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A whole lotta random thoughts...


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I can't believe we had the ball, a 4 point lead, two time outs and less than 2 minutes to play and still lost. Unbelievable.

We shoulda won.

I knew we'd loose.

Too cold for golf tomorrow. Damn. It would feel good to hit something, even a tiny little defenseless ball.

Gees, I hate the Cowboys. Why can't we beat them? We're better...

I have a headache.

Stupid Parcells...damn him anyway.

Why didn't we throw a pass at 3rd and seven? A first down would have won the game. A running play was doomed at the start.

I feel sick to my stomach. My wife just asked me what I want for dinner. Can't even think about food right now.

God, I hate the Cowboys. Stupid smug arrogant Cowboys.

In the Really Big Picture, this game does not really matter.

Eff the Really Big Picture.

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