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Shane Mathews Released


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Mathews was released by the Bears. I think the Skins should pick him up for the Vet minimum. Its not bad to have a veteran to start the season, at least we know that he can marginally play in the NFL. I can see him start the first game and play until Ramsey is ready.

1. Mathews

2. Ramsey

3. Rosenfels

I really don't think Weurfell will make the team, despite Spurrier's attachment to him... I see in him Tommy Maddox, who was Reeves' favorite, but eventually got cut from the Giants.

Blake signed with the Ravens -- that hurts, I'm sure the Skins were gonna give him the Vet Minimum -- his agent f*cked up big time. Blake would have been a great mentor to Ramsey... oh well. :hammer:

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Originally posted by DCdemolition

Blake would have been a great mentor to Ramsey... oh well.

I'm not so sure. He wants to start too much, and we've already seen how selfish he is in a number of situations, must recently with this FA contract, and that ended up biting him in the arse. We don't need him.

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This'll be great. We can get a QB for every quarter.

Danny Woefful gets the 1st Quarter. He knows the system, and Spurrier gets to try and prove himself right.

Pat Ramsey gets the 2nd quarter, so he can develop and get used to the pressure of the game.

Sage comes out in the 3rd quarter to spark the team with his athetic ability.

Shane closes it out in the 4th with his sure veteran presence.

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The presence of Shane Matthews is likely worth from 1 to 3 more wins this year for us, or 1 to 3 fewer losses depending on how you look at it. We simply have too few snaps at QB right now for us to reasonably think that we won't lose some close games that we should pull out, or give away a couple of games that we should have won. As average as Shane Matthews is, he's a veteran with quality game experience who should be able to avoid mistakes while the young'ns learn. That means that he could be the difference between 7-9 or 8-8 and the playoffs.

If we sign him, Craig departs now, and either Wuerffel or Sage will be cut later, depending on who's performing better come the end of training camp.

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Wonder what Marty would give us in trade to get back his QB of the future? I'd hate to see us go through camp and eventually cut Sage. Sign Matthews and trade Sage for a mid round pick or a backup player at another position.

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Marty's got a better QB of the future in Brees on his roster, plus Flutie to deal with. And besides, Butler's running that front office in SD. It's at least even money that Sage will be cut during training camp, so no one will trade for him anyway. Sage will unfortunately end up on the scrap heap here after little more than a year, unless either he really impresses, or Wuerffel simply sucks.

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