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Criticism of the Redskins IS warranted

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Originally posted by Henry

I disagree. Wow. I REALLY disagree. This kinda scares me Om. You draft a guy like Bailey or Samuels or Taylor or Arrington ... or even K Lang, you'd better damn well hope he's good enough to AT LEAST win a starting job almost immediatey or he's a bust. First rounders get paid far too much money to ride the pine for more than a few games. They are the blue-chippers. That's why they are such hot commodities, why we had to give up three picks for a late first rounder this year. Non QBs who don't start fairly quickly are guys like Desmond Howard or Andre Johnson, guys who you don't see on the field and think "what the heck is wrong with this guy?" and invariably can't cut it.

Maybe ... MAYBE on a top notch team with no holes I could see a first rounder sitting for a season.

But we ain't a top notch team. We're not even an average team yet.

Philosophical difference, I suppose. I HATE the idea of asking a 22 year old who’s just been handed a check for $X million, and is still figuring out how to work the laundromat and GPS on his Escalade, to be ready to start and be anything resembling a “contributor” on a team with playoff aspirations. I understand how economics have forced the issue though. I also understand that really high picks, like the ones you’ve named—logically—tend to go to really bad teams; teams WITH holes that need immediate filling.

I’m just guessing you’d not find a coach in this league though who would start a rookie due to anything but necessity. If I were such a coach, I’d be one of them. But I can’t really disagree with your point ... other than to suggest I see less immediate need on THIS team than I sense you do.

I’d be interested in who, and at what position, you might have expected a rook to start from day one for Gibbs this year. Rogers? Maybe ... but I’ll be surprised. I think he gets worked in slowly over the first 4-6 games, and then “starts” only if and when he’s clearly a better option than Harris.

I think Harris is good enough to back up the spot for a few games. I think our rook had better start within a few games or we are gonna be in trouble in the secondary.

Ibid :)

I think our WRs are mediocre. I think that the ONLY way I can like them is that Gibbs likes 'em. We don't have a bonafide #1 in the bunch. We don't really have a possession receiver. I don't think they will be our downfall, but I don't see them striking fear in the hearts of defensive coordinators across the land.

Here I WILL disagree. I think a whole lot of people are going to be very surprised indeed to see people getting open—open enough—in this offense. I think guys will find the yard of separation they need on those 12-15 yard sideline comeback routes that convert third downs, and see Cooley become enough of a threat underneath to draw attention and open seams up inside for slants and such underneath to the slot receiver, and then see Gibbs do what he’s always done—draw the defense in with the run, and the ball-control passing game, and take a half-dozen play-action shots a game down field to a streaking Moss or Jacobs or Patten who have drawn single coverage due to the scheme.

It’s what he did before, and I’m about 99% sure he’ll do it again over the course of 2005. I can’t “prove that” obviously ... so I’ll just hereby reserve the right to say a couple (very humble) “I told you so’s” around mid-season. :)

I think our DL could REALLY have used a pass rusher. We got by ok without one last year, but that doesn't mean we had one.

I don’t think the DL got any worse than it was last year, and that D finished 3rd in the league. Yeah, I’d have like to see a Merriman in the mix too ... but I’m going to head into the season thinking that the addition of a healthy LaVar, a healthy P. Daniels, plus the hopeful continued emergence of Warner, Evans and Clemmons will improve that unit just enough to keep the D at a high level and perhaps even improve on the pressure mounted by the down four.

I do think a true pass rusher is still on the shopping list. I just don’t think circumstances have played out in such a way they could get a guy they want at a price they could afford yet. I look for them to add that guy the minute they can ... be it later in this offseason as a cut-down, or as a top priority next offseason.

This really does come down to "Gibbs likes him and that's good enough for me." That's ok. I agree. I do. But that doesn't mean I can see WHY he thinks this is a good move. I can see why I think it's a bad one, though. Obviously Gibbs's opinion trumps mine every day of the week and twice on Sunday, but there it is.

I grew up on Gibbs football. I know what you're saying here. But if he managed to work his magic with a 6th rounder in Ryp and a 3rd rounder in Schroeder, why does he suddenly need to pony up a 1st a 3rd and a 4th for the next guy? That is a LOT to pay for a position he has never felt the need to invest so much in previously. This guy had BETTER be the next Dan Marino ... but then where does that leave Pat? Where does that leave our investment in time and a first round pick in that guy? Something just doesn't add up here. I'm just not seeing it.

Again ... I was surprised by the pick. On its face it DOES seem like the Skins paid a premium for this guy. At this point, the fact a guy like Gibbs, with the track record of developing far more unheralded guys at the position, would take young Mr. Campbell is as interesting and intriguing a move as I’ve seen this team make in a long, long time.

Like the old Chinese curse said ... “may you live in interesting times.”

We do. :)

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Originally posted by Bufford

give him some time to respond. I think cutting and pasting takes time. ;)

haha, very funny stuff. Its cool, but just to clear "that" up, I never copied and pasted anything

now back to your regular scheduled programming...

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Originally posted by footballhenry

Well I appreciate you clearing it up for me. Sorry for the confusion. I sense your a very sarcastic, and perhaps vitriolic person. Calm it down, it feels great outside!!!:cool:

I'm calm, man. :D All is well. I ain't mad at ya. I'm just trying to figure you out. You gave me an opinion, not a fact & I gave one right back. We simply don't agree. And that's ok. :)

And, I am a sarcastic individual. But usually more to get a laugh, not to belittle. Sorry if it comes across that way. :)

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