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Article on Mr. Flea


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Actually, it's Zeron Flemister. But I had fun with his name. If you interchange the syllables of his last name, you get Mister Flea, from Flemister. But I guess most people call him Flem. I'll never forget this guy. He's the one that gave me the irresistible headline "Broncos choke on Flem", when he hauled in the winning TD in the last seconds in Denver.

Stephen Alexander, read and weep.


My bad, this has article has already been posted here. Oh well, maybe some other people here took a couple days off, like I did, and might find this to be somewhat new news

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That's ok its been slow so i dont think anyone really cares.

Plus we need to get Zeron as much press as possible. Ever since i heard the guys name ive been a fan. There is just something about the letter Z thats cool. Like Zarley Zalapski of NHL (Hartford Whalers) fame.

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Originally posted by Romo sits to pee

Ever since i heard the guys name ive been a fan. There is just something about the letter Z thats cool. Like Zarley Zalapski of NHL (Hartford Whalers) fame.

Ha, the only problem with his 1st name is that there's a ZERO in it :)

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