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Posts posted by 88Comrade2000

  1. We don't know the full affects of Obamacare because of all the waivers in effect in year one.  Once those go away we will get a better picture.



    Also, whether it stays or goes depends on who wins in 2016. Dems win the Presidency as expected; then Obamacare will become a permanent fixture of the land.   It will be modified but it will remain.



    The GOP wins full control in 2016, then they repeal it though better have something to replace the popular benefits because by 2017 that will be 3 full years and I don't think people will want gone then.

  2. There have been so many spin-offs of Star Trek that I'm sick of them all!

    The only way to interest me is to do a reboot, and forget the whole TNG universe ever existed, but Trekkies would march on Rome and burn the city to the ground!

    I think Rick Berman already did that.   They milked Trek until it ran into the ground.

  3. TNG didn't hit it's stride until the third season.  Season 1 was partially redoing some of the classic series stories plus I think they did some of the scripts from the aborted Star Trek II series.


    TNG could've easily made it to 10 seasons before hanging up but Paramount got greedy. 


    I would love to see Babylon 5's JMS's take on the show.

  4. i am changing my thread to acommpanying all things Star Trek.  News,Movies,TV, Merchandise, Etc....






    Will leave the original post and question: Star Trek: It's almost time for a return to the small screen or is it?





    2012 saw the 50th anniversary of James Bond.  2013 saw the 50th annivesary of Doctor Who.


    Another big 50th anniversary is almost upon us.  2016 will be the 50th anniversary of Star Trek.  Star Trek:TNG will celebrate it's 30th anniversary in 2017. Last year was DS9's 20th anniversary.



    Star Trek 3 should be out by 2016, I think they want to have the next movie out for the 50th anniversary.




    I am thinking that by 2016/2017 enough time will have passed from Star Trek Enterprise- 11/12 years that a return to the small screen for Star Trek would be welcome.



    OF course, what kind of show would bring Star Trek back to the small screen?   Would it be a reimagined version of the original show with all new cast, seperate from the current and classic Trek movies?   Would it be something in the Star Trek Universe but related to the original series or it's sequels: TNG,DS9,Voyager?     Would it be something in the Star Trek Universe but related to the modern movie series?  


    I just feel the time is right for another TV show in the Star Trek universe.

  5. Fox's "Almost Human" is back with new episodes tonight.  Fox's "Sleep Hollow" is also back for it's final 3 episodes of Season 1.  NBC's "Blacklist" is also back with new episodes tonight.


    SyFy starts airing the new season of "Lost Girl" and the amercian version of "Being Human" tonight.  


    SyFy also premieres "Bitten" a show about a female werewolf starring Laura Vandervoort tonight.


    Also, this past Friday "Syfy" aired the first 2 episodes of a show called "Helix" which airs Fridays at 10pm, plus they made available the third episode online.



    For those who like "The Following" that starts up shortly and also the new season of "24".

  6. Those 2 superbowls plus the fact the Giants went from 0-6 to 7-9 gave Tom one more season.







    The early line for 2014 Hot SEAT:



    1.  Giants: Tom Coughlin- A third straight non-playoff appearance will doom him.  It's playoff or bust in 2014.

    2.  Boys:  Jason Garrret- I think a 4th straight non-playoff appearance will do it for Jason.

    3.  Dolphins:   Assuming Philbin returns but he's definitely on the Hot Seat for 2014. Playoffs or else.

    4.  Jets-  Rex saved his ass for 2014 but no playoffs in 14, no more Rex.

    5. Steelers-  They are patient bunch but 3 years of no playoffs might do Tomlin in.  Playoffs or else in 2014.

    6. Falcons- A second straight non-playoff appearance will put Smith on the hot seat.



    Raiders- Allen-  still awaiting word if he will be back or not.  He will be on the hot seat in 2014 should he return.

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