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Great moments in history...

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Just wanted to share one of the most memorable moments in my life with all of you REDSKINS fans before the game tonite.

In 1983, I was stationed in Germany while serving in the military.

I was out in the field on an exercise for Super Bowl 17 Redskins - vs Dolphins. I so much wanted to listen to the game on the radio that, alas, I volunteered for KP duty just so that the cooks would let me listen to their radio. I was an E-5 Sergeant at the time and this was unheard of for a Sergeant to be scrubbing pots and pans out in the field.

Well, was it worth it? I will never forget these great words spoken by the overseas sports announcer...

" It is 4th down and 1 for the Redskins... the handoff is to Riggins... he may have the 1st down... he may have more... he may go all the way!..... TOUCHDOWN!!! ... WASHINGTON REDSKINS!!!"

I had no REDSKINS fans to celebrate with because the cooks were all dolphins fans. I could not sleep for the rest of the night because I could not wait to be the messenger for all of my friends of the great news. WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!

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Hey, I was stationed overseas in Guam. Guam TV was not live at the time, but the island put together some money and would put the SuperBowl on live every year. I was lucky enough to be off that day and watched the game at a friends house who was a Skins fan. i just remember jumping off the couch when riggo scored the touchdown.

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Originally posted by afparent

Hey, I was stationed overseas in Guam. Guam TV was not live at the time, but the island put together some money and would put the SuperBowl on live every year. I was lucky enough to be off that day and watched the game at a friends house who was a Skins fan. i just remember jumping off the couch when riggo scored the touchdown.

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Originally posted by afparent

Hey, I was stationed overseas in Guam. Guam TV was not live at the time, but the island put together some money and would put the SuperBowl on live every year. I was lucky enough to be off that day and watched the game at a friends house who was a Skins fan. i just remember jumping off the couch when riggo scored the touchdown.

Riggo was da man!!!

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