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    football, theatre, sf/fantasy lit.
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  1. Do you have any connections to people that do write-ups on startups? My startup will be at the DC expo October 25th and we will start a slow rollout soon so I'm starting to get to the outreach to media part.

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    2. Burgold


      Nice to non-virtually meet you, Sam. I've got four pitches right off the bat. 

      Ellouise Schoettler has been doing extensive historical research on the "Hello Girls" The girls were one of the first all women units used in the US. In WWI, they were sent to France to enable communications between the generals and the troops. Like the boys, they endured hardships, attacks, and bombings. When the my returned home they were stiffed of vet pay, honors, and recognition. They fought for 60 years before they began getting their due. This is a group that deserves to have its story told and its Xistance recognized. 

      In the same vein, Bernard Storch survived the Concentration Camps and when free joined the army  he wound up being in the first wave to march on Germany  

      On a lighter note, Chic Silber invented much of the magic we associate with circuses and Broadway  His first show was the original production of West Side Story, but he's been a part of everything from Man of La Mancha to Wicked  His side gig was working for Barnum & Baileys where he helped train tigers, and invented numerous lighting and special effects  

      Last one, I'm not sure that it fits as well, but I have a ton of great tape from Adam West (Batman) Karen Gilan (Dr Who) and a bunch of writers and artists  would the Xistance of pop culture or comic cons be interesting to you?

      Let me know if I'm on the right track or if any of these are winners  



      301 502-7248





      I also have a couple more business ideas that might be better moved to a phone conversation or email ?

    3. Hersh


      Shoot me an email at shershey@xistance.com and let's set up a time to talk on the phone. For the first three which are all super interesting (someday I'll take my kid to comic con but it's not Xistance yet), are you talking about interviewing those specific people? I mean it's yes to all.

      Dream big going down this road of history/story telling and where do you end up? What division of Xistance are we creating? Is it just podcasts or is it something more and how are we putting the content out?

      Thinking here: Xistance has a podcast that has Xistance users coming on to tell their stories. We also have a history based story telling one along when you are proposing. Or are the basically the same thing?


      Oh, when you shoot me the email, please copy and paste all four ideas and we can also discuss the other business ideas.

      In a week or so you are going to officially become an early user of Xistance and when we talk I'll give you the rundown on how this came about and my ever expanding grand vision. I love this kind of stuff.


    4. Burgold
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