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Posts posted by GoSkins0721

  1. This true. Usually it's low mileage used cars so we can get the best of both worlds. But we weren't sure we were minivan people and didn't want to put a lot into that bet. Esp since, and kids haveBeen true to form, and trash it.


    My wife says I'm cheap, I prefer frugal. I've owned 2 cars since 1981 (she has her own car): an '81 Datsun 310 that I donated to the Richmond Fire Department in 1994 & a 1990 535 BMW I bought in '94 that I still drive today. It's on it's last legs at ~155k. Most, if not all of the plastic clips that hold just about everything in the car are breaking every day. AC just went out yesterday (had it charged ~3 years ago). I only trust rolling down 2 windows because the other 2 are near death - I've had the other 2 replaced at ~$550/door. It sucks because the engine & tran still purr like a lion. No problems cruising on I95 at 85mph. My son just drove it 500 miles to/from the beach 2 weeks ago. But, this could be the final nail in the coffin. I'll take to my mechanic who has worked on it since I bought it to see what he says. Wife says get something new(er), but I need to see what it will be to get the AC fixed. Maybe another charge to hold me until 2016. 


    The thought of a monthly car payment brings tears to my eyes. 

  2. Apparently, Presidential Candidate Bobby Jindal’s #AskBobby Hashtag Was A Complete Trainwreck

    It was meant to be a harmless little Q&A on Twitter, but like every other social media experiment in the past, it quickly flew off the rails.

    Can anyone pet a dinosaur or just Jesus, @BobbyJindal? #AskBobby


    if global warming is a hoax why do i look like this? #AskBobby


    #askbobby who is the white man you had pose for you in your portrait?



  3. Apparently, Landon Donavan is still PO'd he didn't get picked for the 2014 World Cup Team. Some Pwnage here (note: Lexi Lalas picked the Germans to beat the US women in the semis the other night):



    Love the enthusiasm and veteran presence of @AbbyWambach despite not playing much. That kind of leadership is priceless during a WC



  4. Yah I got a social security statement a few weeks ago and my thought was "gee, that seems like a lot of money for someone who has no mortgage or kids, and who has a 401k, and a pension, and a wife with a state retirement and a social security stream of her own"

    I choose not to put any more money into my 401k than what is matched. And no other retirement savings either. I think it's a scam


    I do the same on my 401k. But I opened a Roth IRA last year for this reason: I can pump money into it for the next 5 years. So any interest, gains, or losses for the next 5 years will occur tax free. Then I can take it out without any tax hit. And I can roll my 401k money into it when I quit/get fired/laid off from my current job (yeah, I know taxes would have to be paid on that money to do that). But every penny gain in that account is free of tax and it's tax free when I withdraw it.


    Last but not least, I read somewhere the greatest gift to your heirs is to have a bag full of money in a Roth IRA to leave to them. It's already been taxed so they can withdraw it free of taxes... 


    Over the next 6-7 years my plan is to move all my money from my IRA to my Roth IRA, paying the taxes along the way but earning money on it tax free. Same thing for my wife's IRA & Roth. 

  5. "Bank of Canada is pleading with Star Trek fans to stop “Spocking” its five dollar bills. Since Leonard Nimoy’s death, Canadian folks have been “Spocking” the hell out of the five dollar bill that features a portrait of Canada’s seventh prime minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier.

    Sir Wilfrid now sports, on certain bills at least, pointy ears, the signature Vulcan haircut and eyebrows and Spock’s mantra “Live long and prosper.”



  6. yeesh, almost had an "incident" with a hand held reciprocating saw. I was cutting a piece of wood secured to my work bench. but it was still flopping around a lot, so I one-handed the saw while I pinned down the wood with my left hand. After the piece cut away, the weight of the saw just dropped like a dead weight.  I almost got the blade mid-thigh.


    Good thing I was standing off to the left a bit. Whew.


    Note to self: Respect the power tool. Think it through before proceeding. Especially when tired or in a hurry. 


    Buddy of mine was cutting trees down on his lot. After about 8 hours he's tired but had one more cut in him. Ripped through a limb, chain saw fell towards this thigh, but only cut his blue jeans before he gained control of the saw. He wore those same jeans every time after that whenever he did any kind of DIY job to remind him of how stupid & lucky he was. 

  7. Hahahaha....The Onion strikes again



    "PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad –  Former FIFA vice president Jack Warner renewed his criticism of the United States, where he faces corruption charges, on Sunday by releasing a pair of videotaped comments — one of them based on a story by satirical website The Onion....


    ...In an eight-minute Facebook video, which was quickly deleted after numerous news reports picked up on the gaffe, Warner held up a printout of a fictitious story from The Onion bearing the headline: "FIFA Frantically Announces 2015 Summer World Cup In United States."


    The fake story was published on Wednesday, hours after Warner was indicted in the U.S. and arrested and briefly jailed in Trinidad. Warner asked why the story was "two days before the FIFA election" when Sepp Blatter was re-elected as president.

    Warner asked "if FIFA is so bad why is it the U.S. wants ... the World Cup?" Additionally, Warner said that FIFA is "the very same organization they (the U.S.) are accusing of being corrupt. That has to be double standards."



    • Like 2
  8. Well, everyone can toss in the towel if they want. I'm hoping to see the team make this the rallying cry for the rest of the season. 


    Unrealistic? Yeah, maybe. But I won't toss in the towel.


    From the late, great John Belushi:


    "And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go! What the **** happened to the Wizards fans I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you without Wall, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Atlanta, they're a dead team! Cleveleand, dead! Golden State -"

  9. Yeah, I guess your are right:



    I case you can't read (ie went to Duke or were an athlete at UNC), the first was Duke students after a victory over UNC.  The above is UNC victory.  Can't remember if they ever won national championships.


    Touche...And the original comment coming from a never-done-anything-coach Seth G who was fired from that basketball mecca Va Tech. Dude needs to STFU.

  10. Potential #1 self-pwnage of all time...whatever happened to that Darwin Awards thread? 


    This may rank as one of the deadlier selfies-that-kill stories: The photos likely contributed to not one person's death, but two. The NTSB report on a May 31 plane crash in Watkins, Colo., cites recordings from a GoPro camera found at the scene.

    They show pilot Amritpal Singh, 29, and his passenger using their cellphones to take selfies. The report indicates that the phones' flashes disoriented Singh (it was sometime after 12:30am); he then lost control of the plane, reports KUSA-TV.

    A portion of the report via the Denver Post: "Post-accident examination of the airplane did not reveal any pre-impact anomalies that would have precluded normal operation. Based on the wreckage distribution ... and the degraded visual reference conditions, it is likely that the pilot experienced spatial disorientation and lost control of the airplane." CBS Denver notes the selfies were taken at low altitudes, and speaks with an aviation security expert who knew Singh. Jeff Price says that a camera flash can be particularly problematic at those altitudes. He recounts being in the ****pit once when a flash went off; it was as jarring as lightning, he says.



  11. Nothing like a quality steak.. did these a few weeks back.. Porterhouses. Asparagus and potato wedges... all the steak needs is some simple seasoning... if its a quality cut, no need for anything else.




    How are you able to upload these big pictures?


    Every time I use the "Choose files..." option (form the advanced reply screen) to add my photo they're much bigger then the 9.5KB restriction & they get rejected. 


    btw...Nice steaks 


    Thanks, GOskins. Out of likes

    Ya, we have a few months to research. Ktr asked us if we wanted it, then he went through his whole spiel about warming coils in basements. Reviews go both ways, many people saying it's a nice option, some saying not worth it. As of today, I'm leaning toward "**** that ****." If your feet are cold, put on some socks. But end of the day, wife's opine reign supreme  :(




    No problem. Sounds like you have some time to research options. Make sure you ask the contractors for references.


    Look at options to floor heat - what other options exist? One thing you don't want is to NOT get the floor heat, finish your basement, & then be cold. Space heaters are expensive to operate. And you don't want to tear everything up & then do the install. Talk to neighbors, friends, coworkers to find out what they've done. Make sure to ask them the cost to operate & maintain the floor heat. 


    Yeah, we're all at the mercy of our better half. Just file it away to use when you want to get that special thing for yourself...  ;)

  13. Jesus, you guys are brutal lol.

    New construction, we chose to have basemen finished asap after house is done. contractor Suggested coil Warm Floors For Colorado, We Were Like ehhhh.....maybe. just wondering if anyone had any experience with them either way


    I don't know much about it, but the cost is going to depend on how many square feet need to be installed. 


    I would:


    1. Do some research about this floor-coil-thingy to determine the options - i.e., types of floor-coil-thingy.

    2. Find out from the manufacturer's reputable contractor's in your area who install it

    3. Get a quote from several for each type you like 

    4. Make a decision


    As others have said (and things I've read) it's the nuts for cold weather areas. 


    Here's some info from Bob Villa. It includes some info on cost to operate, which is probably important to you:



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