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Gibbs say we will win the East because of our QB situation

Says Portis a tough guy. Says he could have went out of bounds in the Miami game but went for the extra yards.

Talks about his adjustment philosphy. Don't want to show any team too much of a single play

Impressed with Betts

Says team is like a family when discussing Jansen's injury. Hate it for jansen but it is someone else's opportunity

Cooley is impressive...good runner with the ball. very bright

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Man on Fox 5, they showed a clip of Steve Buchantz interviewing Gibbs and Gibbs jumped all over him because he said that everyone was saying the Skins were the most talented team. This was his last superbowl team and Gibbs got mad saying we haven't won the division in four years and we have a lot of work to do. Man, Gibbs was pissed!

Of course, that was the year the skins only lost 2 games all year!

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Originally posted by jstimac

wait so Gibbs said we will win the east because of our QB situation?

That is what he said. I think he was referring to possible injuries. He looks at things in the long haul, so he is probably figuring if McNabb gets hurt, Philly is in trouble and same with Vinny in Dallas.

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That's interesting that he would say that. If you think about it like that it makes sense though, assuming one of the young QB's at Dallas isn't another Tom Brady. Good to hear from Gibbs who has been pretty reserved in what he's had to say about the team thus far

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There was also a segment where Joe answered the fans' emails. The first one welcomed Joe back and asked how long he was really going to stay. Joe laughed and said he signed a five-year contract, and he just hoped he was still standing. Then he added that and he intended to be here for all five, "unless they run me outta here!"

Thr next guy expressed concern about the kick coverage in the preseason and asked if Joe was worried that it might be a weak link. Joe responded that he thought we'll be solid on teams, and that Danny (Smith) does a terrific job. He said we've got great specialists in Tupa and Hall. Sonny joked that he's got to keep Hall from hurting people, and Joe said he told the team that the Redskins are the only team in the NFL that lets their kicker and punter get off the bus first. "They're *big* ol' suckers!"

The next email asked if the QB competition was slanted towards Brunell because of his big contract. Joe's response: "The way I answer that is, we're here trying to win games...obviously, I'm spending 18 hours a day - you work yourself silly, the team all knows who should play...what- you know -- should you play a guy because he makes more money? Is that really what that's all about? You'd have to be stupid. I want to play the guy that I think has the best chance to win football games, because that's how *I* get paid."

You can send your questions to CoachGibbs@nbc.com .

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