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Too bad Graham won't be playin, for a sec Redskins had a chance.


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Its funny to hear you all thinking Tony Banks is the man. He is no good, and will prove it when he throws atleast 2 INTs this weekend. Man when things are goin good, people can really spread the love, even if it is the same QB that was disowned as soon as he stepped off the plane in Washington. You would have been better off with Graham, he would have been a better mistake-free QB, that would have let Staphen Davis win this one for you, but the mistakes Mr. Banks will make will lose this game for the Redskins, ouch it hurts to put all your excitement on a guy who has no home.

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Now I know why Rocky spoke like that. It must be in the water up there. rolleyes.gif


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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The Redskins have Stephen Davis, and I admit he's one of the best in the NFL, and I also admit that the Eagles will ahve a fit trying to stop him. But what do you do after that?

The Eagles haven't lost in November, and it ain't gonna start now. Sorry guys, no luck.<FONT COLOR="Green">Text</FONT c>

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I'm holding my breath on Banks. It's hard to argue with history and I'm taking a wait and see approach.

However, I think you are wrong about Graham. Graham's mobility rivals only that of a tackling dummy. One of the things that helped the Skins 'turn the corner' was Banks scrambling ability. He's moved the chains at some crucial points and gives the offense a dimension that we have not had here in a very long time.

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If Percentages were a gauge, then Banks HAD his bad game, this past Sunday and we still won. Now, that behind, he can resume being in the driver's seat. Yes in all honesty the guy's a walking magnet for quick timeouts and in the first quarter and fumbles multiple times (in fact Banks holds the NFL record for most fumbles in a season-OUCH).

However, there still needs to be established organization to the team for it to achieve goals. If Bailey or Smoot goes down, we turn to Green. If Green achieves the goals we set to handle that particular offense, fine. Then when the previous starter is healthy and the coach still sees that as the best possible chance of winning, he'll go with it. The same goes for the QB position, even though the better results were clearly in the reliever's efforts (Graham).

Keeping confidence in the starter, while he is still able to QB, keeps stability on the team, and adds to it's focus. Should the starter then fall apart, make those bone head mistakes yet again up until the 2nd quarter, then the coach can say, "I don't like this at all, I'm going with Graham" or he can simply let Banks work through it.

I just don't think it is wise to change starting QB's like that. Of course some players may lean to what happened last week, but it is the coach's job to make them realize it took all their efforts to get through the game, and Graham's contribution was exactly why Marty wanted him on the roster - to backup his starting QB. This case is not the same as the Jeff George incident where there was clearly no, absolutely NO continuity to the offensive strategy that fit him and his unwillingness to take the lessor of the passing distances, etc.

Maybe it wasn't, but Banks problems seem to be the actual moving out of the way, or holding onto the ball. His movements can be corrected, with game strategies, but holding onto the ball is an "instintive" thing. He will have to absolutely improve this area rapidly, as nothing hurts as bad as a drive killed by not protecting the ball, while knowing you are about to get hit.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on November 20, 2001.]

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Lets Face it, neither Banks or Graham are the future QB of the Redskins but I feel that Graham gives them a better chance to win. The Skins defense is playing very good and I think Graham will make less mistakes then Banks including unnecessary time outs. If Marty does start Banks and if he is ineffective early, then he needs to go to Graham.




life long Skins fan

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A cursory look around the NFL at discarded quarterbacks who redeemed themselves in another locale might make someone a little hesitant to write off a player at age 28.

Rich Gannon and Vinny Testaverde were on the NFL scrap heap beyond 30.

Jeff Garcia came into the NFL at 29 from the CFL. Warner?

How about Flutie? This guy reincarnated himself in the NFL at age 35 after only Buffalo would give him a second chance.

It's really funny to me that the same fans of the Eagles who were booing the selection of Donovan McNabb at the draft in 1999 are now going around convinced which OTHER quarterbacks in the NFL have a future or not.

I prefer to seek the counsel of more proven experts biggrin.gif

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it seems clear from the record that the Eagles are doing what a #3 seeded probable division winner does in the NFL, it wins games against weaker teams and division foes by good differentials and then falls short against the better teams on its schedule.

The Eagles blew out Dallas, Arizona (Gm 2) and Minnesota but lost to the Rams and Raiders who lead their respective conferences in wins.

That places Philly in the good but not elite category at least for now.

The biggest problem I have with thinking about the Eagles winning out against the elite teams is the fact that there is no Marshall Faulk or Tim Brown type players on their offense. Guys that have a history of making big plays in crucial games.

Staley, Thrash and Mitchell along with Lewis are good players but none are franchise talents. Too much pressure is put on McNabb to create plays out of nowhere each week.

That tends not to work against the better defenses and defensive coaches in the NFL, who can game plan to stop one player.

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Originally posted by The Dark Horse:

Having said all that, the Eagles are still the team to beat in NFC East. I know 'cuz Marty said so. And no way am I questioning that guy.

You like those Rocky Movies huh? How about Godzilla Movies? Godzilla will be performing at the Vet on Sunday. He is feasting on Pig, Errr, I mean Redskin Quarterbacks. LoL

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