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TE Matt Campbell???

Guest The Angry Buddha

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I know it would eventually give away what we were doing (not that that could make things any worse, but I say use Campbell as a TE on running plays...we'd have six o linemen to block and open holes for Stephen. Maybe to throw the D off we could bring him in for some pass blocking as well.


Randy Redskin

Fan for Life

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I have not been much of a Westbrook supporter. His inconsistent production, attitude, and injury history make him a liability in my mind. Having said that, I think it is unconscionable to negotiate with the guy to get his salary down in exchange for incentives and then remove his ability to achieve those incentives. I think the Players Union ought to look at it.

If we want free agents to come to Washington (and it's always been an attractive franchise for free agents), pulling this sort of petty crud will undermine us in the long run.

If they want to cut Westbrook, cut him.

And if we're stupid enough to not use the guy and then let him walk as a free agent while we have any sort of trade offer on the table for draft picks, we're morons.

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true, unles you plan on keeping him, see what you can get NOW. Why do I have a bad feeling next week Marty will announce a contract extension for Westbroke?


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if Marty sticks around, I think Westbroke will be resigned if he can't get enough $$ on the FA market. Marty seems stupid like that.


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Bulldog, if Marty is still coach/gm next year, then why would it be so shocking if he kept the guy? for all we know Marty IS calling plays designed for Mike and Banks comes back to the bench after every 3 and out saying "he was covered"

I'm not saying that its a done deal, I just saying that I wouldn't be shocked if it happened.


<IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_02thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_03thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_04thumb.jpg" border=0>

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