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S.Matthews Contract


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If S.Matthews is scheduled to earn more than $750K this year, would that automatically turn him into camp fodder as a 3rd string QB? With Miller and the aging Chandler, surely the bears would cut Matthews after the draft and seek a minimum salary prospect to develop.

If I was a Mendes, I'd play the waiting game. Sometime after the draft or after June 1, Matthews will get cut and will naturally sign with us as a FA. With that, I wouldn't cough up anything more than a 7th this year or a 6th next year.

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I agree with you. Rather than waiting to acquire another veteran, the Bears should have traded Matthews to the Skins for whatever they could get for him. Now with Chandler on board, it's almost a given that they will have to cut him. And since his contract with the Bears is minimal, they won't really have a reason to wait until June 1 to make the move.

So Mendes and company should just sit tight, wait for him to be released, then scoop him up without losing picks.

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The problem with that thinking is, his contract is quite cheap, and he's on the same tier as Jim Miller. The Bears won't cut him by any means, because every single QB they have on their roster is injury-prone. That means they need as much insurance as possible. We have to give up a pick, but I'm not 100% sold that it must be our 5th. I think we can get away with the 6th if we play hardball, but then again, I'm not front office guy, so I'll let them do the dirty work.:cheers:

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The Bears really dont have to cut Matthews, unless they draft a young QB to develop this year, because Matthews contract is so low. The sooner the Redskins get Matthews or Jeff Blake into camp the better, from a learning curve standpoint.

Even though Matthews formerly played for SS, bringing him in at the last minute this summer, would not be the best idea. Giving up a 6th or 7th round pick is not that big a deal. Typically these draft picks have less than a 50% chance of making a team. The last three drafts we have been lucky if we can draft anyone below the 2nd round, that remains on our team for more than one season. :(

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I believe next week, Joeskins will have it right. Matthews simply hasn't performed, whether potentially very good or not, to warrant a #5 at this time or the leverage is better for the Skins, even if he was. Another surprise move could see something develop where we don't even need him when it's all said and done. Chicago would be very wise to give the Skins Matthews, take the pick and add something to their team for an SB run.

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inmate is exacty right. it behooves the Skins to get their starting quarterback in place as soon as possible so we don't get off to another slow start.

True, Matthews knows Spurrier. But he doesn't know Gardner, Lockett, Flemister, Davis, Thompson, etc..........

there are bound to be adaptations that Steve makes to his playbook based on the skills of the players we have and the quarterback needs to be there to learn the subtleties of the hybrid system that we will ultimately use.

besides if we wait until June 1 and another team loses its starting quarterback to injury or decides it needs a decent backup, who wants to get into a bidding war for Matthews?

I know Matthews is not a pro bowl caliber player, but I have seen teams battle to sign even reserve players after June 1.

Who needs that hassle?

We got an extra comp pick in round 7 so a trade for the other pick in the round will leave us no worse off than before.

in essence we will have gotten Matthews for the comp pick.

and that's not really a bad price even if Shane only turns out to be a one year starter or backup for us.

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