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Posts posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. You think HBO will be able to hold onto Broner now that Floyd has jumped ship? I have my doubts.

    I think so, Broner is not under Mayweather Promotions, yes they are good friends but Broner knows that this could be his opportunity HBO can't afford too lose talent now and will pay him and promote him too be there next star. Also theres no beef between HBO fighters and SHOWTIME Fighters and Broner said he wouldn't fight Mayweather for any amount of money so its not like that fight is in jeopardy of happening if they split because it isn't going too happen. Broner already calls himself MR. HBO.

  2. As a scorer and ball handler, yeah I buy it. But Westbrook is a pretty average passer and he's still a lot better passer than Kyrie.

    And Westbrook is a pretty good defender who will tirelessly hound the ball, run through a million screens per night, and bang with much bigger players. He was guarding LeBron the other night. He's on a different level physically than Kyrie.

    Plus Westbrook is a tank. His fitness has to be the best in the game. He's never missed a game and he plays such a physical style.

    Plus Westbrook has proven he can PG a team to the Finals, Kyrie hasn't really proven anything other than he can score a lot of points yet.

    I think Westbrook gets overshadowed by Durant but if he played on a team where he was the top star, he would get much more of his due.

    :notworthy I agree with everything there

  3. Simple. I think Irving is a championship caliber perimeter offensive talent. He's only in year two and he is efficiently scoring 24ppg and he can score from anywhere on the floor. I put a premium on offensive talent because dominant scoring threats in the NBA have suddenly become extremely rare. I like Westbrook a lot but I think Kyrie is closer to Durant as an offensive player.

    I am not taking Irving over Westbrook but its close I think Westbrook defense gives him the edge here, but Irving is better than Holiday.

  4. you are right...though Margarito only weighed in at 150

    ---------- Post added February-19th-2013 at 04:34 PM ----------

    agree that Martinez should move up; but I don't think many of them would lay his ass out as you say. Ward would beat him, Frotch is a toss up....Martinez would beat everyone else in the division.

    Kessler would KO him, Darrell would whoop him, Bute and Abraham would do the same. All Of them have been begging for a fight and Martinez turns the other cheek. With that pathetic hands down too the waist defense he would get put too sleep. He has power and has decent hand speed but he WILL NOT budge from 160. His best wins are a over rated drugged up Julio and a split with Paul Williams who has zero defense. He has a multiple loses a few draws and he lost too Margarito, I don't buy that he's that good.

  5. If I remember correctly PAC was 148 on fight night Margo ballooned too 160+, Mayweather highest weight was 150 vs Cotto. I don't like Martinez he is a joke he wants May and PAC too move up too fight him and calls himself the most avoided fighter in history. He is at 160 why not move up and fight at 168 which is PACKED with talent that would lay his ass out.

  6. Martinez is too big, yes Floyd fought Cotto at 154 but didn't Pac fight Margo at 154 let him fight Martinez as well. Hell theres plenty fights at 168 if Martinez wants a big fight Ward, Froch the list goes on and on.

    Theres no way Floyd does 6 more fights, If he does then he is bound too fall sooner or later father time catches up.

    fighting Guerrero, Alverez and a Pac fight just too do it and call it a career.

  7. I like the +/- stat but you guys make it out more than what it is, I dont like the fact you are going too gage one person being on the floor at a certain time totally throwing away what anyone else on the team did or what the other team did which could have been a cold spell.

    I think Okafor has been good and Nene has been ok on defense, now too your point I haven't went too a game this year and I applaud you into witnessing terrible basketball too support the team if you went too any of the first 35 games, so I can't say I can see what your seeing.

    We have a team full off specialist and thats being nice if you want too call it that. But we have a team full of players that can only do 1 thing good with Nene being our most balanced player and I don't think he gives the team enough. Example Ariza good D horrible O, Wall quick is lighting but cant shoot. If everything is clicking and the team meshes perfectly like last night we are a good team. We need a star go to player a true leader someone you know is going too give you certain numbers night in and night out that you can count on.

  8. Mayweather Jr Says Devon Alexander Frontrunner For May 4 Fight.


    Devon's not a bum, but he's a defensive fighter with little power. Not exactly a great risk by Mayweather.

    This is ridiculous, if Mayweather fights Alexander I WILL NOT BUY 100% this fight is a joke. And Alexander IS a BUM. He had potential until he was exposed by Bradley, his last fight he should have lost or look terrible in it can't remember I just remember being really disappointed. Alexander doesn't belong in the same arena as Mayweather unless he is on the under card and thats not the one before the main event. Only way I can see this point of view by Mayweather if he is questioning his skills after his jail sentence and wants a "tune up fight" but he needs too mention it.

  9. I think we need to pick two of Crawford, Seraphin, Singleton, Vesely, and Booker and then move the other three. We're wasting them trying to develop all five at once.


    Crawford and Booker are who they are and I don't think will not get any better, both are decent and deserving too be on a nba roster.

    Vesley, Seraphin and Singleton pick 1 and try too develop him or just move the hell on totally, Seraphin chucks more than crawford he reminds me of Nick Young at the PF position. Theres no shot he will not take last night he took at least 2 shots a few steps from the 3 point line made one but still, His hook shots can look terrible at times, he doesn't pick up any fouls and on the defensive end he doesn't give his all. Reminds me of a bad big baby davis which out the skills and hustle. I don't think you keep Crawford and Seraphin. Just think last year we had Crawford, Nick Young and Seraphin :ols: all 3 haven't seen a shot they didn't like, then top that off with my boy Blatche and well what a terrible team. Crawford brings a few other things too the table he can facilitate well at times, I like him coming off the bench as instant offense.

    Singleton and Vesley belongs in the D league they are either terrible or simply no where near ready. Singleton can maybe develope into a decent defensive player and a spot up 3 point shooter, Vesley I am not sure what his potential is, I am not a fan either one.

  10. I turned the game on when the Wizards was getting absolutley destroyed, I thought it was going too be one of those epic Spurs beat downs that they always give us. Looking at the box score I saw we made it a game and Wall's 22 shot attempts. I like Wall being aggresive and looking too score taking more shots trying too make plays and not pass the ball soon he gets up half court and run in the corner only never too be seen again. Wall has be struggling the last few games because all teams been looking too do is prevent him from going too the basket and not worrying about him taking any shots. It's kind of hard too get assist when no one respects your offensive game and you don't really half any star players like Rondos Celtics or just a brilliant playmaker like a young Jason Kidd. If continue too be more aggressive then it will only open it up for his teammates getting more open shots and racking up the assist.

    Nene is not getting the job done he has been looking very average the last week or 2.

  11. Yeah I think you put a high quality shooter and off ball specialist at the 3 with John Wall at PG. If having one (Beal) makes such a big difference in the level of play of the unit, two would be better.

    Here's a sincere question: Are Nene and Okafor good fits with Wall?

    I think the two of them have demonstrated they are a really good fit with each other. But what are the pros and cons they bring to the table with Wall?

    The guy that was a good fit for John Wall was no other than JaVale McGee but you guys ran him out of town. Nene is good but he is way overpaid, when he gets the ball he stops and do 10 pump fakes before he decides if he's going too make a move or not.

  12. Watching Miami vs Brooklyn and wow the players these two teams have the sets they run, the way they move the ball around its just not fair compared too us. Then besides the talent the effort theses guys fight for every ball, dive for loose balls and battle all around. Big Evans, Lebron, Wallace and Haslem man these guys go too work. You don't see that watching the Wizards game I saw Vesley battle for a rebound relentlessly one time thats pretty much it for the whole team for a entire game.

  13. Why don't Nene just take over a game? Every game he gets in the post palming the ball waving it in the air like he is Garnett or Gasol and then he proceeds too turn the ball over. Damn dude just get aggresive and score or open it up for your teammates. Just waving the ball in the post is not working on this team your the best player on the team getting paid the most now be that guy.

    ---------- Post added January-30th-2013 at 10:03 PM ----------

    Wall, put the offense on your back and start attacking. Don't sit there and let Ariza try and create something off the dribble from the top of the key. Don't dump it off to Nene and let him pump fake for 15 seconds while everyone else stands around before driving the lane and shooting that wild running hook and/or turning it over.

    Look at the team loafing to their spots. Coasting through the sets. They didn't show up tonight.

    I see what your saying but Philly has great on ball defenders, I agree with the Nene 15 second pump faking show.

  14. Main thing is Noel started showing out. Back to back games with 7 blocks and a bunch of rebounds and a ridiculous 27 blocks in his last four games. I wrote off his ability to dribble the ball and his touch on the finesse finishes too soon. I went back and looked at some of his H.S. stuff where he dribbles the ball a lot more and saw that he's got pretty decent handles. He also has a couple jump hooks he went to that make me think he can be a fairly effective low post scorer once he develops.

    If you look at the IQ and the freak athleticism + the impact defensive potential he'll have right off then project him adding strength, post moves, some ball handling and face up offense--that's a franchise center.

    I doubt he'll be the scorer Pat Ewing became, but I can definitely see some young Pat Ewing in Nerlens.

    :secret: 360 = full circle.

    I think I figured that our before you sent that. I really appreciate you trying too correct me these guys was going too just laugh at me all day long lol and well deserved self fail.

  15. Mute the music. That's a medley of his dunks and blocks from HS with a couple of hooks and jumpers and steals mixed in. My favorite part is the guy who drives the lane trying to posterize him about 2:10 :ols:.

    Looks how marvelously quick he is. He has some of the quickest hands you're ever going to see. His second bounce is absolutely amazing and he can get way above the rim.

    I think a Tyson Chandler type comparison lowballs Nerlens. Once he fills out and gets his strength I think he'll be a franchise player.

    Hmmmmm I see a comparison with me doing a complete 360 on Beal and you doing a 360 on Noel. A week ago he's Vesley next week he's a potiental franchise player. Lol my man it's great that both of us can admit we have been wrong.

  16. JaVale wasn't an ******* or problem child, he was just the biggest punchline in the league. It's demoralizing when your C is the Shaqtin' A Fool MVP. Cousins is actually really good and is a pretty smart player. He's just a mean, tempermental dude. All things considered, I like his nastiness and I'd rather have someone who is difficult than someone who is a fool.

    I think Cousins could use a change in scenery and if you give him a coach he respects and teammates he loves he'll behave better. There will still be problems here and there, he's a confrontational guy. But he'll work through them as they come and he'll actually be motivated to make it work with John.

    ---------- Post added January-22nd-2013 at 08:45 AM ----------

    All we need is one win and we can pass Cleveland and Charlotte to get out of the cellar.

    ---------- Post added January-22nd-2013 at 09:14 AM ----------

    Also, I think it's worth mentioning again that Cousins actually wants to be here. Can you believe it? A potentially dominant young talent that wants to come to the worst team in the league. If Cousins were a FA dollars to donuts he would sign with us. It seems like a good match. We want him and need a player like him to make a leap and he wants to play for us.

    I agree witht he talent Cousins is a beast but you compared his crazy attitude too Javale

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