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Anyone remember these little guys?


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I was looking thru my pictures that I have taken over the last year & found these. I found that I have far too many pictures of cicadas, so I thought I would share some of them. I don't know about anyone else, but these things invaded us like Martians taking over. There were literally hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of them in my yard every day & more coming out of the ground every night. I've never seen anything like it & I remember the last 17 year "Brood-X". They were nothing like last years. And this is the first time I can remember ever seeing white ones, like this one. The white ones are cool looking.

Anyway, here's something else to pass the time.

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They covered everything. You couldn't walk without stepping on & crushing several at a time with each step. You couldn't sneak up on anyone during that time because all you could hear was cicadas crunching under your feet. :puke:

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