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Posts posted by Bang

  1. Which is why I want a health insurance system that isn't tied to employment. I want my employer to give me money to put towards health insurance as I see fit. That way I'm spending my own money on my own health insurance, meaning I'm looking out for the best price and the best service. With employment-based health insurance, someone else is spending their money on me, which means they're looking for the cheapest, not the best quality. If we're spending government money, then we're spending someone else's money on ourselves so we'll get the best thing available costs-be-damned since it's not our money.

    If we chose our own health insurance, companies would have to cater to us to keep our business or risk losing us to someone who will treat us better.

    Well, again, I have no idea how you figure insurance companies do anything for you now.

    They'll make you feel special til you need them. Then you're nothing but a liability. You move from asset to expense.

    You already have to have them, just by the operation of our society. A broken leg can break a family if they aren't covered. A traffic accident can result in financial ruin if not adequately covered.

    You can 'choose' to not have them, but all you've done is choose to play the odds against needing them, and you'll lose. (and you can't choose not to have car insurance,, unless you choose not to drive. And what happens to your car insurance the second you use them to pay for anything?

    You can choose the most gold encrusted premium plan there is, and the first thing they'll try to do is **** you out of it when you need it most.

    As it is now, employers provide health insurance for most people, and most people don't have much choice as to which company is chosen for them, other than to find a new job if they don't like it, or buy a policy on their own, which is cost hilarious.. i mean prohibitive.


    ---------- Post added June-29th-2012 at 01:44 AM ----------

    Off, but on topic.. .I can't wait for John Stewart tonight.


  2. Not a fan, but at least that's a tax everybody pays. This is a fine for not purchasing a service. By forcing people to purchase health insurance, you're just begging for the companies to not give a **** about service because you have no choice but to get it.

    As someone else pointed out, when you inevitably need this service and decide that you shouldn't have to die even if you didn't buy it and now can't afford what it will take to save you, why should anyone else absorb your costs?

    Will the people who don't want to pay do the honorable thing and die without forcing their costs on everyone? Whyen they break their leg, will they accept their lameness and go find a stout stick in the woods to lean on?

    (I bet they don't. I bet they scream bloody murder to be cured or healed or whatever else they need and didn't plan for.)

    Honestly, the fear this produces... here's a clue. Insurance companies don't give a damn about you NOW so long as you pay your premium on time.

    And as soon as you need them they look for the fastest way out of paying for what you pay them to handle. It's their FIRST RESPONSE. The agent tells you not to worry, and their lawyers look for the out.

    You're scared they'll treat you like a number, which they already DO.


  3. Romney has already come out as saying that if elected, he will work to overturn the law. Romney is framing the choice: Vote for me if you are against the health care law, or vote for the other guy if you're for it.

    Its probably a good strategy.

    You know, i remember back in school when i learned all about how America worked, and how democracy was the greatest thing ever.

    So let me get this straight.. Obama is voted in with a super-majority, with healthcare as one of the cornerstones of his campaign.

    The Republicans scream throughout the debate that Americans don't want this, even though they voted in all of the people who said they'd do it.

    The law passed after some good scuttling attempts, and now the majority conservative court has upheld the law.

    So of course in many minds this in NO WAY means that the majority of the American people wanted this, and in NO WAY does the SUPREME Court have the supremacy it takes to convince them that the people voted for it.

    So, the answer is to work to overturn the will of the majority.

    I think my Civics teacher got it all totally ass backwards.

    Now a majority vote means nothing at all... in fact, all it means is that the one's who lost should only SCREAM LOUDER.

    We are devo.


  4. The did what normally takes bands decade long careers to do over the course of a couple years and 2 albums, Appetite and the Illusion albums. They went from gritty, nasty, stripped down rock n roll band to a bloated, hysterically over produced, arena act.

    Too bad to..a lot of potential.

    Yeah, Axl went nuts..

    But I remember seeing this concert on MTV when it was new, and it blew me away.

    I was drinking machine shots with my step brother, his girlfriend and my girlffriend. (I don't know what y'all call them now.. we float the rum on top of the coke and shoot it.)

    This still ranks as the BEST concert i ever saw televised. I almost put this in it's own thread, I know there's a lot of GnR fans on the site.


  5. Thanks Koolblue, i love this little vehicle!

    Thanks Skinsmarydu, appreciate it. It's USAF E7, Master Sergeant.

    Hey! Former Airman myself. Love the MSGT stripes.. it's such a large block of stripes the patch stiffens the entire sleeve. impossible not to notice the master.


  6. Looks like someone mixed up the meanings of Punk and New Wave.


    And then someone who knew what New Wave was kicked them in the head.

    I'll give it a single point for including Love and Rockets... who were not punk Or new wave.


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