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Looking at the Lines


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So far, I'm dissapointed about the line play I see. I don't see a surge by the offensive line on running plays and the interior of the Defensive line is as weak as ever.

Now I know it's preseason but I thought that atleast we would see a better showing then what we're seeing so far from the lines.

Right now, Charlie Garner (Buccaneers..first game of the regular season) is licking his chops looking at the interior of our D-line. And as far our running game is concerned, our line isn't giving Portis a chance.

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I have to agree with you... I have watched the first game several times and it seems to me that the line when pulling moves to slow...

To early to really judge but a new system = Lots of thinking and less instinctiveness.. They just need more time to Gel!


Skin 4 Life

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don't worry about the line...this isn't gibbs's offense... I watched special on Comcast and Gary Clark said that in the preseason Gibbs doesn't give out the plays for that preseason game until the day before so they don't run them a lot... obviously Gibbs doesn't care about winning or losing in the preseason and he doesn't want to show his stuff... I think that may be why we haven't seen much out of the o-line...the d-line however is a problem and right now I don't see how to fix it

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You just lost Jansen and Gibbs is playing a plain vanilla offense right now. It is so obvious when Portis will run the ball. Hang in there and give Bugel some time to jell this OL. I too, have not liked what I've seen. We all want them to be blowing people off the line of scimmage. But I will be patient.

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K. Jones did not appear to be able to handle the RT position. No one else Bugel put in was able to do so either. We look slow and out of sync.

No one on the DL impresses me. I see some effort from the 3rd stringers, but none of them can beat their opposing OL one-on-one and break thru to pressure the passer. I know we are playing vanilla "D", but one of the DL must step up and be able to pressure the QB without stunts, blitzes, and schemes.

The DL is soft in the middle.


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O-line needs lots of work... gave up 3 sacks.... little push on running plays... could not seal off the backside rusher when pulling the guard. 2 fumbled snaps. overall just had no rhythm or rhyme.

I don't even want to talk about the d-line :(

but it is still early plenty of time for the coaches to get things going in the right direction.

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