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Posts posted by Skins24

  1. 60 short years ago that many black people in a church was a firebomb target.

    And now they happily support free speech.



    Not sure why people are trying to make this a Christian thing. Because a Christian gave his opinion on gay marriage? *Shocker* he's against it! Who would have thunk?

    I'm 100% sure many of those who went to Chik Fil A were not Christians.

    Wasn't Obama a non supporter well until a couple months ago, where was all the outrage against him?

    Anyway, funny....


  2. The pants are low because....well...they're women's jeans....


    Bieber spoke to Life & Style magazine about his affinity for ladies' jeans. "I've worn women's jeans before because they fit me. It's not a trend; it's just, whatever works, works." Again, Justin says this isn't a trend, so if everybody starts wearing Not Your Daughter's Jeans, don't blame him.

    Bieber was responding to a question about Kanye West's decision to wear a women's sweater. "It wasn't (so he'd) look like a woman in a sweater; it was just a regular sweater that happened to be a woman's."

  3. Re Longoria - Just by looking at it (on youtube) you can see the ball teleports the last 10 feet or so.

    What was the consensus on the Fantasy File commericals? Real or fake? :)


    (thought about putting the Jason Campbell one up :ols: )

  4. The autocorrect seems like bull**** to me. The only thing my phone autocorrects is SEC to second. Pisses me off everytime.

    It's not bs

    I've seen some weird stuff...

    Doesn't matter either way, that site is still the funniest on all the internets! Some of those have had me in tears :ols:

  5. How did you miss this China!?


    Video in link, very much NSFW

    A crazed naked man seen menacing New York City subway passengers on a scary new viral video was handcuffed and transported to a Bronx hospital last week, but not charged in connection with the bizarre incident, according to police.

    The man’s May 2 outburst occurred on a northbound 6 train in the Hunts Point Avenue station in the south Bronx. As seen in the video, which was originally uploaded to YouTube by a straphanger, the man yelled racial and ethnic slurs as he finished removing his pants.

    After hurling himself into a set of doors, the man took off his boxer shorts, which elicited squeals from shocked observers. As a police officer was talking on his radio, the man bolted from the subway car and accosted a woman walking up a stairway. After slamming a package of hers to the ground, he lunged at a man walking perilously close to a platform edge.

    With the help of some male onlookers, the cop succeeded in wrestling the man to the ground, where he was subdued. A police spokesman told TSG that the man, 41, was treated as an emotionally disturbed person and transported in custody to Lincoln Hospital for psychiatric evaluation.

    The Transit District 12 officer with whom he grappled suffered a minor injury for which he was treated and released at Jacobi Hospital, the spokesman added.

  6. The other one is growing pretty fast, certainly not as fast as Friday but still a couple hundred thousand views a day....


    Did I miss something?

    What's up with these videos depicting these barely teenagers driving. Did they lower the driving age?

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