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tailgating in the rain..... pics from the Carolina game!

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Originally posted by blondy536

Damn...I wish I was there. Even though it looks nasty out there. Oh well...it'd still be fun.:)

Yeah, I wish you were there too.

And you will be if you ever come to a game.

But believe me, this is only preseason. Our tailgates during the regular season are insane.

I'm looking forward to you joining us. :)

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Originally posted by rigginsbiggins44

Hey Blondie, why does that sign behind you in your 3rd picture say go Bucs? I'm so disappointed, you should have at least photoshopped a Go Skins in there

Ok, I'm blonde. Do you honestly think I know how to do that? I barely know how to put pics up here. People had to teach me how. And it says Go Bucs cuz I'm in Tampa, go figure. I get alot of heat for liken the Skins here. I love it. These people down here just don't know. If you look closer at the pic were standing under a Skins banner w/ our 1's up. When we were taking that picture everyone that was there was talkin smack.

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