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Fantasy Football league in yahoo needs participants


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We have a free league in yahoo that needs more players. It's a 14 player head-to-head league. It's also a live draft that is occuring at 4:30 pm eastern time tomorrow. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy with it being a larger leagure or head-to-head for that matter. Other's don't like live drafts because they can't make that time or they have a slow internet connection. Can't please everyone. Feel free to join though if you are interested. Also, please only join if you're going to actively participate in the league. There's nothing worse than a player not participating.

The league info is:

League ID: 632551

password: skinsfb2004


That's the link where you need to join. I believe you need to have your own Yahoo ID already. If you don't have one, it shouldn't be too hard to create. Send me a PM with any questions because I might not be checking out this thread again before the draft.

Again, 4:30 pm eastern time on Monday, Labor day is the draft time. Join before then.

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