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Redskins Coaching Staff Takes Turn At Podium


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yeah, I'm on wireless. I'm stuck getting out of here. And I am appalled at this coaching staff.

disorganized, confused, out of touch with the flow of today's game, whatever you want to call it but what an embarrassment.

you can win a game in the fourth quarter save for the fact you waste ALL three timeouts in a 10 minute medley of the third and early fourth quarter.

and waste is the operative word.

slow getting plays in the whole night (geez the clock was at 00 on almost every play), the staff really blew this one with that last call on the challenge of the Glenn touchdown.

last week we had TWO plays that should have been challenged because there was evidence to overturn them.

we did nothing.

this time we had ZERO, ZILCH, no evidence whatsoever.

what the hell were the coaches thinking?

that was the last timeout for the GAME.

whoever is up in the booth advising the staff on the field has to be replaced. we need a determination on whether to challenge or not made a lot quicker than what we are seeing now.

what a brain fart.

another game thrown away. a second NFC East contest.

forget the blown pass interference call, the Redskins didn't deserve to win this game.

not playing it this way. this is the kind of stuff we saw with Spurrier here.

20-14 and 21-18?

sounds like close contests that could have gone either way, right?

well, from what I have seen the past two weeks, those close final scores mask some pretty smelly performances.

Time to take out the lye soap and wash this sucker clean for next week.

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