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This article seems to be pretty accurate. The Cowboys did have a better offseason (on paper), but they also had an incredibly awful offense last year. What have they done to improve on that side of the ball? Dallas is coming off of a terrible year at 5-11. the Skins are coming off of an 8 and 3 finish. We have a better team right now than anyone in the NFC east. We made some great additions with minimal losses to an already good team. We are going to shove the f**king football up their as* on Thanksgiving.

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When I read this article and checked my AFC Championship possibilities for the coming season, I felt good about my picks.

I also had the Skins and Cowboys in the playoff hunt this year.

IF nothing pans out, so what. I expect an improvement over last season, which is consistancy, drive, team effort, leadership and storming the Bastile! (Eagles).

Though I will never, ever be a cowpoke fan and dont' think that much of them as a team, they still did some things right, as it is written. I also believe we are on pace for something truly wonderful!

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Originally posted by Skins56

This article seems to be pretty accurate. The Cowboys did have a better offseason (on paper), but they also had an incredibly awful offense last year. What have they done to improve on that side of the ball? Dallas is coming off of a terrible year at 5-11. the Skins are coming off of an 8 and 3 finish.

Dallas added Gurode (OL) and Bryant (WR) to the offense, both of whom were considered 1st round picks by most. We also brought in a new OC to revive our passing game. Dallas also signed Hutchinson at QB to backup Q. carter.

We have a better team right now than anyone in the NFC east. We made some great additions with minimal losses to an already good team. We are going to shove the f**king football up their as* on Thanksgiving.

Was that a joke? :?: I would think that even most cowboy fans would admit that the Eagles still have to be considered the top team in the NFC East until someone knocks them off. They lost a few players, but they still have a pretty solid team.

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Originally posted by smith22

Was that a joke? :?: I would think that even most cowboy fans would admit that the Eagles still have to be considered the top team in the NFC East until someone knocks them off. They lost a few players, but they still have a pretty solid team.

Explain to me what kind of running game the Eagles have. Who's their starting running back? Also, what is their linebacker situation looking like now? If they've been experimenting with Barber in the middle, they're f**ked.

Also, smith22, congrats to you guys for bolstering your offense with some rookies. Let's just see where our teams are at when we meet on 11/28.

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If Spurrier's offense clicks quickly we MIGHT give the Eagles (and/or, God forbid, the Cowboys) a run for the East title and have a nice run into the playoffs. That is no sure thing. Despite their losses I think the Eagles have to be favored in the division right now. There is still a formidable defense and a few offensive weapons to deal with there.

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I agree that the Eagles certainly have a better team together than the Cowboys, but quite honestly Philly's defense doesn't look that scary anymore when I compare it to our's. Not to mention, I have a hard time giving their offense credit for anything when McNabb is shut down, as we did in Philly last year. They don't have a running game. I feel very good about our corners covering their wideouts. I still think the Skins have the best group of players right now in the NFC East, and those players love the coaching staff and love the systems that are being put in place.

Da**it, this team finished 8-3 last year with an offensive scheme that the players didn't believe in. This year the players love SS's system, and they know they're going to be successful in it.

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I agree with Skins56. I think there is no way we do worse than last year. Not a chance. I think Dallas had a good offseason, yes, but I think we are going to be the best team in the NFC next season. Yes, we have the best Defense in the NFL, but my upset special is the Washington Redskins having the best OFFENSE in the NFL too. Call me crazy, but right now, Spurrier is a little too calm, quiet, and confident to NOT think so.

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I do not understand why the media still thinks the eagles are the class of the nfc east. I really dont understand it. The Cowboys got alot better. The Redskins got alot better. The Eagles got worse. While they have a good defense they are very suspect against the run. The media is underestimating the loss of Trotter. He was their best defensive player. It could be argured that he was their best player to stop the run. I beleive they were ranked 18 against the run(not that great). If you look at the game against the raiders last year when Trotter was out of the game they ran all over the eagles. His replacement Gardner was ineffective. When the coaches of the eagles are qouted as being upset over not getting Nickerson( nowhere the player he used to be) then you know there are some problems. They have a great secondary but it doesnt matter if they cant stop the run. The loss of Trotter is huge.

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They are basically going to be the Redskins of a few years ago with no linebackers. They dont realize right now, but when you have undersized linebackers who can't tackle, you don't win games. Its just that simple. They are the tacklers of the defense, and when they dont wrap up and are too small, you are in for a hurting. This is what the Eagles and their fans will realize come September 16th when LaDell Betts is running free into their secondary and TRUCKING Bobby Taylor and putting his old *** into a hostpital.

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I like the reference to Ladell Betts, I think this kid is going to do very well in this offense as a receiver coming out of the backfield. I'm hoping that all of the magazines and writers do a draft analysis midway through the season. If Russel does what I'm hoping for, our draft rating may quickly change to A+ status. Not to mention our whiz kid quarterback that Steve Spurrier is "creating". What a great couple of years we have ahead of us.

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