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Media trying to make something out of nothing - again?

Dead Money

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Yeah its from cough... PFT but its just the only thing I 've seen in print on the subject in a few days..

Rumblings from Lenny P that we were on a witch hunt for the "leak" of the cambell pick haven't seen much light but some in the radio media have suggested that Mike Kelly being released had something to do with it..

Just posting it if anyone else was interested. and don't get on me about pft, I really don't care.


In the wake of the terse statement that scout Mike Kelly is no longer with the Redskins, several readers raised with us the obvious question of whether Kelly was determined to be the guy who blabbed to ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli regarding the team's plans to draft Auburn quarterback Jason Campbell with the 25th overall pick in last weekend's draft.

We've learned from a league source, however, that Kelly was not the alleged leakster, and that his departure had nothing to do with the Campbell situation. Instead, we're told, Kelly left the team more than a month ago -- well in advance of the Redskins' trade into the bottom of round one and the subsequent report that they were targeting Campbell -- and that Kelly had no idea of the team's draft plans.

We're also told that, despite published reports to the contrary, the team conducted no internal investigation regarding the leak of the Campbell story. Apparently, the team attributed the Pasquarelli story to the fact that Campbell's agent (Joel Segal, a presumed Pasquarelli source) and the entire Auburn coaching staff knew of the 'Skins' eleventh-hour visit with Campbell, and that the team's interest in him with the pick acquired from the Broncos at the bottom of round one might have been the result of some educated guesswork and/or speculation.

We're not saying that we completely believe that this is the way it all went down, but that's the story that's percolating out of Redskins Park.

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