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Advice for getting Skins Games


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Okay, I'm about to go back to college on the West coast where I usually never get to see a Skins game.

All I have access to is University cable.

How can I see Redskins football?

Please help, I'm desperate. Can I get Sunday NFL ticket? or do I need satellite TV or something?

What should I do?

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Originally posted by docdru

So basically I'm SOL unless I get DirectTV or find my way to a sports bar (in the Bay Area where they only play Raiders and Niners games). I hate my life.

Though, 49er and raider fans are a dispickable lot, the bay area is not the backwoods, I know your only 20 but most sportsbars serve food and you should be able to see the game no problem, most bars have 4 or 5 games going, just find a place that has food and direct tv, almost all of them do, you might even find a redskins bar, look in the phone book, make some calls. I have never lived anywhere but hostile territory and I always find the game, i was even in europe one year and manage to watch it. Dont despair there are other skins fans out there.

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Originally posted by denverdan

Though, 49er and raider fans are a dispickable lot, the bay area is not the backwoods, I know your only 20 but most sportsbars serve food and you should be able to see the game no problem, most bars have 4 or 5 games going, just find a place that has food and direct tv, almost all of them do, you might even find a redskins bar, look in the phone book, make some calls. I have never lived anywhere but hostile territory and I always find the game, i was even in europe one year and manage to watch it. Dont despair there are other skins fans out there.

Thank you sir, you've just convinced me to buy a fake ID. Here that mods? Immoral activity going on over here. (J/K Henry ;) , I've already got one)

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