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Posts posted by FuriousD

  1. I've just finished reading Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now.  Highly recommend it. 


    There's fascinating incite in there on tribalism as it pertains to religion, sex, sports, culture and of course, politics.  The references to the right wing and Donald Trump, how they are turning inward on themselves and away from globalism (and science) is fascinating. So much of what we are experiencing now from the White House is discussed in detail.


    Good read...

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


    Well I guess it's less stressful for me because I know I can't reach my sister or mother (they're both in Miami). Thankfully I have plenty of family down there to look out for them but I can't say I'm not antsy at times thinking about them.

    My daughter is living in Manchester, England, my son is stationed at Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait and my wife is in purgatory right now.  Trying to keep her spirits up is half the battle knowing the worst is yet to come and there's not a damn thing to be done about it.  Fun times!

    • Sad 3
  3. Something I've been thinking about and would appreciate your take on...


    I'm currently maxing out my 401k and actually "up'd" my deduction earlier in the year to be done contributing by mid November.  Given the crappy markets, etc.. Would it be wiser at this point to take some or most of that deduction and redirect it to the mortgage instead?  I've only got about 90k left to pay on it but I'm in a 15 yr with really good interest rate.  So the question is, buy cheap stocks & bonds that may recover and pay dividends eventually (not forgetting the tax break) or power-down the low interest mortgage?

  4. On 3/4/2020 at 6:57 AM, Mr. Sinister said:

    Is anybody from the original band even still there? I remember when they performed at Super Bowl 43 pre-game, and did a double take when I saw the tiny Asian guy


    Neal Schon and Ross Valory both played on album #1, so I'm a little surprised that only Schon is credited as the only "founding" member.  The first album is distinctly different from the later pop-rock stuff. If you have a taste for jazz-rock, give it a try.  it's an oldie but a goodie!



    • Like 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, UK SKINS FAN 74 said:

    The development plan for Haskins might involve sitting behind a vet for a couple of season. Highly unlikely, not to be discounted. Several possibilities at this stage.


    Alex Smith is under contract for a LOT of money with very little chance he plays in 2020.  The least Smith can do to earn some of that money is take Haskins under his wing this off-season and tutor him.  It's a new playbook for Smith as well, after all!  As far as it's possible to do so, the FO should insist that these two spend gobs of time joined at the hip, going page by page, practicing study techniques and learning what it is to be a PRO.

    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, RandyHolt said:

    While ditching Jays Shakespearean play calls may lend to Haskins doing better with a new playbook,...

    1:  Alas poor Gruden, I knew him well!

    2:  But still,... what light through yonder defense breaks?

    3:  OC, OC, where for art thou, OC?

    5:  Now is the off-season of our discontent!


    And so on and so forth...

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 4
  7. 2 hours ago, HigSkin said:

      Things didn't get interesting until he let KOC start designing the Offensive game plan.

     So true.  We have to remember, he was driving Gruden's make and model vehicle this year.  Has he ever put one of his own together before and what would that look like?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, KDawg said:

    If Haskins is the direction, I wouldn't put someone in the soup that may clash with him after The Commandant spent so much time with him and learned his quirks.

    So much time with him?  Way less than a year and only closely together since week 11!  Before that Haskins was on the back-burner.  The coaching carousel will turn for a few more weeks and Rivera should look around.  If it turns out KOC is the man, then I'm fine with it.  If not, I might hope his old passing game coordinator position is still on the table but if Haskins "clashes" with any new coordinator brought in then he's the problem, not the coordinator.  He's a professional now and needs to act like one.

    • Like 1
  9. Taking a different tack here for those young enough to have missed it the first time.


    I, Claudius - Available on Netflix

    Winner of an Emmy and numerous other awards, this 1976 BBC epic is a tale of ambition, debauchery, and intrigue.  Rated one of the "100 Best TV Shows of All Time" by Time Magazine, the series spans the history of the Roman Empire from Augustus to Claudius and stars Derick Jacobi, Patrick Stewart, Sian Phillips, Lindsay Duncan, John Hurt and Brian Blessed.


    It might look like it was made on the cheap (and probably was) but the story, the dialogue and the acting are all first rate!


    • Like 1
  10. The Clouds, composed by Aristophanes.


    The story features a philosopher named Socrates who keeps up a school of skepticism.  A nearby farmer manages to come up with all the usual dull questions asked by the faithful.  For one thing, if there is no Zeus, who brings the rain to water the crops?  Inviting the man to use his head for a second, Socrates points out that if Zeus could make it rain, there would or could be rain from cloudless skies. Since this does not happen, it might be wiser to conclude that the clouds are the cause of the rainfall.  All right then, says the farmer, who moves the clouds into position?  That must surely be Zeus!  Not so, says Socrates, who explains about winds and heat.  Well in that case, replies the old rustic, where does the lightning come from, to punish liars and other wrongdoers?  The lightning, it is gently pointed out to him, does not seem to discriminate between the just and the unjust. Indeed, it has often been noticed to strike the temples of Olympian Zeus himself.  This is enough to win the farmer over, though he later recants his impiety and burns down the school with Socrates inside it. 

  11. What do I believe?  I believe google when it says there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.  I also believe they are entirely man-made as evidenced by the crude carpentry often used to hammer the leaky vessel together from a piece of this and a shard of that.


    I also firmly believe that you should read Christopher Hitchens book, God Is Not Great.  Why Religion Poisons Everything.  Better still buy the audio-book and listen to the author read it himself.  The mans command of the English language is a revelation and the absolute ease with which he dismantles the 3 great monotheism's (and some lesser ones too) is quite astonishing.


    RIP Hitch.

    • Like 1
  12. First try...  Your score is: 4255 (GRADE: B+)


    Your Picks:
    Round 2 Pick 21 (G.B.): Cyrus Kouandjio, OT, Alabama (A)
    Round 3 Pick 2: Chris Borland, ILB, Wisconsin (B+)
    Round 3 Pick 21 (G.B.): Austin Seferian-Jenkins, TE, Washington (A)
    Round 4 Pick 2: Antone Exum, CB, Virginia Tech (B)
    Round 5 Pick 2: Brent Urban, DE, Virginia (B)
    Round 6 Pick 2: Dri Archer, WR, Kent State (B)
    Round 7 Pick 2: Aaron Colvin, CB, Oklahoma (C-)

  13. I tried some of Flying Dog's Horn Dog Barley Wine ale the other day since I was still on the Sierra Nevada Bigfoot kick.

    If you haven't tried a barley wine, then I'd recommend it. They're obviously very high in alcohol content and are made for sipping. Wikipedia says that the name comes from the beverage potentially being as strong as wine, but since it's made from grain and not fruit it's technically a beer.


    This makes sense to me. I'd much rather sip on one of these than a glass of wine after work.

    Ah, yes ... the old barley wine. I was born, raised and began my drinking in England before moving to America. I didn't drink it regularly as there were far too many good ales to sample when drinking socially but on party nights we used to drink Watneys "Stingo" on the way. The bottles were smaller than regular beer (probably just enough to fit in a reg wine glass) but you get a couple of those under your belt on a empty stomach and we'd hit the ground running.

    Rumor was they called it "wine" because they couldn't legally sell it as beer. It was just too strong. Definately an aquired taste.


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