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Posts posted by PCS

  1. 1 hour ago, Grumpy Vet said:

    Thanks for the reply guys.  The one she is using now is, much to SS's chagrin, is a Canon.  It is a PowerShot A2600.  It is pretty old.  Maybe she doesn't need a DSLR and there is another option that would allow for more tweaking of settings / filters / etc.  I have been reading up on stuff over the last couple days but honestly there is so much conflicting information that it is making my head swim........so here I am asking for a little advice.  Appreciate it.


    Yep. You find that as well out there. Sometimes,it just depends on the person giving the info or doing the review and their own personal biases on brands and such. Though I have found some general consensus where reviews are concerned between some of the bigger sites. DPreview,Cnet,pcmag,digital camera world. Sometimes that's a good start. 

    Some of the really nice point and shoots that let you have more control are close to the same cost as a good entry level DSLR,(or in some cases even more expensive),but they can be limited on what they let you do. I'd recommend,(imho),an entry level,(usually an aps-c sensor),dslr. Preferably mirrorless,(more expensive sometimes,but lighter and that's where things are heading imho. A lot more options for the user on those. Sony has set the standard when it comes to mirrorless especially. Though other makers are catching up or trying too. They all have some good deals on bundles too. 


     Adorama and B&H photo have some deals on used ones at times and they're pretty good places to go. Amazon as well but have to be careful on the seller. Best Buy offers black tie service on some cameras and man that saved my butt in the past. That said,don't fall asleep on the smaller camera shops. Many are certified to repair all the cameras they sell and that's important. They also can let you have the chance to go hands on the camera before buying and that's a very good thing. Camera just has to feel right. :) Something to think about. Hope that helps a little.  All imho of course. :)

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  2. Yep. Way too many options. ;)  I daydream a lot looking at some of them,(some as expensive as a nice car). Just out of curiostiy,what kind of point in shoot. Sometimes makes the transition to a dslr easier if there are good options by the same maker. Also,there are some awesome compact camera systems out there that are classified as "point and shoots."

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