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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. Roger Huerta with the YOOGE heart. Not that Guida wasn't awesome. He dominated the first 2 rounds but Huerta's strikes in the 3rd dazed him and handed him the KTFO. War Machine also proved his nickname tonight over J-Rock. So does Danzig get a title shot now? Is it in 155 or 170?
  2. TUF Finale: Arroyo over Kolosci (Sub) Sotiropoulos over Miles (Sub) Danzig over Speers (Unan Dec) Guida over Huerta (Split Dec) There you have it. All the WRONG predictions. I'm terrible at this.
  3. It would seem that Hatton's style is tailor-made for Mayweather to dominate. March in, get stung, march in again, get KOed. I hope he flattens Mayweather though.
  4. You have a point about George in that my evaluation of his talent is probably influenced by how the show presented him. Maybe he's not THAT good, who knows. (?) The other fighters were NOT psyched about getting in the octagon with him though. That said a lot to me about George. Hey- I could be totally wrong. We never find out much about how good these guys are until they show us what they have in real MMA bouts, so like I said- you may have a strong point. Personally, I expect to see Danzig and Sotoropoulos become bigger stars than Tommy in the long run. Anybody agree with Arroyo backing out or is he a wuss? The Mayweather-Hatton fight looks NICE. I'm going to skip the PPV though. I save my tv money for MMA only now and the 12/29 UFC 75 card looks too good to miss. Besides, Mayweather-Hatton will be re-aired in a week or two by HBO. (I hope.)
  5. Good post. George is better than he showed last night though. Not sure he would have been able to prevent a KTFO even if he hadn't been poked in the eye, but he was definitely a top talent in this group.
  6. I don't disagree with you completely, Zo, but isn't Hughes a ****y jerk ALL the time? Didn't he treat Serra like a non-event leading up to the series and didn't he act like Serra would be no competition even for GSP? I also thought Serra laid it on a little thick throughout the show, but he could have had good reason. Hughes isn't exactly "Miss Congeniality."
  7. George got poked in the eye, which I think led to a KTFO. Mac vs. Tommy in the Final.
  8. Anyone watching the TUF semi-finals right now?
  9. Wow. This is stagggering news.Matt's been training for Serra and now he has to switch gears and go back to the guy that "F"ed him UP. This is an even better fight than I thought Hughes vs. Serra would be. Veddy, veddy intedestink.
  10. I chose at the last moment not to order this PPV event. My cousin was IMing me the results and it sounded like a forgettable night overall. The upcoming TUF finale is free on Spike and I'll be psyched to order UFC 79: Nemesis right before the holiday. Predictions on the TUF Finale?
  11. I didn't yell "dive," but I think I mumbled "hand-picked opponent." Kimbo hits so hard though, that I didn't feel cheated.
  12. I'm a Nick Diaz fan but I have to give credit to KJ Noone. He simply hit harder than Nick and had great takedown defense. Diaz will want a rematch and it will be interesting to see one. Kimbo proved nothing last night except that he can still throw a thunderous punch. I wish we had seen more.
  13. Thank you, Str0ke. You are the Bubba of this thread.
  14. I just spent one solid work hour laughing my azz off!
  15. Excellent point. Which means having some will only lead him back to it.
  16. I am impressed with the fact that he's making Bas happy with his training routine. That shows me something right there. However, I'll reserve judgment on Kimbo until he fights some bigger talent. Choking out a senile Ray Mercer is not enough for me to start praising an internet backyard fighter. (If he had out-boxed Ray, I be VERY impressed.)
  17. The IFL really has a hard-on for Chris. He's good, but Bart is too. What a shame. In the first fight Bart had him so choked out they could have stopped it. Chris made his way thru the ropes though to save his own ass.
  18. They gave another controversial decision to Horodecki? I though Bart beat Chris the first time they fought. Now they give Chris another one? Sheesh.
  19. I can't imagine he really thinks that. Anyone with half an MMA brain knows Fedor is awesome and I'm sure Dana does too. I'm willing to bet he wants to inspire Fedor's anger so he'll come to the UFC with something to prove.
  20. I can't imagine he really thinks that. Anyone with half an MMA brain knows Fedor is awesome and I'm sure Dana does too. I'm willing to bet he wants to inspire Fedor's anger so he'll come to the UFC with something to prove.
  21. Yeah, I remember that now. Franklin better have learned some Muay Thai clinch defense or he's in for a very short night again.
  22. I just think that the kind of domination shown by Spider over Rich the last time they fought is not going to be easily overcome by Franklin this time. I'm sure it will be a closer fight because Rich will make himself harder to catch, but once they start to mix it up, this fight will start to look a lot like the first. I was amazed at how easily Silva overpowered and outclassed him. Perhaps it was the broken nose. I'm not sure at this point if that happened before or after Franklin went down. If the nose was what did Rich in last time, maybe he'll do much better this time. I just doubt it.
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