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i hear coaches like this guy a lot---they may have gotten a steal--this could be a good player who just never got his chance--it could be a guy who is good the coaching staff didnt like--heck i recall players named chris carter,keenan mccardal,frank wycheck,jim miller,antwan smith,ed mccaffrey etc falling out of the coaches good favor or never given a chance by his team --i think they all turned out to be good players---

sometimes young players just need a chance--it happens all the time--

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this will be interesting as the Redskins and Jets basically swapped Loverne for Dave Szott when all is said and done. And in fact the way the story goes Loverned would not have left NY if Szott had not come to town demanding to wear his #79 jersey. :laugh:

Szott may have been correct that in a veteran's league the younger player by custom SHOULD have given him the jersey number for a cash payment, but Dave looks really petty for continuing the battle after Loverne refused and supposedly recruiting other veterans to talk to management about it?

What a joke...............

Just wear another number, Dave. My god, you have been in the NFL for 12 years and you have such little faith in yourself wearing #78 or #69 instead? :shootinth

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For a rookie? OK.

But if I had been on the team for 3-4 years and sombody else shows up demanding my number, I would have a problem with having to give it up, even if I wasn't a Pro-Bowl, 8 year starter.

There are benefits in staying with the same team your whole career. Is the number 28 EVER in question here in DC?

Also, ya have to DO something to earn that kind of prefferential treatment. If LT showed up at a new team, he'd prob get #56, no questions asked, same with MJ and #23, Cal and #8 but, Dave Szott? Didn't he just come off an 8-8 season from a marginal offensive squad?

Was I appreciative of his contribution last year? Yes!

Could we run the ball effectively last year? Yes!

Does he deserve to walk into another team - his 3rd - and recieve his old jersey number? NO!

If that is how teams determine who stays on rosters and who gets the boot..........sheesh! What a mess (if true).

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