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The Giants game on 28th will be my first visit to Washington. Due to the game-time being moved I will be going more or less straight to the stadium. Can you give me some advice as to what to expect? Does everyone wear Redskins shirts and caps, what sort of food and drink is available, how much will it cost, what sort of temperature can I expect, etc. I want to enjoy the game (and possibly our performance) so don't want any unexpected distractions spoiling things.


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there will be skins peeps all over wearing skins gear....and some giants fans. You'll see the Nuns in Skins colors with signs that say "pray for a win" stuff like that. if you are just planning on buying food and beer there and not eating outside. I would bring like 20-30 bucks to play it safe. I would also guess it'll be cool out but not COLD yet. I hope this helps.


<IMG SRC="http://www.redskins.com/images/wheaties.JPG" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_02thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_03thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_04thumb.jpg" border=0>

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Please wear burgandy and gold. Not enough of the fans at the games do. It's terribly embarrasing. Hats are optional but the more, the merrier.

A beer costs $6. A bag of peanuts costs $4. A soda is $4. Coffee is $3.00. Hot dogs are $3 or $4 (never eaten them at FedEx before so this is from memory). If I were you, I'd bring a lot more than $20-$30 if you plan on eating aned drinking inside.

Temperature is always variable but I'd be shocked if the temperature was lower than 45 degrees F. Depending on your which side of the field you are on also matters. The Redskins sideline is colder because it is usually shaded by 2:00 while the visitors sideline is warmed by the sun almost the entire three hours.

My expereince has taught me to bring more than I need to wear and take it off if it's too warm.

Have a good time and a safe journey.


<IMG SRC="http://old.theinsiders.com/redskins/images/wash2-sm.gif" border=0>

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Dang Bufford, you are cheap date.smile.gif

I agree with Dark Horse, bring way, way more than $20-30. I have never been to Fedex, but when we make our annual trek to Turner Field to see the Braves (me, wife and son), I drop $150-200 without even thinking about it (this excludes price of tickets).

I don't know about you, but when I'm at a ball game, those $6.00 brews go down real easy.tongue.gif

p.s. Based on the current level of play of our Redskins, a serious dose of ethanol during the game may be required from strictly a medicinal standpoint.rolleyes.gif

[edited.gif by RedskinFan4Life on October 18, 2001.]

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I'm just not a fat-arse. If I were planning on going to the HOF store and buying stuff, I would drop serious bills but personally I like the tailgate with the little grill, cook a ton of burgers and dogs...then when its time to go in. Just drink beer and yell. 4 to 6 beers makes me cheap and drunk.


<IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_02thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_03thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_04thumb.jpg" border=0>

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