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Have i missed something?!


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Hey fellow 'Skins,

Irish 'Skin Joey O here.

Well,i go away on vacation for a few weeks and all hell breaks loose.I became a member of these boards not long before the end of the season,and posted and read now and then for a few weeks.I took a timeout after yet another heartbreaking defeat in Big D for a little while,and then came my vacation,so i haven't been around in quite some time.And then the news starts filtering through to me.Coach 'Saviour' Gibbs claims his stay in D.C. may be a short one.90-catch Coles has been released to make rebuilding our stop-start offense even more of an uphill task.My favourite player Fred Smooooot may be off to the Jets,or elsewhere.WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?I left for Spain quietly optimistic that our 'Skins were heading in the right direction at last.Now i am just confused.I may have got all this completely wrong,but it seems to me like this has been a torrid start to the offseason for the 'Skins.So could you all just fill me in on EVERYTHING,and i mean EVERYTHING,that this offseason has entailed for us,such as the facts behind the stories i spoke of earlier,and any other possible happenings and changes in FedEx.


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Coach 'Saviour' Gibbs claims his stay in D.C. may be a short one.

I suggest you watch the sarcasm!!!!

Gibbs isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Coles is a punk, but has not and will not be released (traded possibly, but released :nono: ) Smooty is pretty much gone unless a miracle happens.

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1. Gibbs has stated he will be here for the term of his 5 year contract, at least.

2. Coles has not been released. He may be traded, he may be released, or he may stay a Redskin. Unclear. Rumors have included (a) outright release in exchange for Coles forfeiting $5m of his bonus; (B) trade to the Jets for Santana Moss; © various potential suitors including the Ravens, Bears, Vikings, and 49ers. The big issue here is our cap room and whether we end up getting $5 mil of Coles' signing bonus "voided." If we can't do that, then releasing or trading Coles depends on us restructuring Samuels' contract (See #7).

3. Smoot may leave, but he is saying the right things about wanting to stay. Same story for Antonio Pierce.

4. Gardner is most likely gone via trade for a mid round draft pick.

5. Rumor had us picking up FA CB Samari Rolle, but that looks to be a bunk rumor started by his agent.

6. Ramsey, Randy Thomas, Jon Jansen, and others have restructured their contracts to help the cap.

7. We are working to restructure Chris Samuels' contract in order to make it more friendly for this year. Hopefully this will happen soon.

8. Brunell is still a Redskin. ;)

I'm sure I missed something, so someone fill in.


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Gibbs was, unsuccessfully, making a JOKE about his tenure in DC being short. His attempted "joke" was that if the team keeps losing, his stay here in DC may be very short. However, he didn't exactly say it like that and the media ran with it as if he said he was only staying another year or two tops.

LC wants to be a FA. Team is trying to work out a trade to get some value for him, as they seem unwilling to release him. A lot of Redskins faithful's opinions towards him are souring for his seemingly "crybaby" attitude.

Smoot wants to test the market rather than just sign what the 'Skins have put on the table. There are reports we may be signing Samari Rolle to replace him, but I don't think its definate by any means yet.

We may possibly lose Pierce as he wants to test the market, too. Some other team may pony up more cash than we can afford to make a counteroffer.

Anything else?

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Sarcasm?God no,read my sig,i worship this guy!

Glad we'll get something for Coles,i've read a thread here mentioning S.Moss,i'm not really his biggest fan,but better than nothing i suppose...

Has Smooooot said he wants out like Judas Coles?I find that hard to believe,i love the guy...

This is a NIGHTMARE!

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Vacation…that’s a great idea. I’ll probably have to start going to some remote location around this time of hear and come back a week after FA. But then I’d have to do the same thing around draft time. Oh well…

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Great stuff guys,thanks,i think i've got it all,and everything 'aint as bad as it first sounded.Time for a deep breath,i think!

So how about giving me the 'Skins starting line-up you WANT for next season,followed by the 'Skins starting line-up you EXPECT for next season,include draft picks where you see fit.Not so clear-cut with this,shall we say,'eventful' start to the offseason!


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Originally posted by joeoconnor

Sarcasm?God no,read my sig,i worship this guy!

Glad we'll get something for Coles,i've read a thread here mentioning S.Moss,i'm not really his biggest fan,but better than nothing i suppose...

Has Smooooot said he wants out like Judas Coles?I find that hard to believe,i love the guy...

This is a NIGHTMARE!

Sorry I'm in just one of those moods today, where I'm itching for a fight!!! :redpunch:

No Smooty never said he wanted out, just that he wants to get paid. He has turned down (what I think to be very reasonable) a contract offer with 10 million signing bonus, and says he wants 14 million. :doh:

You're right though, this is a nightmare. Not at all what I was hoping for this offseason.

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I have to say,Coles by no means surprised me,*****-ass *****,(sorry!),but i'm completely taken aback by Smooty.If,before i went on vacation,i was asked who is the one player in the line-up who personifies the "True 'Skin",i would have most likely gone for him.Sad.Downright sad.

If you look at The Dane's list of events though,all of them have at least a positive spin to them.Maybe it's not all that bad,i'm gonna give things time and cross my fingers they'll work themselves out,it's not like it's the Redskin Apocalypse or anything...(Apart from that bit about Brunell still being here,LOL!)

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This is the list of things we as fans and our coaching staff needs to do. It's easy to understand.....

1.Trade Coles(i spit at the way he is acting)

2.Sit back, who cares about Smoot cause we have Greg Williams.

3.Screw Samuels, who wants a greedy **** anyway.

4.Get Mike Williams cause he's sick nasty

5.Sit back and let the success come in this season, cause it will!!

(Joe Gibbs Forever) Sean Taylor is AMAZING!

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A few minor grievances with your post man:


2.I CARE ABOUT SMOOOOOT!But yeah,with Greg in tow our D isn't gonna become a sore point overnight.I'd love Smooty to stay more than anyone,but if the rumors about Rolle are true i should get over it pretty quickly!As for Pierce,great season,but our linebacking is still great with or without him,LaVar coming back,(remember him?!)Barrow coming back,(let's see if he can still produce)Washington a Pro-Bowler and Marshall another one coming off a great year.DE my only severe want on D.

3.NOONE wants a greedy ****,but let's not be too hasty here...If he stays,we can look at the o-line and realize C is the only place where a decision needs to be made.

4.An option,without doubt.I'm swinging to and fro as to whether i'd prefer a WR or DE first round.Depends on how the Coles thing pans out,who we get for him and such.But our D seems to be doing JUST FINE without a stud DE at the moment.Prioritisation!

5.Damn well hope so!

Yes,Joe Gibbs forever!Sean Taylor:Amazingly enthusiastic and hard-hitting?Yes.Amazing?Not yet,in time,i reckon.Bit of an over-pursuing problem,as has been well documented,but nothing a few years with Coach God can't sort out!

And yes,i did enjoy my vacation,thanks for asking!

Any comments/thoughts?I'd still like to hear the whole starting line-ups thing...

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