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Posts posted by Skins24

  1. 1 hour ago, The Sisko said:

    Again, Hamas isn’t right or justified to do what they did. However, given that Israel implicitly abandoned the peace process years ago, they set the stage for this themselves. You pen people into the world’s largest open air prison, allow them only enough money and other resources to barely eke out survival, “mow the grass” every so often in Gaza while slowly and methodically ethnically cleansing them from the West Bank, while giving zero prospects for ever peacefully resolving it. Then you wonder why the hatred has grown from typical antisemitism as the baseline, to a visceral hatred violent enough for them to commit these kinds of atrocities.

    Israel will likely be more or less successful in eradicating Hamas, both the fighters in Gaza and later, over time, the leadership. However, if the aftermath doesn’t involve them reopening serious peace talks that include some level of the right of return, they’ll just be tamping down the powder keg again. With no hope of a resolution, eventually everyone has a breaking point where they say **** it, I’ll take as many of the ****s with me as possible. 

    This is not exactly accurate. Israel didn't abandon peace. It WAS/IS seeking peace, unprecedented relations, with entities that actually matter. 

    You're also completely ignoring the past 100+ years. You think the hatred to commit these atrocities came from recent Israeli actions?? lol


    'nother question - a what would you do question. 

    You're in charge of Israel. West Bank is failing, and would in no way be able to create or sustain a functional State. Gaza is controlled by a terrorist organization that the West Bank doesn't even like. Honestly, the best course of action would be to allow all (non-terrorist) Palestinians to just become Israeli citizens, but how would that look? What are you doing? How would YOU seek peace or relations with an entity that will not exist in a year or so?


    This is a wholly curious 'What If....' question with no correct answer, or who knows, maybe it is.

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  2. 44 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    No civilian casualties in this setting is nearly impossible, giving 24 hours for half of Gaza to move to the other half is hardly trying, imo, and it should be fair to call that out as wrong AF.

    As opposed to the 0 hours Hamas gave before starting this?


    Everything else you said is pretty much irrelevant. This isn't Israel's first rodeo. If any army is built to minimize civilian casualties in a densely populated area, it's them.

    Since 9/11 (remember that, and how quickly WE were in Afghanistan?) urban and asymmetrical warfare has been a focus for all parties with interest in the region.

    Your posts are showing a presumption that Israel is just going to go in there and start indiscriminately slaughtering civilians, like Hamas is doing. We have not seen one shred of evidence that is or is going to be the case.


  3. 2 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    Gaza isn't a terrorist organization, Hamas is...


    The WWII equivalent is - the Germans weren't bad, the Nazis were. Or The Japanese weren't bad, the Japanese were.

    We don't live in a world that simple. Hamas has complete control over Gaza



    1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:

    Now I ain't stupid. Again, watch the news every day and stay informed. Israel has been very unfair to the Palestinians. Let's get that straight right off the bat. Israel came over after the Holocaust, took their land, and built settlements.


    That's not right.

    It's literally not right, as in not exactly correct.

    There was no organized "Palestinian" country. The Brits agreed to call the area 'Palestine' and so any Arabs in the land were Palestinians. I guess the Jews in the land at the time were as well. Post WWI was just as important to the evolution of the land as post WWII, when even then there was the promise of a Jewish state and migrations back started even then.

    The back and forth with this land goes back thousands of years, not just 70 or whatever. The distant past in inextricably linked and tied to the present.




    I pray we one day live in a world as simple as some are making this out to be.


    Just one question to those, I don't want to say justifying, but I don't know, not rightfully condemning, what the Palestinians have done and are doing - do you not find it odd that every single Arab country was willfully allowing the PA to fail? (this war will exponentially accelerate it's demise) And not a single one is lifting a hand to help? Why do you think that is?


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  4. 27 minutes ago, Anselmheifer said:

    But, he absolutely is going to get better with his processing speed and reads, and honestly, he looks pretty good in that area now for a 2nd year QB. He hit what, 11 different receivers against the broncos? It’s not like he locks in on a primary. 


    I struggle with this. I don’t think he’s ever going to be a top 5 QB, but if we upgraded the OL and added a real weapon at TE, I think you could get top 10 production out of him.


    Hit 11 different receivers yesterday, 10 vs the Broncos (9 vs the Eagles.)

    He's been excellent in spreading the ball around.


    In terms of yards, he may be a top 5 QB. Only for the fact that we pass it 50 times a game....

  5. 51 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

    They can't score that fast, if they aren't on the field. I'm glad EB added a new running play this week and left the sweep from gun to the right at home, but when you run such a piss poor offense that can't stay on the field and gets your QB sacked 5 times and hit 11 more, you're not doing your defense any favors. We've seen it for a couple years. Our defense spends way too much time on the field and gets ragged out.


    Problem with this is the Eagles game just a few days ago.

    The offense DID stay on the field. The offense WAS effective. And yet, our well rested defense still did absolutely NOTHING....



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  6. 23 minutes ago, MartinC said:

    Let’s summarise.


    Del Rio needs to be fired today.


    I would assume Harris will have a weekly post game meeting with Ron. He should ask Ron what he intends to do about the defense. If part of that answer is not making a coaching change at DC - I’d fire Ron as well.

    Wholeheartedly agree.


    Except Del Rio needed to be fired a couple years ago. We have been decent at times (looking good on paper, yet still wildly inconsistent) in spite of him. Based on pure talent alone. Absolutely nothing to do with his schemes or game plans.


    No Del Rio doesn't miss tackles or gets beat deep. But he doesn't correctly utilize the talent we do have to put players in the position to make those plays.



    40 points......TO THE BEARS! There HAS to be immediate consequences.

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  7. Don't remember much about the seasons, but I do remember the 87 and 91 Super Bowls. First memories of the team.

    In the more modern era, the Monday night miracle is far and away one of my favorite moments. Pretty sure I woke up the whole neighborhood.

    2012 was/is of course one of my favorite seasons.

    One my favorite live experiences was the win over Jags in OT in 2006. The stadium was absolutely insane!!


  8. 42 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

    Hey y'all. I'm still without power and hearing Jose is now a cat 4, with Lee behind it. 


    I've heard jose won't make landfall, but that doesnt always include us.


    Any updates ?

    Yes, Jose is a Cat 4 and might clip some of the northern isles but generally a fish storm.


    No Lee yet. Not even an organized tropical wave to produce a Lee.

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  9. 1 hour ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:



    That's right.  Nah man, prep as best you can for a serious continuous storm.  **** that forecast.  Even if they end up being right, this is a freak storm.



    Hurricane Patricia in 2015 should be considered a Cat 6 or 7 hurricane, but only killed 7 people when it hit western Mexico.  Atlantic hurricanes are, on the whole, weaker than Pacific hurricanes.  So Irma is at a disadvantage when comparing all tropical cyclones.  Hurricane Andrew in 1992 is where you have to look for a comparison. 

    Yep, I should have specified in the Atlantic.


    Even the eastern Pac hurricanes don't hold a candle to the typhoons of the western Pacific. They rule all. I don't think Tip will ever be topped (that's what she said?) 

  10. 6 minutes ago, skinfan2k said:

    the geography of this area makes it very hard for hurricanes of this level to come up the coast. 

    Yep, geography is everything. 


    Georgia hasn't been directly hit in nearly 100 years because of that curve in. 

    North Carolina saves us by sticking out. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Koolblue13 said:

    Miami floods from thunderstorms. This monster is going to **** it up. Crazy storm surge and winds. Not that much rain. Hoping the warm waters before Florida don't strengthen it up more.

    The "good" news is that, environmental (upper air) conditions look like they won't be as perfect for Irma as they have been. So despite the warm waters, we probably will not see much more strengthening with it. Plus she'll be interacting with land which could disrupt her circulation a bit. While not necessarily weakening a storm like this, it doesn't help them. Plus she's getting long in the tooth. To sustain this much energy for this long is not easy. 


    That being said she still forecast to be an absolute powerhouse by the time she comes to visit Florida. By no means should anyone take this lightly if they hear she may weaken a bit. If it happens she'll only be weakening from one of the strongest storms ever to...one of the strongest storms in decades. 

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