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Dear Mr Gibbs


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Dear Mr Gibbs,

I had to watch as much of the game as I could from work today. Everyone I work with are Ravens fans. As they watched the game with me and degraded my beloved skins, I had to suffer through another skins loss (I worked the dallas game too). If we lose on Sunday I will have to hear about it all year. And these guys are starting to make me wish I worked with Dallas fans. If we only get one more win this season, please make it aaisnt the Ravens next Week.



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Dear Mr. Gibbs,

In 1981, after going 0-5, you changed your offense from Air Coryell to the one back power game to fit your personnel. I think you might want to look at that again. Design an offense around Portis. You might also want to consider giving young Patrick Ramsey a shot. Sure he will make mistakes but he might also open up the running game by throwing the ball downfield. Also, could you please go back to the Burgandy cap. The black one doesn't seem to be working very well. One more thing, could you cut back on the full pads practice. We don't look as quick as we should and maybe their legs are tired. Just my ten cents.


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