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Posts posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. If I am going to go down supporting the team I want my superstar giving it his all and having no fear. I can handle losing in that situation this entire playoffs it seems as this is Bradley Beal's team not John Wall's. This traditional point guard crap is not winning anymore you have to break the defense not only to get your teammates involved but to look to score Tony P, Chris Paul and Russell Westbrook. Wall is very capable he can score we seen it the jumper is a struggle but he is not doing it when we need it.

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  2. Durant's the better player. No doubt. But there's a reason some are now saying Westbrook is Batman and Durant is Robin. Durant's inability to pass out of a double team, shoot over the much smaller Paul and missing a huge FT can't be overlooked.

    And I agree. OKC needs a better coach. George Karl might be the answer.

    DM, you are absolutley correct. Getting shut down by Paul made me sick to my stomach, I have learn to have a hatred for Chris Paul do to his flopping but he was clearly the best player on the court he dominated.

  3. Gamboa is listed at 32, and he's probably older than that, he isn't exactly a young guy anymore. He hasn't had a good performance in some time, if Crawford has the goods, he should win comfortably.

     yeah, I forgot he had a long amature career over 250 fights. Its sad that his career has been wasted the past 2 years.

  4. Terrence Crawford is fighting Gamboa got damn you talk about a potiental exciting fight 2 young guns going at it. 50 cent through his only fighter worth **** out to the wolves with this one. Gamboa has power and speed but his inactivity may play a factor in this one cause Crawford is as sharp as they come. I am taking Crawford stoping Gamboa

  5. One thing you don't understand. Manny makes money outside of boxing. Plus, let's not act as if Manny isn't set for life. Mayweather on the otherhand, I can definitely see him being a hard luck story years after the $ stop rolling in.


    Mayweather is spending his money the way he wants to spend his money **** its his, if burns it up then **** he burned it up. Pac is not even seeing most of his money, Arum and company is taking advantage of the guy.

  6. Come on DM, Mayweather has been pulling that his last 5 or 6 fights, not only does he set records with guarentee purses his numbers after PPV is off the charts. Then after that he doesn't have to pay a promotor 30% he gives Goldenboy a small percentage and banks the rest. I just don't understand the only person that had that kind of star power is Pacman but he refused to follow the blueprint.

  7. I am looking at it like this when Floyd just got off of making 50 million and Pac just got off making 20 I think its very fair. Pac would double his loot at 40million and Mayweather would double his at 100 only fair imo. Instead Pac went on to sign a extension where he his giving Arum 30% and lord only knows how much that rat really took from the guy, he could have came home with 40 million ALL HIS well before he pay his taxes.

  8. Why should Floyd care if Pac gets screwed by Top Rank? Is it any of his business? Funny, when Pac and Floyd originally went into negotiations 3 or 4 years ago, Floyd didn't have no problem dealing with Top Rank. Drug testing was the hold up. Now 3 or 4 years later, Arum is this big problem?


    I cannot believe you guys are still buying that excuse. It's just another demand in the long list of demands by Mayweather.


    And ya boy sympathizes with Sterling. I had to add that.


    Valid point but who says the relationship didn't sour more?

    And by the way that 4 years ago Mayweather signed his portion of the contract, Pac didn't he was affraid of needles!


    And again Floyd called Pac on the phone a year ago and tired to wire him 40 million dollars to fight and Pac put up his middle finger and never sniffed 40 million.


    Or the time Golden Boy and Floyd actually was ready to do a deal but Arum said this make believe Staduim wasn't built i time.

  9. Pac  knows Mayweather won't do business with Top Rank, here is Pac chance to make 40+ Million to be a free agent for one fight making way more money without being scewed but by Arum and he chooses not too, after the fight you can always go back to top rank.

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  10. Perkins is doing a great job on Z BO, I wouldnt have him starting but hes a great guy you want on the bench, he is also an enforcer you need those on your team. Offensively he is terrible and for that contract he has theres no way I would want him but hes still solid.

  11. Durant, Westbrook, and Ibaka are all great. But nobody else on OKC would even be a rotation player for the Wizards. That team is not solidly built.

    Jackson is better than the whole Wizards Bench

    Butler will have a spot over Webster

    Perkins offensive is very limited but defensive hes much better than Booker on anyone else

    Thunder doesn't run a offensive its one on one for 75% of the game, My 2 favorite Thunder plays is Westbrook runs up and shoot the quick three LOL, and Westbrook walks up the court and pass to Durant who is posting up at the 3 point line for his iso.

  12. OKC have a great team and solid from top to bottom.


    Ibaka- defensive stopper and solid offensive game

    KD-  Stone cold beast

    Perkins- Defensive stopper

    Sefolosha- Defensive stopper

    Russell Westbrook-  The mini Black Mamba


    Collison- every team in the league can use a hard worker like him

    Caron Butler - Solid player

    Reggie Jackson- can start on some teams

    Lamb- played good at times but don't get many minutes.


    can use another big man.

    Thats a good playoff rotation, coaching is killing them I used to like Brooks but this 1 on 1 play enough is enough. Everyone stands around and watch Westbrook and Durant, even Westbrook and Durant stand still and watch the other go one on one and take tough shot after tough shot. Theres barely any floor movement at all its crazy. Westbrook usuaully sholders the blame he doesn't run the offense or has this low BBIQ but really theres no offensive, OKC has to have the smallest playbook in the league from what I see. At the end of the day its blame Westbrook that Durant doesn't get enough shots they both get way to many shots I don't understand you want Durant to shoot the ball 35 times a game? This team needs a coach and its instant championship imo.

  13. The bulls aren't done.... yet. If the wizards take a 3-0 lead I'll feel a lot better. The wizards aren't exactly dominant at home and if they can't fix the free throw issues they're likely to give a game away.


    Need to win game 3 most important game of the series cause I am going to be there!!!! Section 111 row B I am going to be in the ****ing house!! representing.


    Freethrow shooting Wall missed 2 big ones, Beal missed one to get the lead, Nene and Gortat wasn't even close on there late attempts.

  14. You guys look at DC like its a big basketball market ITS NOT! top free agents never want to come here, we have to build a winner through the draft and trades OKC style or Grunfield style trading for assets while takin on huge contracts (Gil, Butler, Jamison, Nene). Rarely will a team luck up on a Westbrook and Durant or draft like the Spurs those GMs are the best of the best and its a very few of those.

  15. Isn't it flat out amazing that we got Nene for JaVale McGee and Nick Young?

    I remember saying to TRGE in a PM a year or two ago that the Nene deal was a remarkable and improbable bit of good luck for us.

    How often does a team get Buyer's remorse on a guy literally within months of signing him to a 5 year deal? We were in such a bad spot with JaVale. We needed a big man, had no prospect of getting one, and were looking at having to stick with JaVale at 10+ million a year just to have someone. We never would have gotten one as good as Nene on the open market at that point.

    That trade was a key change in fortune for us. We've been sweating it out since the day it was made because of his health. But Nene has been a big legitimizing factor. We got a good player and got out of our JaVale situation. Plus got rid of Nick Young in the process. That's ended up being a major win for Ernie.

    Other improbable bits of good fortune:

    - Trading Gil for Shard. Then trading Shard for Okafor and Ariza (a trade I slammed at the time). Then trading Okafor and the first for Gortat.

    First off, I still can't believe we were able to trade Gil's contract. Thank you Otis Smith. Turrible. That was one of the biggest mistakes that led to Dwight Howard leaving Orlando too.

    Second, when have the Wizards EVER been able to take another team's underperforming, overpaid players and have those guys bounce back and revive their careers and smash expectations? And yet both Ariza and Okafor did. That's when you could see the pieces falling into place and feel like our luck was changing. That trade was a major win for Ernie and pretty much none of us liked the move when it happened.

    Then the final bit, we were saved by Phoenix making Gortat available. They thought they were tanking! They never would have dealt him for an injured, expiring contract and a mid first draft pick if they'd known how good their team was actually going to be.

    So we got lucky again and Ernie got another win. Now we just have to finish the sequence off and get Gortat extended.

    But if you think about, we got two of our key players for Gilbert Arenas's awful contract and an 18th overall pick.

    Vesely for Miller already looks like a pretty impactful win for us too.

    Other critical bits of luck to: winning the lottery in the John Wall year. Only moving down one spot in the Beal year, and having Charlotte take MKG instead of Beal at 2.

    And then it hasn't shown up yet, but I think jumping up to 3 and getting Porter is going to end up being an important moment of luck for us too.

    Of course we've had bad luck too. Dropping to six in 2011 and ending up with Vesely instead of Kanter or Valanciunas was rough. Valanciunas looks like he might be pretty special. Plus lots of injuries: Wall, Beal, Nene, and Okafor stand out.

    We took a Karmic beating for three decades. 2009 was really a nadir. Maybe the Basketball Gods are rewarding our suffering?


    Sounds like a pro Ernie post? Put your helmet on because theres getting ready to be a War! don't worry I have your back. '

  16. Didn't see the fight, Bradley is a tuff mofo so beating him I got to give it to Pacman. Question though reading on the fight why would a guy with 6 knockouts main gameplay is to push for the knockout with one punch haymakers? PAC got caught yes by JMM but the Pacman is known for having a solid chin.

    When they showed that on the live broadcast I was almost in tears laughing

    Crazy and scary at the same damn time, I saw one where she was talking to her device or picture or whatever that was and did some finger thing so fast at a split of a second. WTF is up with that

  17. Me the judges and Bradley had Bradley winning and that's all that matters. Jk

    I am just saying it wasn't a robbery far from it, if you had PAC winning then fine it was a close fight. Fact of a matter PAC missed most of his punches on a guy with 2 bad ankles.

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