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Posts posted by GoSkins0721

  1. Anyone have any experience with an M1 grill?  Looks great - a combination of direct heat with height adjustable charcoal tray as well as a firebox for indrect smoking.




    Got great reviews on amazingribs.com but for that much $$, need some more info...


    I've been considering a hastybake grill for a while.  This looks a bit better, but tough call...


    I don't know anything about the M1 or the Hastybake grill. But, if I was going to spend that kind of money I'd buy the XL Big Green Egg. It does it all, no questions asked, has tons of accessories, & I've never read a bad thing about it. 

  2. The one we had last night was the Smithfield ones that was sealed up.  It was the applewood smoked bacon one, but it said it was a dry rub w/bacon (I thought it had an actual marinade though):


    The ones we got from the fresh case we just did a dry rub on them with the Weber Steak 'N Chops seasoning.  It has sea salt, garlic, sugar, lemon, onion and some other spices in it.  


    The Smithfield one was the best we have made so far.  I'd definitely recommend wrapping it in bacon.  


    I like these, but the salt content is astronomical. I swell up like a dead bullfrog when I eat them. I *try* to stay away from manufacturers seasoned meat/fish. Lots of chemicals & way too much salt. 


    I've had a an almost impossible time trying to season pork with anything but a dry rub. Marinate overnight with all different types of fluids & I get nothing. I stick with dry rubs or put on homemade bbq sauce at the end.

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  3. Has anybody done that cream cheese stuffed tenderloin? That seems like a food born illness waiting to happen. But I can be a pushy about that stuff sometimes

    I did one of those for Christmas eve a couple of years ago. Fileted the pork loin, mixed spinach with cream cheese & other herbs, spread it across the pork loin, rolled it up & sealed it with metal skewers (string would work, too), S&P&Onion/Garlic powder, tossed it on the grill. The inside will leak out of the ends so make sure it's sealed tightly. Before I sliced it, I put a skewer through it about every inch & then sliced between the skewers to keep the serving from unrolling.  It was good. And the crowd was impressed with the presentation. 

  4. I've used the Trader Joe's dough a couple of times. It's ok - I don't think it's made with 00 flour, it's probably bread flour. The 00 flour has lower gluten content that makes it easy to stretch out to hold it's shape.  The TJ dough is damn near impossible to stretch out to a certain size. 


    Zoony's right - it's kind of a pain in the ass to make pizza. I like to have the dough sit & rise for 18-24 hours so I have to plan far in advance to make pizza for dinner. I actually made a batch of dough a couple of weekends ago, split it into 4 pieces, put it into 2 separate food saver vacuum bags & stuck it in the freezer. I'll probably make it this week so I'll post to let you know how it turns out after being frozen. 


    There is an instant rise yeast that can be used to cut down on the 18 hour rise time. I haven't tried it but from what I've read it sounds

    like it works ok. 


    Here's a common problem when cooking pizza on a grill - the crust will cook before the toppings (cheese melting). On my smoker, I use the upper grid (it it's 8-10" above the main grate) so the pizza sits as high as possible in the smoker - where it's much hotter. This seems to help both the crust & toppings cook together. Oh....and less is more - don't load up the pizza with toppings or you'll have a soggy mess. 


    Now, my olive bread on the grill is awesome. I have to plan a couple of days in advance for that too. But it's got that crunchy-chewy crust that I love...

    • Like 1

    Thanks to Bacteria, You Need to Grill at a Higher Temperature Now


    Click on the link for the full article



    I can tell you this, I've been to plenty of meat manufacturer's (actually going to one in LA this afternoon) and their controls leave much to be desired. Lot control? Sure, we'll recall everything we made 3 days before and 3 days after that problem lot because we have no idea what went in where. Happens everyday at a sausage/burger plant in the US.


    I learned a new word a few years ago at a hot dog/sausage plant - comminuted as in comminuted meat. Mmmmm....

  6. Yeah. I'll have my meat in the cooking chamber and use the firebox for indirect. I'm leaking on the cooking chamber side. Smoke and heat pours out where the lid closes. Leaking a lot less where the firebox meets the cooking chamber surprisingly enough. But I still plan to put a line of sealant there.

    Not surprising it would be leaking around the lid closure - there's no gasket around it, correct? 


    The self-stick Nomex (there are other brands) should do the trick. I would fire up the grill & mark where it is leaking. Then when it cools, go back & put down the gasket, re-light, and see what happens. It will probably take a few attempts to get it all done. BUT, you don't need it to be perfect and probably won't be able to get it to completely stop leaking. And that's okay.


    The key is this: Can you hold a temperature - pick a number 225, 250, 325, etc. - for a long period of time (again, pick a number 2, 4, 6, 8 hours)? It doesn't matter that it leaks a bit around the edges as long as the temp holds. On my Akorn, the temp might fluctuate between 240-270 during a 6 hour smoke - wind changes directions, dog farts in the general direction of the smoker, etc. I use the meat thermometer to tell me when it's done. The fluctuation of the temp - within reason - is no cause for concern. 


    TBS - Thin Blue Smoke is what you want...

  7. Is laying sod as easy as it looks?  I've youtubed the crap out of it, it looks pretty straight forward.  We already had our sprinkler system installed so that's done.  After getting a few quotes, I can save a few thousand dollars by tilling it and sodding it myself.    My neighbor on one side spent $15K to get his backyard landscaped (he went all out, though), guy on the other side spent $7K. Screw that noise, I'll do it myself.


    We've already got the sprinkler system installed back there.  I'm sodding a 35x40 space.   There is a company in my area that delivers sod for cheap.  I'm just going to lay it in a brick pattern, cut it to fit as necessary, cut out small holes for the sprinkler heads.  Water the living **** out of it for an hour a day for 2-3 weeks.  Then put up my barriers about 3 feet from the fence all around and fill it with river rock.  


    Am I not supposed to fertilize until the sod has taken root?

    Soil prep is the hardest part of putting down sod. When I did my backyard, I tilled it, mixed in peatmoss, retilled, and raked it to level it out. Not tough work but it took time. Putting down the sod is pretty much what you said: do it in a staggered pattern so the ends aren't the same across the lawn. Then rent a hand roller (I think those things fill with water) and roll it over the sod to help set it in the soil. Then water, water, water.


    If you're in the DMV now's not the time to lay sod. The dog day of August will kill it. 

    • Like 1
  8. Appreciate the advice y'all.


    Honestly, I think my biggest problem is that I'm having more issues getting the temp to anything above 250 honestly. Which really isn't much of a bad thing considering the smoking temp for most that I like is no more than that. I'm not so much concerned about losing smoke as I am losing heat. Which I know tends to be a common design flaw in the lower grade offset smokers. Primary example, I did a beer can chicken on the smoker this past weekend. It was honestly one of the best I've ever done. Did an overnight brine, seasoned and injected before putting on the grill, the whole nine. The chicken itself was DELICIOUS. But my issue, is when smoking a whole chicken like that, if you keep your temp at 250 and below, the skin doesn't quite cook right. It tastes great, but it doesn't get that good peel/flake to it. Instead it gets to where you can't even bite through it and chews almost like gum. A few recipes I was reading said that a shorter smoke time at around 300-325 tends to remedy that. But I was having some trouble maintaining that temp. I think next time I'm gonna start a second chimney right after I dump the first one in the firebox and see if that helps me get up to a higher temp that I can manage through the vents.


    Yeah, you need to get the temps up to 325-350 when cooking chicken & turkey. Otherwise you'll end up with dried out meat with slick almost uncooked skin. I learned that the hard way on my 1st cook of a whole chicken on my smoker. I kept it at ~250 and had my meat/bbq meat thermometer monitoring the chicken & the smoker. Damn thing took about 3.5-4 hours to cook. When it finally hit temp on the chicken, it was so dried out I had to drown it in bbq sauce to moisten it. Plus the skin was basically inedible. Now 325-350 is the only way I cook whole chickens & turkeys. 


    It sounds like you're not getting enough air from underneath on your smoker. Not sure what kind you have so I don't know where you're adjustable vents are. But I'm assuming you have one on the top & bottom. Try opening the bottom one a bit more to get more air flowing through the fire. 


    On my smoker, I open the vents to a certain position on the top & bottom every time I use it. Then when the temp hits about 100 degrees less than my target, I dial them back to a different setting (depending on my final desired temp) and wait for it to come up to the end temp. Then I make my final adjustments to hold that temp. I had to play around with it to learn the settings, but now it's easy. The only other factor I consider is the wind. That definitely alters the vent settings. 

    • Like 1
  9. I need to figure out the best way to grill wings with crunchy skin.


    Wings without a good char are terrible.  I have had my share of slimy wings in my life.


    Grilling them slow and low doesn't get that crispy skin.  I guess some folk like skin with no crisp?


    I do what Zoony suggested: smoke them for about 1 hour at ~350 (indirect). Then I remove the heat deflector plate in my smoker so they are directly over the heat. At that point, I'm watching them like a hawk, basting  & moving them around to get the right crispness.


    Soggy, slimy wings (or chicken skin of any kind) is disgusting.


    When I do a full 15-18 lb turkey on the smoker, I always have to invert the bird so the bottom gets as crispy as the rest of the bird. Not sure if peeps who have BGE's have to do that, but the heat directly above my heat deflector doesn't get as high as the higher part of my smoker (a Char Griller Akorn).  If I have wings smoking on both levels of the smoker, I'll switch the upper grill with the bottom to give both the same amount of time in the upper/higher heat. When cooking a pizza, i only cook on the upper grill as the heat gets both the crust crispy & melts the cheese. I've never tested it but it has to be a 75-100 degree difference...

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  10. How many of you guys make your own cole slaw? I used to work at a restaurant and learned there how to make some slaw that everybody seems to love that tries it.



    tiny bit of shredded carrot




    salt and pepper


    I make it all the time but without the mayo. Instead I use: soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, peanut butter, vegetable oil, brown sugar, garlic & a few drops of sesame oil with carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, & onion. 

  11. Oh and have you seen the latest craze.  "Service Dogs" for people with anxiety and depression.  If you have to have one, leave the dog at home and carry a stuffed animal around, while you are out.  I just think that's a slap in the face at real people who need Service Dogs for a physical disability.  As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I go to counseling. I'm not on medication. I don't need some smelly animal next to me 24 hours a day to keep me sane.


    I travel a lot for work. The number of people on flights these days with "service dogs" is unreal. Apparently, all it takes is a patch for the dog to wear - nothing official - something you can buy on the interwebz. Ridiculous...

  12. <Pork tenderloin & brussell Sprouts>


    Get a baking sheet. I typically cover with foil to make clean up a little easier. Pour the bowl onto the sheet so that you have an even layer of sprouts.


    Bake for about 20 minutes, take them out, and enjoy.


    A good option for the brussell sprouts is to use a frying pan instead of a baking sheet. Blackened sprouts with your mix would be good.


    I do brussell sprouts, broccoli, & cauliflower (separately, not together) on the smoker in a frying pan with olive oil, lemon, & red pepper. The frying pan gives them that delicious blackened char. I'll have to do this with your mix...

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  13. Smoked chicken came out fantastic today. About 4 hours at 225-245. Nice brown crust on the outside, tender, moist, deeply smoky (applewood) meat on the inside.

    The beans needed to be cooked more before going in as the drip pan. Flavor was great, but they were a tad under.

    All in all a successful first try.

    I do something similar when cooking a turkey: Fill a pan with chicken stock, onion, celery, rosemary, thyme, s&p. Place a cooling rack on top of the pan. Place the turkey on top of the rack. Slow cook on grill, indirect heat until done. When done, I pour the stock through a fine sieve into a pot, add fresh chopped veggies (shrooms, carrot, onion, celery) and thicken it with roux.

    Smoky-turkey-gravy = heaven.  


    The first time I did this, I was going to put the tray under the grill grate. When I did, I noticed some of the black gunk from under the grill dropped into the chicken stock. Fortunately, I was able to salvage the pan, removed the little bit of black gunk that fell in, & had a successful cook.


    I'll have to try your beans & chicken - maybe par boil the beans before putting them on the grill to ensure they're done when the chicken is done. Hmmm....now that I think about it, my smoked teriyaki meatloaf would work much better with beans! Thanks!

  14. I strongly believe that the first player to be ejected with the new rules will most probably be either OBJ or Norman during week three. And the conspirationist in me thinks that odds are against Norman.


    Yeah, and **** Mara while I'm thinking about it....

  15. I thought about the Akorn, but the thing that is swaying me to the weber setup is that it more closely resembles a side box smoker.  My gas smoker I have has everything lined up vertically , the heat, wood, water, then meat.  So the meat drips down and makes a mess of everything.  Having more of a side set up with the water in between eliminates this problem.  I'm sure they both cook awesome, I'm just a lazy **** looking for the easiest way to do anything. 


    Oh, that's easily solved in a Kamado-style grill. 


    The firebox holds the charcoal (sitting on a grate - which allows the ashes to drop to the bottom)

    A grill is placed on top of the firebox. It's on this grid where you place a heat deflector (a pizza stone, a cast iron griddle. I use a pizza pan). Then you can sit a disposable pan on top of the heat deflector. That's where all of the grease drips on a long smoke. A Kamado-style grill does NOT need any additional fluids to keep the meat moist because it retains the heat so well (the entire shell on top & bottom is insulated). 

    Then the actual grill where you cook the meat sits above the heat deflector. The Akorn has a swivel grill that sits above the main grill so I can smoke meat on 2 levels. Or, I'll cook meat on the main grill & toss some potatoes/corn on the swivel grill an hour or so before the meat is done.


    To cook direct on the grill, just remove the deflector from the center grill. 



  16. So what are y'all's strategies for doing indirect heat and low heat slow smoking in regards to maintaining temperature in a non electric setting? I'm hopefully getting a new grill soon. One that comes with the sidecar attachment for smoking. In my few experiences with indirect heat and using a non electric smoker I've done okay. But each time has also been a learning experience. Problem with that is though, when you're talking about investing the money for a good piece of meat and 6-10+ hours of time, it's nice to have a strategy going in.


    Some of the issues I've had in the past were trying to find the right blend of soaked wood chips to coals and tying into that, maintaining temperature. Would using wood chunks as opposed to chips help with that? Do you generally lay a thin bed of coals down and set the wood on top?


    Sorry, I know I'm a bit of a noob here. I've loved cooking for years. I've gotten really good at making stuff inside my kitchen. I've done some really good work on the grill and smoking meat in the past. But I want to learn some strategies to really get the most out of that time and money and I'm curious what y'all do


    Regardless of equipment, the key to holding a temperature +/- a certain level (say, 250 degrees) comes down to how air tight your grill is. That doesn't mean if you have leaks you can't hold a temperature. It means you need to practice with the air vent settings to compensate for any air leaking from your grill. 

    The best grills for long cooks, in my opinion, have a vent opening in the bottom & one on the top. Both should be adjustable. By controlling the amount of air coming in (bottom) & out (top) you can get the grill temp set to anything you want for a very, very long period of time. 

    Personally, I prefer wood charcoal & then use flavored wood chunks (cherry, apple, etc.) not soaked in water when smoking meat (or peanuts, fish, etc.) I use these to start the fire (using a piece about the size of your thumbnail). Fill the grill with charcoal, dig a whole in the middle to the bottom, place the firestarter there, light it, & place 1 or 2 pieces of lump wood over it to be sure not to smother it.




    I know Skinsfan loves his Weber but I'm extremely pleased with the Akorn (pictured above). I bought it 4 years ago for $150. I practiced a couple of times, starting the grill, working the vents, to determine the best settings for certain temps. Wind direction definitely plays a roll in the temp but I can adjust the vents to get whatever temp I want regardless of how windy it is. My longest cook was 12 hours - that's with no adjustments & no adding charcoal. I've read where some people have been able to go 24hrs+ with the Akorn at ~250. The best part I like is the outside isn't hot to the touch - ever. Once I'm done cooking, I can close the vents & put the cover on it. I can't tell you how many times over the years I forgot to cover a grill & it got rained on! 


    The wireless thermometer is a must. Get the dual probe - meat & grill - so you can monitor both temps. There's all kinds out there, depends on your budget. Also, some of them will work with your cell phone. 


    My favorite part of a long cook (besides the outcome): I can put a pork butt on the grill at 9AM at ~250 and spend the rest of the day doing whatever I want. Once I have the temp dialed in I'll leave it alone for 8 hours & not have to worry about it at all. 


    Here's a good site to get more info on various types of kamado-style grills:



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  17. Thighs are my favorite part of the chicken! Gotta cook them bone in though. They fall off the bone so easily anyway so why not, save some money and get all that great flavor


    Yeah I've using been thighs to make chicken bbq for the past several years. Better flavor & not nearly as dry as chicken breast. Not to mention the cheap price at Costco for both bone in & boneless thighs.

  18. Smoking chicken tonigh. I finish it off over direct heat to get a nice crispy char. Probably one of my favorite things I think I like it better than just about anything


    Yeah, it's tough to beat crispy chicken especially when it's smoked on a grill. 


    I have a 16.5 lb turkey that's getting smoked on the Akorn tomorrow. I just bought a spiralizer so I'm going to try some smoked spiral sweet potatoes to go along with it. 

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