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Skins blocking notes: Thin OT depth, poor TE blocking, Ray Brown still has it

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I'm still watching the Panthers game for the first time, and I haven't had much time to analyze OL blocking. Still, I have some random observations:

  • I'm still waiting, after two games, for the first great TE block. Rasby, Royal and Kozlowski, in the plays I've observed closely, look ineffective, and their ineffectiveness is shutting down plays. We may have the league's largest TE corps, but I'm not sure any one of them is a good blocking TE. Rasby has the reputation of being one, but it's not showing in the plays I've watched closely.
  • God help us if the team has to depend heavily this year on any of the following OTs: Daryl Terrell, Pita Elisara, Mark Wilson, Jim Molinara. Buges is a miracle worker, but these guys have been clowned at various moments.
  • Ray Brown still has it, especially as a pass blocker. Great feet, position, balance, alertness. Too bad he's a career guard and not an OT. With him on the bench, I wonder if our best five OL will be on the field.

Also, some other observations:

  • Brunell was let down by drops, blocking gaffes and untimely penalties. He gave me the impression of a man who knows what he's doing, surrounded by others who (at times) don't.
  • Rock didn't follow his blocks at times, and cut back on counter plays straight into pursuit.
  • Ramsey seemed less befuddled than the game thread indicated, but still ineffective. His timing and rhythm are off, and he seems to be having some difficulty hitting long in stride. His footwork is peculiar at times.

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