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Panel's 2nd pregame pretenders and contenders


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Gari Scott-returning skills

John Simon-more returning skills

Rock Cartwright-Good rushing + ST play

Cooley-Receiving threat at H-back

Coles-big early catches

McCants-78 yards

Sean Taylor-Fumble forced in limited time

Lemons-good play and a sack

Cambell-continues to immpress, good positioning and play

Smoot-made tough tackles against bigger guys


Jimoh-got burned again, and made no plays. He needs to make some plays.

Ralph Brown- got burned on a wrong assignment, played real good other than that, but that was bad, real bad.

Ohalete-also got burned on a bad read, I sure hope he dosen't get cut, but he might.

All three QB- They all stunk today

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