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Taco Bell

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Everything posted by Taco Bell

  1. alright well OKC is up in the 4th lets see how that goes
  2. I'm not sure if lebron took a shot in the last 3 minutes.. not since that steal
  3. It really has nothing to do with GS for me The problem is the NBA pretends like it's on the highest perch of sports given the relative "safety" it provides compared to others so it's essentially the "best" sport for kids to play giving it the best reputation and that's how ESPN sells it (because everything they sell is "for the kids") and of course they are interconnected at the hip too so ESPN is just one large NBA advertisement. But because the NBA is also the league as of today (because the NFL will surely take over eventually) in the worst health of the 3 major sports it's just so obvious it's essentially a monetary decision. I think the reason why there was so much tension leading up to this decision is because everyone essentially knew he wasn't going to get suspended, and it would just be a question of how they'd get out of doing it. I guess if you're going to do a punk move in the NBA, do it when the stakes are actually the highest, because you'll have no chance of getting disciplined for it because the monetary ramifications will deem it impossible I am an NFL fan first and foremost obviously so the hypocritical sanctimony of it all is what annoys me
  4. what a weak ass move by the NBA DISNEY ESPN conglomerate. All ESPN does all day every day is highlight the violence in all the other sports, literally today all they talked about were shots to a pitchers head in MLB, the corruption of the NFL, but then blindly defend draymond green across the board for ball kicking twice in a series to go along with already 4 technicals in the playoffs alone. I'm not gonna watch the game unless it's the 4th quarter and OKC is winning because honestly it's hard to root for GS with such a BS favor being done for them indirectly because the NBA needs as much money as they can get so can't resist making the proper punishment to maybe risk losing 1-2 "classic" playoff games as a result. I mean stephen A literally said as much that the NBA shouldn't deprive the "fans" from what they want to see. Yea ok, blame the fans for 100s of millions in NBA losses so the league actually needs a handful of playoff games for it's image.
  5. I do hope DG gets suspended for a game, ideally 2, one for each ball he's kicked, and for the number of times he's done it this series alone. I think it will look a little suspicious if the NBA doesn't suspend him for 1 game because let's be honest, the notion of plausible deniability is obviously on the mind of someone trying to take a cheap shot and not get caught, so of course it's meant to not look "intentional." Just because he's using the "it's part of my game" excuse doesn't mean that kicking someone in the balls "inadvertantly" is ok. I guess players should start poking other player's eyes with two fingers out and just say that's how they play D. And yes it very well could mean the series if he gets suspended because normally being down 3-1 is the end of a series, unless you're the clippers. But he should be suspended 1 game. Although, the thunder have certainly gotten lucky with calls going their way so far these playoffs so maybe it will even out if it doesn't happen.
  6. Wow I can't watch that Rachel Nichols show anymore. The bias on there is North Korea worthy of the NBA for ESPN. I mean, Rachel Nichols not only can't criticize a single element of the NBA or within it, including players, she will actually mitigate any critique that comes through, barely, by the people they have along with her on the show. One guy says "there was a time a few years ago where we thought OKC would be in the finals every year" Rachel laughs it off and says "They've been to the conference finals four out of the last six years I think they're doing OK" I had to turn it off I can't even hear it as background noise anymore. I mean - they kicked off Tracy McGrady for saying the league was "watered down" twice ESPN is getting a bit creepy with how relentless their NBA promotion is getting. I mean I get it that they are literally in bed with them so of course this is what they should be doing, but they should just call themselves the Disney NBA Network and get it over with since they aren't fooling anybody at this point. I can't imagine how hard they are going to treat the NFL this fall as well it's going to be spectacular
  7. dammit I fell asleep during that run in the 2nd quarter when the warriors got up by 10-12 points, and then last thing I remembered was the thunder being down 40-46 or something like that. The thunder really do seem to be playing inspired basketball, and it's being done because you can tell KD is on a mission, he just seems like he has asserted himself to an even greater level in these playoffs. I'm not saying they win this series necessarily, but wow, just from the visual perspective it's weird how these warriors with such a small lineup even with bar none versatility can compete with young decently athletic bigs to go along with WB and KD. I like how, whether it's just because it's the playoffs so headlines are more noticeable or not, but it really seems like KD has grabbed the reins of the team instead of playing the de-facto leader based on absurd talent but WB on the court dictating the team in stretches in the past. KD, while still keeping WB just as equal as a leader as he always has, still has become more vocal in the right ways and I think it's helping, among other things, the inspiration within the team. "He's an idiot" was a perfect galvanizing force for the team. There's something that never feels quite right when the "actual" best player is playing second fiddle through on court impact or image etc, to someone else, for whatever reason and in whatever way. Sort of like Butler when Rose is still on the team, or Lebron the first year in miami, or whatever. So, things just feel "better" for OKC when Durant is performing on and off the court like how he is now. And of course, I'm not Mark Cuban, WB is clearly a superstar, so this is a more minute difference, but when the 2nd/3rd best player in the world (gasp even 1st when he's playing like he is right now yikes) is having less of an impact on the whole to probably the solid 4th best player in the world, there's still the overall element of underachievement clouding the team because it feels like KD isn't doing "enough." So, damn, my rooting structure for these playoffs has been upended if the Thunder get this series to 2-1 in their favor. I root for greatness and legacy so there are 3 tantalizing teams to root for in this final 4, so I am rooting for Lebron getting his 3rd in his hanging by a thread battle for GOAT, splitting hairs over repeat and Curry ascension to permanent legend getting a title. Curry winning over lebron is fine because Curry's season was easily the most impressive thing I've ever seen on an NBA court since I didn't watch Jordan in the 90s due to age and being terrible at basketball when I was young (lol). But if KD and WB get a title this year, there is literally no reason for them not to do what GS is on their mission to do themselves as a young and potentially long windowed team at the highest level. So dang, everything I thought I knew in life is changing before my eyes (potentially) ---------------- as an encore - after posting this I wanted to see KD's age (27) - but in the news section of the search I saw this from about 20 hours ago so yea KD is awesome http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kevin-durant-ambulance-oklahoma-city_us_5739c7e6e4b077d4d6f378f7
  8. Ha - Allen with the gluten free options again. I've never seen someone be so comfortable going from "GM" to head of the team spirit committee with absolutely 0 regret about it I'm sure he prefers it that way, he's the Allen figurehead and gets to do all the fun stuff. The only way he gets fired at this point is if the Maryland crab sandwiches get recalled for contaminated meat With that said - I wonder if they are going to do a revamp of the 80s type unis and bring those back, since this doesn't seem like it's any sort of official uniform change. At worst, updating their current suite to make them more cohesive with each component would be nice. I do have to admit, I like the gold pants with the white shirt, because the helmets and pants go together well with the white shirt in between. I hope that combination stays depending on what they do...
  9. he's 34 http://time.com/4316831/dwayne-wade-prince-basketball-player/ he's also prince's favorite player according to this
  10. Yea I mean not to knock GS but when you take Curry out of the equation GS players ranked vs. Clippers or Spurs or even OKC the drop off is huge. Not saying they can't/won't beat any of them, but when you go from Curry vs. Kawhi, CP3, and Durant/WB to Green/Klay as your top player vs. Kawhi CP3 and Durant/WB and then continue through the rosters it's a massive change. I really hope Curry isn't seriously hurt because that will put a damper on what was a great regular season for many reasons. Kobes final game, westbrook, Spurs, etc.
  11. Black Tie White Noise - David Bowie and Al B. on the Arsenio Hall show in 93. It's part 3 of a 5 part vid so there's a bit of Bowie/Arsenio talking in the beginning, but it's fine I've begun to traverse Bowie's albums post Scary Monsters, and I love it when I find gems (like this one in my opinion).
  12. That might have been one of the best regular season nights of any sport I can ever remember. In season finales, and/or based on history. I had both on their watchESPN things side by side.
  13. Kobe is going bonkers hes at what 56 now holy moly
  14. Curry looks like he's in the zone during those bench shots... awesome.... and Kobe just passed 40 tonight it would be awesome if lakers could win but not a necessity for sure
  15. 10 3s, passed 30.0 ppg, 400 3s, 46 pts tonight, this guy is ridiculous
  16. Both these games are still going more or less perfectly... Curry looks unstoppable and Kobe is putting up plenty of points
  17. kobe just had a nice run too I think they said he hit 5 in a row.. both games are going more or less as hoped thus far
  18. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2630754-how-much-better-would-peak-michael-jordan-have-made-your-team-this-season/page/32 This is your typical BR clickbait article, but this one is more fun than most given the current conversation. I think I have the link set at the #1 team, so you don't need to click 30 pages to get to the top ones (thanks BR). Sorry the link gets truncated so you don't see the title- it's about adding peak Jordan to every team this year and seeing how they rank with that in mind
  19. The whole discussion regarding bulls vs GS is rather stupid given the media's angle of it. Media says "OMG Pippen said they'd get swept, how dare he?" and that's their angle. So, all this talk occurs because of the simple fact that a team with Jordan and Pippen and friends on it, knowing going into a 7 game series is against another "all time great" team, would play up to their opponent and try to humiliate them, resulting in a surefire victory over a 7 game series. So, all the defense is essentially for a random game 3 or useless game 4 where GS wins a game. Big deal. I know ESPN wants little kids watching their t.v. showz to think they are living in such a great era of sports so everything is so awesome so they can increase sports participation and have their trickle down effects eventually lead to the NBA finals getting bigger and bigger and bigger as the NFL gets smaller and smaller and smaller since the NBA is in bed with disney, ABC, and ESPN, but sorry winning 1 more regular season game during an 82 game season as well as 5 less championships does not make this GS better than those. Ludicrous. And I'm rooting for GS to win multiple in a row, and have Curry become this era's best legend, since Lebron was a weak #1 player relative to eras past. Curry to me is already at his best better than any lebron phase. Curry fits in better on offenses, and has a much better track record in games that matter most. So yes I love Curry too. This tirade is more anti sports media than it is GS itself. If Jordan called muggsy bogues a "****ing midget" which affected the rest of his career, Jordan is going to call pretty much the entire "2016 tough" GS team all sorts of things, and probably have some picture perfect moments. Doesn't matter what the "rulez r," jordan will either play his style in their era, or he will just go to the basket, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, until he reaches 100 FT attempts, breaking Wilt's scoring record in game 1, demoralizing GS going forward. Most importantly, Steve Kerr creates a wormhole when the fabric of reality realizes there are two of them, but chooses to disintegrate the GS version of him, because, Jordan would kick the universe's ass if they chose the other one.
  20. wow it's over... I'm glad I kept watching this game and got to see the end. Yea I dunno what GS' best course of action is now, but each of their games are going to be must see TV until (and if) they get that next loss and can no longer break the record. I don't think they should care about tying the record at the expense of rest at that point, but that will be for them to decide. Just seems more empty of a goal to pursue at that point. But, they could easily get 72-10 even with rest so we'll see. I want them to break it, it would be extremely deflating to have followed this story the whole year and then in the final handful of games it goes away. Towns was impressive to watch however and Wiggins had 32 and you don't even notice.
  21. timberwolves keeping this game close at GS... 89-90 warriors with 8:43 left
  22. The first song I ever loved... 4 years old Wow that video is bad... no wonder the the main guy in ministry disowned this period.
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