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David Boston signs with the 49ers


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Originally posted by skin_finatic

could be a good pickup if he go's back to his cardinals form.

It would be an excellent pick up if he returned to his old form but he won't...who is gunna throw him the ball. I can see him being a serious malcontent on a sh!tty team like the 9er's. I honestly would have liked to see what we could have done with him.

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Originally posted by seanyt

Good pick up (for them!!!) no O-line, C. Wilson just left, unstable recieving Core, they already have a developeable Qb. about to draft anouther. that team has bigger probs. than we do...

we don't have as many problems as you may think (that is if you're a Redskin fan) It's still the off-season.

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Originally posted by jimster

we don't have as many problems as you may think (that is if you're a Redskin fan) It's still the off-season.

Uh oh, actually sitting here lMAO. Jimster I LOVE the Skins baby it's also the sole reason I own a direct tv system (NFL Sunday Ticket) cause all I get out here is CRAPPY 9er games, and the Raiders never sell out so there's a game I don't have to worry about avoiding. I don't miss any skins games, and you'll never see me shedding any tears over the 9ers falling from grace, figuring all the crap I take out here over being a skins fan, and no our probs. are actually meniscule compared to the probs. I listed the 9ers have, Heck when that tv guy wrote some thread a few days ago about how horrible it will be that smoot has left, my reply was Coach williams will have no prob. plugging a new guy into his system.

Oh and sorry for the possible confusion...

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