another.

    In closing, I think you are mistaking humor for vitriol.

    Is this iheart's first chiding post as a moderator?!?? Print it out and frame it! I want an autographed copy!! :)

  3. 124002082105_0_ALB.jpg

    ...and here's a more normal one (minus the smoke) of me and my ex-gf

    Whoah -- what's your ex's name, and where did she go to school? She looks very familiar...

    Actually...so do you. Did you guys go to school in South Florida perchance?

  4. Picture043.jpg

    yargh matey.

    about to head out to a 7 kegger...ive got my bandana on now and im ready to go! i know, im not the most fierce pirate around :laugh:'

    Ugh...that "free mammograms" costume is SOOOOOOOOOO played out its not even funny. Guys, that costume is no longer funny. It was funny when the first guy thought of it like 10 years ago. Don't be that guy.

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